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Indian allegations are 'nonconstructive and provocitive' | Gen Kayani


Apr 28, 2011
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Channels are reporting that kiyani has just given statement and rejected Indian claims about is I and Pakistan army involvement in keran and other sectors
who cares what Kayani says.. We (Indians) all know the reality of Pakistani Army's statements on Kashmir Infiltration and LOC violations.

Funny yet unlike or barbaric rapist,mass murdering army we don't shell villages...nor sleep on borders..or army's stance in or dead soldiers..nor does our coas confess using proxys in other countries or paying puppet govt of iok to keep shut..no draconian laws none of that bs..
Ya , your army only actively sponsor , train and send terrorists to kill innocent people in other countries .

You for Information they are not terrorists, they are fighting against terrorist army who entered their land.... They are freedom fighters :)
Well That is his job. But no ones expecting anything from Pakistan here.

who cares what Kayani says.. We (Indians) all know the reality of Pakistani Army's statements on Kashmir Infiltration and LOC violations.

You guys are in the same boat and doing exactly the same, but you guys simply fail to understand this since your politicans and the politicans in Pakistan have mastered the game of playing with the peoples emotions.

Whats the use of all this hooooo haaaaa and this and that when the truth is that both countries are doing the same. The truth may hurt to someone, but you cant deny and run away from it no matter how hard you try.

About Kayani denying this, then would your army chief accept responsibility for something he knew was true? Nope. Never. Not at all. Even he would deny it.

Its basic knowlegde in politics.
who cares what Kayani says.. We (Indians) all know the reality of Pakistani Army's statements on Kashmir Infiltration and LOC violations.

No, you think you know the reality of Pakistan, just like most Pakistanis think they know the reality of India. The REALITY is that you should care what he says, why? He's the most powerful man in Pakistan, and the one who's going to replace him is expected to carry on his policies regarding India. So to ignore him is tantamount to letting Pakistan gain a diplomatic edge over India.

Ya , your army only actively sponsor , train and send terrorists to kill innocent people in other countries .

We can say the same for your army. Don't act like Pakistan is the bad guy here, you know damn well that India is just as bad as Pakistan.

What did we expect, didn't I say this will be a repeat of kargil, Pakistan Army will simply disown its soldiers to hide failure.

Later they will pop up in PA website pages as shaheeds ala Lalak Jan and others :lol:

Unless you have evidence, you're talking nonsense. This is not a repeat of kargil, that's just you wishing for something that will not happen.


Don't even try and compare the two. You and I both know that they're different.
I agree with you, two days after Kargil, everyone would have said the same thing.

But you see my friend, history has proven the modus operandi of pakistan army, thats where I am coming from..

No, you're coming from a place that only revolves around Indian superiority. Your view is tainted by your nationalistic ideals of India being the good guy and Pakistan being the center of evil.

The FACT is that even your own media is doubtful of IA's claims.

Army winds up Keran ops leaving gaps between its claims and what's on ground
No, you're coming from a place that only revolves around Indian superiority. Your view is tainted by your nationalistic ideals of India being the good guy and Pakistan being the center of evil.

The FACT is that even your own media is doubtful of IA's claims.

Army winds up Keran ops leaving gaps between its claims and what's on ground

If you mean IA moral superiority, absolutely.

My nationalistic view of IA is reinforced by the acts of PA, Kargil and '65 are proof of that.

IA has its fallaces I agree, but compared to what PA put the pakistani awam through, its an angel.
If you mean IA moral superiority, absolutely.

My nationalistic view of IA is reinforced by the acts of PA, Kargil and '65 are proof of that.

IA has its fallaces I agree, but compared to what PA put the pakistani awam through, its an angel.

And that is where I would stop taking you seriously if I didn't already do that since the beginning. Your views a flawed and they've been reinforced by your nationalist media. You keep talking about Kargil and 65, but you ignore the fact that IA has trained and financed terrorists in other countries (simple examples would be Sri Lanka and Balochistan).

Is it any wonder that the people of these two nations hate each other when both peoples can't get over the fact that their respective nation's militaries have done terrible and horrendous thing to each other and others around them?
Arming and training of terrorists and then aiding their cross border infiltration into India is fine, but Indians talking about it is nonconstructive. I simply cannot understand the Pakistani logic.
That's the problem with you guys, you already know the reality without ever listening to anyone.............

who cares what Kayani says.. We (Indians) all know the reality of Pakistani Army's statements on Kashmir Infiltration and LOC violations.

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