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Indian allegations are 'nonconstructive and provocitive' | Gen Kayani

Sure shooting at villages and killing women n children u must be ... not to forget the ... ur doing in IOK.

As if pakistan backed terrorist or PA untill now has not killed any civilians .

Last day an innocent Indian fisherman was killed by pakistan forces .

So you can leave your holier than thou attitude .


I talk with facts not bs.

Everybody can talk with facts but the difference is I will get an infraction while you will be free to continue with your rants .
As if pakistan backed terrorist or PA untill now has not killed any civilians .

Enough BS.. this year alone over 13+ people in kazad kashmir have been killed by indian firing... including children,women and old men!

Last day an innocent Indian fisherman was killed by pakistan forces .

BS.. Im sure u read the articles i posted aswell... "innocent indian fishermen" cosing 8.1 billion rs loss to Pakistan,caught hundreds of NMs inside Pakistan,released by courts on humanitarian grounds before they even serve their sentences... all this despite the fact tht they have GPRS onboard... so much for innocent.. all of them numbering in thousands... and at times hundreds of boats at the same time fishing in Pakistani waters!

As for Pakistan forces.. lol.. they were maritime agency not the PN or even Pak Marines.

So you can leave your holier than thou attitude .

Oh please..........mass grave digger ..


Everybody can talk with facts but the difference is I will get an infraction while you will be free to continue with your rants

Yeah,yeah sure.. this forum is so biased ... i agree.. they let indians troll here so much... and despite tht they are not banned... want me to count examples? as for ur facts... dont make me laugh man!
Enough BS.. this year alone over 13+ people in kazad kashmir have been killed by indian firing... including children,women and old men!

Pak firing targets Jammu civilian areas, 3 kids among 4 hurt

You should be happy that even after your army fired at civilians they are still alive .

BS.. Im sure u read the articles i posted aswell... "innocent indian fishermen" cosing 8.1 billion rs loss to Pakistan,caught hundreds of NMs inside Pakistan,released by courts on humanitarian grounds before they even serve their sentences... all this despite the fact tht they have GPRS onboard... so much for innocent.. all of them numbering in thousands... and at times hundreds of boats at the same time fishing in Pakistani waters!

As for Pakistan forces.. lol.. they were maritime agency not the PN or even Pak Marines.

Those Indian fishermen were on our side of the maritime boundary not pakistan's . Your trigger happy agency killed one and abducted others as is the usual case .

And it doesnot matter whether it is PN , PA or PAF . A pakistani agency has killed an unarmed innocent Indian fishermen . That is what matters .

Oh please..........mass grave digger ..


And those mass garves consist of rotten bodies of pak backed terrorists .

Yeah,yeah sure.. this forum is so biased ... i agree.. they let indians troll here so much... and despite tht they are not banned... want me to count examples? as for ur facts... dont make me laugh man!

You can laugh all you want but when we start posting datas of mass rapes and killings done by your saint army , there will be no laughter left .

There are enough data even in this thread starting a few decades.
Channels are reporting that kiyani has just given statement and rejected Indian claims about is I and Pakistan army involvement in keran and other sectors
Oh yeah! Kayani and his gang are lily white! How dare anyone accuse them of involvement in exporting terror across into India and Afghanistan? Never mind if he disclosed to his American counterpart that these terrorists are his so called 'strategic assets'!

And, needless to say, no one in India cares a damn about what Kayani thinks. The whole goddamn world knows where the majority of terrorists come from. So Kayani can keep shouting from his roof-top that Pakistan has nothing to with terrorism. But even a 3rd grader knows better. Who is he trying to fool?
Pak firing targets Jammu civilian areas, 3 kids among 4 hurt

You should be happy that even after your army fired at civilians they are still alive .

Oh please.. man...

12-13 civilians killed by indian unprovoked firing in AJK... even targetted an ambulance...:"

Hundreds flee indian firing in kashmir:


Just 1 hour old news:

Civilian killed by indian military at LOC:
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan accused Indian military forces of killing a civilian and wounding two others in “unprovoked firing” across the border Saturday in the latest frontier flare-up between the nuclear-armed neighbours.
A Pakistani military official said a civilian was killed and two others were injured “due to unprovoked firing of heavy weapons including mortars by Indian Border Security Forces” near Sialkot in Punjab.
On Thursday, Pakistan accused India of killing a paramilitary soldier in “unprovoked firing” across the border in the same region.
The incident comes just weeks after the prime ministers of the two countries pledged to restore calm along the Line of Control (LoC), the heavily militarised de facto border in Kashmir, at a meeting in New York.
A deadly flare-up along the LoC in January stalled peace talks that had only just resumed following a three-year hiatus sparked by the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, which killed 166 people.
Fresh violence erupted on the LoC after five Indian soldiers were killed in a raid in August.
Delhi blamed that ambush on the Pakistan army, but Islamabad denied the claims and has repeatedly called for restraint and dialogue.


