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Indian Air Force Sends Proposal For 33 New Russian Fighter Jets

indian economy cannot afford massive import of such expensive weapons for long period during difficult situation resulting from pandemic
I am still shocked at the 242 million dollar price tag for the Indian Rafaels. That is absolutely nuts. I'm sure corruption played a massive factor but even then, 242 million dollars??? More than double the price of the F-35. It looks like for now, India's BVR gap will remain huge against China. And this is not even considering the J-20.
Lol, Price of Vanilla Rafale R3 is just 120 million rest is India enhanced customization, 80% serviceability & 5 years of service & spairs.
And It also includes all 16 weapons of Rafale.
And for you BVR dream Indian has ordered 248 Astra Mk-1 & already using Derby-ER.
And who the hell care about numbers when your enemy is flying with a copied Russian engine & half weapon load.
I remember having a friend in college that was rich always buying the most expensive dumbbells and exercise equipment but never putting in work. Needless to say he was skinny as ever because he never trained.
And for you BVR dream Indian has ordered 248 Astra Mk-1 & already using Derby-ER.
And who the hell care about numbers when your enemy is flying with a copied Russian engine & half weapon load.
The copying stuff by China is over they are designing their jets and enginesfrom scratch now ever heard of WS-10/FC-31, you're farting behind your @$$

half weapon load.
No fighter jet in the world can fly with full weapon load and all full fuel tanks,its just marketing showoff, it can't fly with full weapon payloads and all full fuel tanks because it thrust to weight ratio is too low that plane could fly with full weapon payload and all full fuel tank, MR HYPER POWER OF THE THE UNIVERSE

All 4th generation are BVR capable. It more depends on Radar and AtoA missile. You find your target, lock them, and shoot. The missile will get there and missile seeker will start to work.
But the BVR capability depends on radar detection range, and Multi-target capability, as well as missile.
meteor is better compare with Russian R-27 I think.
My thinking too, I think it depends on radar range and missile range.
Some corrections:
Mki will not add to existing 272, it will make up for 11 crashes and 1 god knows what happened to that valiant jet. So after this purchase and if there is no crash of mki till next year will iaf reach the 272 mki mark.

73 mil a pop for second hand 4th gen jet is just too much. India sure is a holstein!

Wrong information

China has successfully achieved it first objective. Forced India to buy Russian jets again. Panic buy kept India away from western tech.

Indian need to face out approx remaining 54 Mig 21...

So mig 29 (UPG - upgraded) is a good option.

Meanwhile JF17 getting ready to take on 2nd Su30 MKI in coming days when India try to adventure again

JF17 should get a title of SU30 MKI killer
Andy u have solid proof of your fake claim. Hahsgagaha.. Pls stay on topic now. Thsnk
because you have also fake claims of about our F-16 Uncle, but world knows what happened,and also Lockheed martin and pentagon personals were at pakistani bases and counted our F-16 and SAID NONE OF OUR F-16 MISSING
because you have also fake claims of about our F-16 Uncle, but world knows what happened,and also Lockheed martin and pentagon personals were at pakistani bases and counted our F-16 and SAID NONE OF OUR F-16 MISSING
The same no su 30 missing.

Now can we come to topic, thks
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