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Boeing Delivers Indian Air Force 3rd C-17 Globemaster III

This is what happens when India buy an established platform from America. If India had chosen F-18 superhornet for its fighter competition and without demanding TOT, India would have 1/4 of the planes by now and all of them by 2015. India could easily retire the flying coffin. I believe India should place a premium in speed of weapons delivery.

Thank you, will pass on your advise to MOD right away.
This is what happens when India buy an established platform from America. If India had chosen F-18 superhornet for its fighter competition and without demanding TOT, India would have 1/4 of the planes by now and all of them by 2015. India could easily retire the flying coffin. I believe India should place a premium in speed of weapons delivery.

yes u are quite right i am afraid but the thing is US may put in a lot of other strings.anyhow had we signed mmrca 2-3 years ago it would still have been fine but now the delay is too much.The speed is low due to useless public sector companies like HAL that cannot make even 10-12 tejas per year!!
yes u are quite right i am afraid but the thing is US may put in a lot of other strings.anyhow had we signed mmrca 2-3 years ago it would still have been fine but now the delay is too much.The speed is low due to useless public sector companies like HAL that cannot make even 10-12 tejas per year!!

In any case, India need to separate the fulfillment of the need of its military from the ability of HAL and DRDO. The military has the need to defend the nation and it needs the most advance weapons in the shortest time possible. the research organization or even private companies in India need time to develop their technology. These 2 requirements should not be tie together as the military has more than its domestic manufactures to choose from. It should acquire the most advance technology in the quickest pace, just like how it purchase C-17, C130 and P8-I, which are all successful stories that Indians in here are proud of.
In any case, India need to separate the fulfillment of the need of its military from the ability of HAL and DRDO. The military has the need to defend the nation and it needs the most advance weapons in the shortest time possible. the research organization or even private companies in India need time to develop their technology. These 2 requirements should not be tie together as the military has more than its domestic manufactures to choose from. It should acquire the most advance technology in the quickest pace, just like how it purchase C-17, C130 and P8-I, which are all successful stories that Indians in here are proud of.

Our organisations made this from scratch. Sanctions hit us hard, still we persisted.










Many more for lack of time are not shown. When you have an @$$hole govt whose only concern is sitting on a status quo, you get massive hindrances. This new generation Y is not forgiving for bad governance like our parents and theirs and so on. Average age of India is 24.

Growth, work-life balance key for Generation Y - Times Of India
Our organisations made this from scratch. Sanctions hit us hard, still we persisted.










Many more for lack of time are not shown. When you have an @$$hole govt whose only concern is sitting on a status quo, you get massive hindrances. This new generation Y is not forgiving for bad governance like our parents and theirs and so on. Average age of India is 24.

Growth, work-life balance key for Generation Y - Times Of India

Don't be delusional,i used to think like that too

1)the aircraft embraer is imported from brazil and apart from a possible s-band aesa from drdo no one knows what else will be indigenous

2)Arjun and lca both have huge amount of imported stuff,somewhere like 80 % or se,so we better not thump our chests here

3)hal dhruv has 90% imported stuff,its in the cag report,i posted links on last page,pls go back

4)Arihant:thats good for india,i cannot comment as no one knows of sensors and equipment used

5)Nag has been failing trials since eternity and no one knows the status,a report came last week that new trials were successful so lets just cross our fingers

6)AKASH: only system here apart being fully functional
Sir we ask for tech countries give it, we study it, improve it, even invent something new. But when a bloody A K Anthony delays deals beyond measure............ We need a change in govt, these suckers think India is their Baap ka jagir.
Yes u are right but the most imp things are

1)privatize HAL
2)Privatize drdo

We need to reign in iaf too as it is spending too much money on imports and is absolutely noncommitted on tejas which is at least a generation ahead of mig-21!!!No one understands why??

In case of arjun,army needs a spanking for not inducting it and still using blind t-72 and ordering more t-90,when russia itself stopped inducting t-90 and is making a new tank!!
AK Antony to induct C-17 heavy-lift aircraft in Indian Air Force on September 2
Press Trust of India
Aug 25, 2013 15:18 (IST)

New Delhi: Giving a major boost to strategic airlift capabilities of the Air Force, Defence Minister A K Antony will formally induct the 75-80 tonne C-17 heavy-lift transport aircraft into service on September 2 at the Hindon Air Base near New Delhi.

The Defence Minister will formally induct the aircraft procured from the US under a deal expected to be over Rs 20,000 crore into the newly formed 81 Squadron here, IAF officials said here.

The American C-17, with a capability to carry around 80 tonnes of load and around 150 fully geared troops, will replace the Russian Il-76 as the biggest aircraft in the IAF inventory till now. The Il-76 had the capability to carry loads up to around 40 tonnes.

The IAF has placed orders with the US for ten such aircraft under the deal signed in 2011 and three of them have already been delivered.

The US Air Force will complete the delivery of all the 10 aircraft by the end of next year.

The aircraft is expected to enhance the operational potential of the IAF with its payload carriage and performance capability and would augment the strategic reach during disaster relief or any similar missions.

In recent times, the IAF has shifted its dependence from the Russian-origin aircraft towards the American ones with the induction of the C-17 and the C-130J Super Hercules transport aircraft.

The IAF operates six C-130Js and has plans of procuring six more for operations on small and unpaved runways alongside routine transport missions.

The IAF also has the Russian Antonov-32 in its inventory.

and guys plz stay on the topic..
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