Similiar story on indian-bangladesh border... india has killed more bangladeshis in the last few years than the number of germans killed during cold war era!!!!!!! Bet thts also fake?

Those Indian fishermen were on our side of the maritime boundary not pakistan's . Your trigger happy agency killed one and abducted others as is the usual case .

And it doesnot matter whether it is PN , PA or PAF . A pakistani agency has killed an unarmed innocent Indian fishermen . That is what matters .

Again BS... even your own media is parroting "international waters"... and we know abt these "international waters" are actually Pakistani maritime territory!..

Again posting an article abt ur innocent fishermen ...:


Pakistan’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 200-nautical miles, designated by the United Nations, is overwhelmingly enriched in both living and non-living marine resources - especially the Indus Delta region has abundance of prime quality fish that entice the neighbouring Indian fishermen, who deliberately violate the international boundaries and indulge in illegal fishing activities in Pakistan’s EEZ.

Despite the best monitoring efforts of the Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA), deliberate violation of Pakistani EEZ by Indian fishermen continues causing huge losses to Pakistan’s fisheries resources. Emotional stories regarding the plight of Indian fishermen facing persecution in Pakistani jails are published. Some of the convicted fisherman, when interviewed by the media, projected the predetermined theme in a parrot-like manner. NGOs, humanitarian organisations, respectable members of the society, etc, in innocence adopt the same stance and project the fishermen as victims of the circumstances beyond their control. Arrests are blamed on the insensitivity and highhandedness of the PMSA and other Pakistani law enforcement agencies.

The PMSA, being the sole maritime law enforcement agency, undertakes concerted operational efforts to prevent the poaching activities by Indian fishermen. In this regard, besides regular deployment of ships and surveillance by aircraft, a series of focused anti-poaching operations are also conducted in the Eastern Maritime Region.

To curb this tendency, Indian boats close to the EEZ boundary (10-15 NM) are cleared from the Pakistani limits towards India.

Even among those Indian fishing boats, which intrude deeper into our EEZ, only a few boats are apprehended and majority are cleared off. Moreover, children/elderly are invariably released/let go, purely on humanitarian grounds. The extent of the illegal activity is an indication of the lure despite the peril of apprehension.

However, regular patrolling and clearing of these fishermen by the PMSA ships has progressively resulted in substantial decrease in the presence of Indian boats. During the recent past (September 2012 onwards), 131 boats and 484 crewmembers have been apprehended, which is but a mere drop in the ocean. During the trials of Indian fishermen, the Pakistani courts adopt a humanitarian view and award light sentences from one to three years for this deliberate illegal activity. Frequently, as a goodwill gesture, the government of Pakistan releases them before the end of their sentence. On the contrary, the Indian law enforcement agencies mete out very harsh punishment to the Pakistani fishermen and they are kept away from the judicial process for a long time.

According to marine experts, quality fish is available in abundance in Pakistani creeks. The Indian fishermen deliberately take risks to fish in Pakistani territorial limits. Such poaching activities not only deplete the highly priced marine species, it also inflicts a loss of Rs8.1 billion per annum to the government exchequer. During January 2012 to March 2013, 184 boats, along with 606 Indian fisher-folks, who were fishing more than 25-100 NMs inside our EEZ, were apprehended. It clearly reflects the deliberate intrusion marked by mala fide intent, especially when all the Indian boats have Global Positioning System (GPS) installed in their boats that tells the exact position of the boat. These fishermen mainly sail from Okha or Porbandar in India, which are around 115 NM (148 km) and 135 NM (250 km) (I nautical mile = 1.85 km) respectively from our EEZ.

The boats travel even further ahead of the EEZ and their deliberate acts of intrusion are done well within Pakistan’s waters. Most regrettably, some violators are apprehended even 100 nautical miles inside our waters. These incursions are not restricted to a few ‘innocent inadvertent crossers’ but at occasions number over 300 boats. The lure of the rich fish catch is extremely attractive and worth taking a calculated risk vis-à-vis the expected return. Moreover, the nets used by them are internationally banned, due to their very small mesh size.

On the contrary, any crossing by Pakistani fishermen into the Indian EEZ is indeed inadvertent as there is no fishing attraction in Indian waters. From January 2012 till end March 2013, numerous incursions of massive quantity (totalling thousands) were regularly reported in Pakistani EEZ. However, during the same period, only 12 Pakistani fishing boats were apprehended by the Indian Coast Guard units and that too in close proximity of the EEZ demarcation.

