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Indian Air Force Sends Proposal For 33 New Russian Fighter Jets

Sir its also very capable in BVR fight also but you know MAN BEHIND THE MACHINE/TACTICS SIR:angel:
I meant relatively incapable. At least compared to the fighters the Su-30MKI is supposed to go up against. BVR was the entire reason why India purchased the Rafaels. Otherwise, they would have stuck with the flanker fleet. There are notable deficits in the BVR capabilities of Russian jets and those of Western or Chinese origin.
China has successfully achieved it first objective. Forced India to buy Russian jets again. Panic buy kept India away from western tech.
Indians are so predictable, you kill a few and they start panicking and get milked in the process, 2 bil could have been used to make new MRT systems or pay the salaries of teachers and doctors which they always seem to forget. Lol

More Rafaels are too expensive ... on a cost-benefit basis, the Su-30MKI is a much better deal. Unfortunately, this also means buying planes which the Chinese are already extremely familiar with and probably know how to counter well.

After the S-400 purchase, I really don't see the F-35 being possible anymore.
I agree. Rafael is overpriced for slight improvement, they should have maintained and upgraded their SU30s, those are super planes if given radar upgrades. There is a reason why China choose Su30 airframe as our standard twin engine attacker. Mass produced in China and 100% local content means we can churn them out like pancakes.
Indians are so predictable, you kill a few and they start panicking and get milked in the process, 2 bil could have been used to make new MRT systems or pay the salaries of teachers and doctors which they always seem to forget. Lol

I agree. Rafael is overpriced for slight improvement, they should have maintained and upgraded their SU30s, those are super planes if given radar upgrades. There is a reason why China choose Su30 airframe as our standard twin engine attacker. Mass produced in China and 100% local content means we can churn them out like pancakes.
The Indians need the BVR capabilities of the Rafael desperately. Especially if they want to go up against the likes of the J-10C and J-16s. But yes, no fighter should ever cost 240 million dollars per unit, especially not a 4th generation fighter. BVR is the present and future of aerial warfare ... WVR is secondary. The Russians know this but do not have the technology to drastically improve their BVR capabilities so they just focus a lot on WVR capabilities, specifically thrust vectoring.
The Indians need the BVR capabilities of the Rafael desperately. Especially if they want to go up against the likes of the J-10C and J-16s. But yes, no fighter should ever cost 240 million dollars per unit, especially not a 4th generation fighter.
I thought their MKIs are BVR capable? Or AM I wrong?
I meant relatively incapable. At least compared to the fighters the Su-30MKI is supposed to go up against. BVR was the entire reason why India purchased the Rafaels. Otherwise, they would have stuck with the flanker fleet.
I agree with sir but i am talking about as a whole Russian Su-30SM equipped with wider varieties and longer range of R-77/R-27 than Indian MKI equipped with basic R-77 (range 80 km):angel:
I thought their MKIs are BVR capable? Or AM I wrong?
They are capable in BVR against other flankers. But against something like the J-16 and the J-10Cs, they'll are at a significant BVR disadvantage. Did you read the Su-35 and the J-10C/J-16 PLAAF exercise results? The best combination is obviously superiority in both WVR and BVR. But if you had to choose one, going with BVR would be the best idea, as shown in the F-35.
They are capable in BVR against other flankers. But against something like the J-16 and the J-10Cs, they'll are at a significant BVR disadvantage. Did you read the Su-35 and the J-10C/J-16 PLAAF exercise results?
Nope. I didn't know this.
I think China has same basic R-77 version for their Su-27/Su-30MKK and MKK2 can you confirmed it sir
I think so yes.

The airframe is awesome but they need to upgrade their MKIs.
Honestly at this point what the Indians really need is a fifth generation fighter. Forget the Rafael or the Su-30MKI, both will probably have no way to compete with fifth generation fighters except in WVR combat. The only option really on the table for India is the Su-57 ... which they don't even want themselves.
Albert Einstein, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results".

And this typifies what these bunch of indians really are.
I thought their MKIs are BVR capable? Or AM I wrong?
All 4th generation are BVR capable. It more depends on Radar and AtoA missile. You find your target, lock them, and shoot. The missile will get there and missile seeker will start to work.
But the BVR capability depends on radar detection range, and Multi-target capability, as well as missile.
meteor is better compare with Russian R-27 I think.
All 4th generation are BVR capable. It more depends on Radar and AtoA missile. You find your target, lock them, and shoot. The missile will get there and missile seeker will start to work.
But the BVR capability depends on radar detection range, and Multi-target capability, as well as missile.
meteor is better compare with Russian R-27 I think.
Meteor is much superior to the R-27 ...

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