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Indian Air Force C-17 Globemaster III heading towards Kashmir

For every 5 losers Kia, they send 1000 more for the same results.

You know what insanity is? Doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results.
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For every 5 losers Kia, they send 1000 more for the same results.

You know what inanity is? Doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results.

u know what
It will take us a week to bring an end to insurgency in Kashmir
But it will cause the death of 6-7lac Kashmiri’s who actually support terrorism
Jhelum and Indus will turn red
But it will bring lasting peace

But this is the worst case option which India wants to avoid at all cost since it will result in economic sanctions against us .

Dhanush airlifted

not likely

More likely PPE and other gear being ferried To fight Covid19
Pakistanis might be worried about maintaining their terrorists flow into Kashmir
But we have a bigger worry at hand
Which is the Chinese flu

The 300+ Bofors guns we have in Kashmir are enough for hitting terror launch pads
And M777a would be sent to Reinforce the artillery in case of a major flare up since it’s a more battle proven Gun
u know what
It will take us a week to bring an end to insurgency in Kashmir
But it will cause the death of 6-7lac Kashmiri’s who actually support terrorism
Jhelum and Indus will turn red
Nice script for next bollywood movie. You might be able to sell the story to the makers of anti Pakistan movie directors... Obviously after the covid ends.
But this is the worst case option which India wants to avoid at all cost since it will result in economic sanctions against us .
Typical banya excuse. :lol:
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Nice script for next bollywood movie. You might be able to sell the story to the makers of anti Pakistan directors... Obviously after the covid ends.

Typical banya logic. :lol:

a typical troll reply
But what can we expect from Madrasa education
We know who the terrorists sympathisers are in Kashmir
The only reason they are alive is because they have only picked up stones not guns
Coz when they pickup guns, they end up dead in an unmarked grave after a few months or worst , get thrown in Jhelum after getting shot, so that their bodies float all the way to Pakistan
For the rest of their ilk to see
if we really wanted to hurt ordinary Kashmiri’s
We don’t need to send in the Army
RSS alone is enough to subdue ordinary Kashmiri’s
The army just has to look the other way
My dear RSS cannot fight. When they start dying they will run like cows to the steakhouse.
You have 700 000 men under arms and you cannot stem the tide of freedom. RSS will take a 1000 men to fight a single muslim. Remember you were dancing like cheap bollywood girls where u are ashamed of indian women and employ western girls before feb 26. Feb 27 you pants were wet with poop. I suggest stop talking and do something or just STFU

You breached edge of Pak airspace with 24 jets & targeted Balakot madarsah with sophisticated Israeli bombs but failed to do damage to human lives except for poor trees & a Shaheed crow.
Bandar ke haath main angoor aajae tub bhi Bandar Bandar hi rehta hai pajeet.
One of the things which are infinite in this world: threat of Indians.
One of the things which are invisible to the men eyes: balls of Indians. :lol:
But but they killed 300
The only reason they are alive is because they have only picked up stones not guns Coz when they pickup guns, they end up dead in an unmarked grave after a few months or worst , get thrown in Jhelum after getting shot, so that their bodies float all the way to Pakistan
For the rest of their ilk to see
So these Paras, RR jawans every second day are being killed by stones from your logic, huh? You are being exterminated like rats and are shameless enough to still whine like piglets!

The freedom struggle is out of your hands now! The earlier you understand this, the lesser your body-bag factories get overloaded!
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