A hotline was earlier established in November 2006 for exchange of information and coordination between the two director generals. The intrusions are regularly conveyed to the Indian Coast Guards. Regrettably, the response has at best been lukewarm and no effective action to curb the ingress has been taken, indicating tacit state approval of this criminal activity.

- See more at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.co....dJ7G2qWw.dpuf



Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/indian...rat-fisherman-abducts-30-a.html#ixzz2i9qc8F87

And those mass garves consist of rotten bodies of pak backed terrorists .

Sure... so why does india shy away from the matter? Human right groups,international media services all are liars and thus banned from entering IOK?

You can laugh all you want but when we start posting datas of mass rapes and killings done by your saint army , there will be no laughter left .

There are enough data even in this thread starting a few decades.

Sure u will peddly 71 BS ... comeon kiddo u can do better...
Oh please.. man...

12-13 civilians killed by indian unprovoked firing in AJK... even targetted an ambulance...:"

So your army is not the saint you say it to be . That was my point .

Again BS... even your own media is parroting "international waters"... and we know abt these "international waters" are actually Pakistani maritime territory!..

So how come international water becomes pakistani territory ??

None of the links that you gave works .

Sure... so why does india shy away from the matter? Human right groups,international media services all are liars and thus banned from entering IOK?

Because we conduct our own investigation and there is no need from others .

Sure u will peddly 71 BS ... comeon kiddo u can do better...

It is BS to pakistan because truth hurts for you .
Funny yet unlike or barbaric rapist,mass murdering army we don't shell villages...nor sleep on borders..or army's stance in or dead soldiers..nor does our coas confess using proxys in other countries or paying puppet govt of iok to keep shut..no draconian laws none of that bs..

You can deny anything at the international level, but its the same guys who take jhanda and declare war against any country by means of terrorism...Please keep this to yourself we all know the inside story whether you deny it or not..The whole world knows it.

Your people have patronized terrorism.
The history of Pakistani intrusions (do 1947, Gibraltar and Kargil ring a bell?) and their going into denial mode afterwards clearly shows that they are pathological liars.
So your army is not the saint you say it to be . That was my point .

BS. A few injured in an incident vs 13+ people KILLED and DOZENS INJURED! HUNDREDS FLEEING.. Thts your point?

So how come international water becomes pakistani territory ??

Wow so why is ur media saying "international waters" while u were ranting indian waters? i also gave facts abt illegal indian fishing in Pakistani waters tht are causing Pak a loss over 8.1+ billion rs annually!!!!!!

None of the links that you gave works .

Do these work for you:





Because we conduct our own investigation and there is no need from others .

Lol sure.. must be the reason why UN,HROs,international media is banned in IOK? ur busy "investigating"... the rapes,killings,kidnappings,torture etc are all lies..

It is BS to pakistan because truth hurts for you .

Is tht all you got? pushing 40+ year old bs with no proven facts etc? how many "millions" was it again? even bangladeshis laugh at tht bs! while indian army has been commiting attrocities since almost 7 decades and still is!
BS. A few injured in an incident vs 13+ people KILLED and DOZENS INJURED! HUNDREDS FLEEING.. Thts your point?

Yes , that is exactly my point . Your army is not saint either . They have also attacked Indian civilians .

Pakistani firing forces villagers to flee border hamlets - Indian Express

Another brave act by your saint army .

Wow so why is ur media saying "international waters" while u were ranting indian waters? i also gave facts abt illegal indian fishing in Pakistani waters tht are causing Pak a loss over 8.1+ billion rs annually!!!!!!

Even if it was international water , who gave pakistan the right to shoot at Indian fishermen .

These claims are from pakistan . Who knows if it is not fabricated .

All these links are from pakistani sources . Anything that came out of fake wikileak episode is never believe pakistani sources .

Even if these news sources are true , hasn't India also arrested pakistani fishermen for poaching in Indian waters .

Lol sure.. must be the reason why UN,HROs,international media is banned in IOK? ur busy "investigating"... the rapes,killings,kidnappings,torture etc are all lies..

Yeah .... we are investigating . Any problem with that ?? Take it to UN . Not that we care .

Is tht all you got? pushing 40+ year old bs with no proven facts etc? how many "millions" was it again? even bangladeshis laugh at tht bs! while indian army has been commiting attrocities since almost 7 decades and still is!

Is that the reason why Bangladesh still seek a formal apology from pakistan for the war crimes ?? So much for the bangladeshis laughing .
Yes , that is exactly my point . Your army is not saint either . They have also attacked Indian civilians .

Pakistani firing forces villagers to flee border hamlets - Indian Express

Achha so how many civilians have died in IOK since the violations started? its 15+ in Pakistan dozens injured... hundreds of people fleed the areas! How many in IOK were killed in Pakistani firing?
Another brave act by your saint army .

Even if it was international water , who gave pakistan the right to shoot at Indian fishermen .

Some indians here say "indian waters" ... but atleast you said international waters... so tell me why would MSA go in international waters to kill a few indian fishermen ? something they havent done before as far as i can remember? although sri lankans were doing it!

The facts are in the articles... illegal violations of Pakistani waters and probably attacking MSA to which they used force!

Also Pakistan this year alone released over 500-600 indian fishermen..even before they completed their sentence terms.... india released what 50 something?

So whose the humanitarian? also hundreds of Pakistanis are languishing in indian jails even after serving their sentences.!!

These claims are from pakistan . Who knows if it is not fabricated .

All these links are from pakistani sources .

These stats were given to NA ... and even according to ur govts figures abt indians detained by Pakistan and a few Pakistani boats captured by india are true.. so spare me the nonsense..

Anything that came out of fake wikileak episode is never believe pakistani sources .

Tell me how exactly is wikileaks related to this thread or even my post?

Even if these news sources are true , hasn't India also arrested pakistani fishermen for poaching in Indian waters .

12 boats? want me to count hundred or thousands of indian boats? read the article instead of embarassing yourself!

Yeah .... we are investigating . Any problem with that ?? Take it to UN . Not that we care .

Lol your investigation are full of shyt..

Is that the reason why Bangladesh still seek a formal apology from pakistan for the war crimes ?? So much for the bangladeshis laughing .

Cool story... ask any bangladeshi on PDF abt the figures you pull out of some dark place...
These allegations do nothing other than malign Pakistan further and further at a time few people actually trust Pakistan. It is a sad reality and these Indians want to make things worse for Pakistan.

Personally I believe Manmohan Singh should shelve the rhetoric and work for long-lasting peace in the region. He has already made things worse with his comments.

In India action has never been taken against Hindutva fanatics, atleast Pakistan is trying its level best to eliminate right-wing mullahs and conservatives in the country. India has never taken such steps.

Atleast Pakistan tries its level best to eliminate the terrorists seeking to destroy every other religion in the world. Islamists will eventually fall that is certain, but India should take action against Hindutva terrorists in its territory and stop blaming Pakistan. Lets not forget Pakistan was blamed for the Samjhauta Express attacks and it turned out a nexus led by Purohit and Sadhvi Pragya was actually involved.
Achha so how many civilians have died in IOK since the violations started? its 15+ in Pakistan dozens injured... hundreds of people fleed the areas! How many in IOK were killed in Pakistani firing?

Both armies have fired on civilians but luckily no causality is reported on Indian side , only few injuries .

Some indians here say "indian waters" ... but atleast you said international waters... so tell me why would MSA go in international waters to kill a few indian fishermen ? something they havent done before as far as i can remember? although sri lankans were doing it!

You should ask that question to your agency , why they killed an innocent fisherman ??

The facts are in the articles... illegal violations of Pakistani waters and probably attacking MSA to which they used force!

Also Pakistan this year alone released over 500-600 indian fishermen..even before they completed their sentence terms.... india released what 50 something?

So whose the humanitarian? also hundreds of Pakistanis are languishing in indian jails even after serving their sentences.!!

Give links to your claims rather than just statements .

Tell me how exactly is wikileaks related to this thread or even my post?

That anything coming from pakistani media has to be taken with a pinch of salt .

12 boats? want me to count hundred or thousands of indian boats? read the article instead of embarassing yourself!

Are you telling that untill now only 12 pakistani boats are captured by India ?

Lol your investigation are full of shyt.

You can take it or leave it . We have nothing to prove to you .

Cool story... ask any bangladeshi on PDF abt the figures you pull out of some dark place...

LOL .... Bangladeshis in this forum are more authentic than the Bangladesh govt .[/quote][/quote]
Both armies have fired on civilians but luckily no causality is reported on Indian side , only few injuries .

Atlast you accept indian army firing on civilian populations... as for PA or Rangers do you think if they wanted to target villages it was difficult for them? nope.. we dnt do such ... things..

You should ask that question to your agency , why they killed an innocent fisherman ??

How abt indian fishermen doing something stupid and ended up getting killed?

Give links to your claims rather than just statements .

That anything coming from pakistani media has to be taken with a pinch of salt .

I already posted the links as for media.... they are sniffing coke... aman ka tamasha n bs... and the figures were presented to the NA.. "Legit".

Are you telling that untill now only 12 pakistani boats are captured by India ?

First leave the report beforeof asking ignorant questions.

You can take it or leave it . We have nothing to prove to you .

Double standards!?

LOL .... Bangladeshis in this forum are more authentic than the Bangladesh govt .

Same govt tht sucks upto india yet every day bangladeshis are killed by BSF... etc..

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