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Indian aggression at LOC

What I really find amusing is the chest thumping and "Modi sycophancy" that so many Indians continue to display - Indians were ranting to anyone willing to listen that "once Modi was elected the LoC and IB would be quiet" and then "now that Modi is elected Pakistan will not dare to do anything" - if nothing else, Pakistan has made it pretty clear to Modi and company that he can take his 56 inch chest and shove it up his youknowhwat. Pakistan will retaliate, and the heaviest exchange of fire along the IB and LoC in years is testament to the fact that the Modi led government will be shown no quarter when it steps out of line, as it has done in this case.
Keep fighting and let your countries remain in third world state
Even developed countries are always fighting that perfect peaceful world exist in children stories not real world
I asked you a simple question: what incentives does India have by violating the ceasefire -- unless it was retaliatory?
1. Escalate the military confrontation on Pakistan's Eastern border to divert resources away from the Afghan border in Balochistan and FATA where the Baloch and TTP terrorists have been taking a pounding
2. Attempt to exacerbate the political and economic instability in Pakistan from IK's rallies and the recent floods
Well here's the thing, there were a lot less fog warnings in that area as I previously thought incorrectly. So if we discount the infiltrator thing, all I can tell is that one side that has the orders to shoot people crossing over opened fire at some civilian and then all hell broke loose at tit for tat firing.

i support the action taken from our side....more needs to be done to teach these people some manners
Any end in sight?
Since neither side is willing to back down publicly, there will probably be some sort of unofficial/informal decision to halt the kinetic action at some predetermined time and date, after which the Indians will start thumping Modi's 56 inch chest and claiming that he "forced Pakistan to back off" just like he managed all those other foreign policy accomplishments claimed by the Indian media, for which their is no tangible proof.
1. Escalate the military confrontation on Pakistan's Eastern border to divert resources away from the Afghan border in Balochistan and FATA where the Baloch and TTP terrorists have been taking a pounding
2. Attempt to exacerbate the political and economic instability in Pakistan from IK's rallies and the recent floods

1. It is an attempt by Pakistan to put international focus on the issue which has been missing lately. The recent comments by Nawaz Shariff at the UN are an indication of that.

2. It is also an attempt by the Pakistani govt to divert attention of the nation from the political crisis it is facing at the moment. Get the situation worse with India, people will start to support the govt.
1. Escalate the military confrontation on Pakistan's Eastern border to divert resources away from the Afghan border in Balochistan and FATA where the Baloch and TTP terrorists have been taking a pounding
2. Attempt to exacerbate the political and economic instability in Pakistan from IK's rallies and the recent floods
Sir,u believe that...?
u really think India wud risk a war(n highlight kashmir) with Pakistan, just to 'exacerbate' its instability,,,,while we kept silent after mumbai .
n how does a unstable Pakistan benefits us,,,,,,
similar incidents happen every year around this time,,,,only thing that has changed is the political leadership of India
- if nothing else, Pakistan has made it pretty clear to Modi and company that he can take his 56 inch chest and shove it up his youknowhwat. Pakistan will retaliate, and the heaviest exchange of fire along the IB and LoC in years is testament to the fact that the Modi led government will be shown no quarter when it steps out of line, as it has done in this case.

Modi is a seasoned politician, there is nothing to suggest that he believes that Pakistan will keel & roll over. That can be understood by his act of calling the Pakistani PM for his swearing in, that alone would have disappointed a whole horde of his fans. Modi is in the middle of an election campaign taking flak for not being available to deal with the situation on the border. Hardly something he would have chosen to deliberately engineer. While we will disagree about who started this, I can only point out there is very little logic for Indians having deliberately escalated without provocation. The PM has had, as reported in India, a highly successful visit to the U.S. where by all accounts he ignored Pakistan. Makes no sense to bring Pakistan back into the limelight by firing at the border, not something that will have immediate effect either militarily or diplomatically & certainly not politically.

As for showing no quarter, no one is asking you to. The Indian army will take care of its business, just as it did last year under a different government. The border has been live for a substantial period of time, it will take a great deal of cussedness to suggest that this is somehow Modi's doing.

1. Escalate the military confrontation on Pakistan's Eastern border to divert resources away from the Afghan border in Balochistan and FATA where the Baloch and TTP terrorists have been taking a pounding
2. Attempt to exacerbate the political and economic instability in Pakistan from IK's rallies and the recent floods

You think that is what happens with small arms and mortar fire?
1. It is an attempt by Pakistan to put international focus on the issue which has been missing lately. The recent comments by Nawaz Shariff at the UN are an indication of that.

2. It is also an attempt by the Pakistani govt to divert attention of the nation from the political crisis it is facing at the moment. Get the situation worse with India, people will start to support the govt.

1. Quiet possible. Or India trying to show Pakistan their bigger military might if Pakistan decides to further the kashmir issue.

2. Is utter nonsense. People of Pakistan never rally behind the gov't no matter what issue, not even against india.
India rules out talks to de-escalate tensions till Pakistan stops firing
Rajat Pandit & Deeptiman Tiwary,TNN | Oct 9, 2014, 01.31 AM IST


ALine Of Control|India-Pakistan Talks|Firing At LoC|Ceasefire Violations


The Indian intelligence assessment is that at least 35 people have been killed in Pakistan over the last two days of cross-border firing.

NEW DELHI: India is ready for the long haul in the ongoing exchange of fire with Pakistan on the International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir, with top government sources ruling out any talks to de-escalate tension till Islamabad puts a complete stop to its cross-border misadventure of targeting civilians with mortar shells.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi did respond with a perfunctory "everything will be fine soon" to questions on the border tension at an IAF function on Wednesday evening, but top sources in the Indian security establishment said the government would not allow Pakistan to "dictate terms" any longer.

"We are prepared for the long haul... Our massive and targeted retaliation is not going to stop. If talks or flag meetings are held, it will be on our terms and only after Pakistan stops firing," said a source. This came after one of the heaviest exchanges of fire in recent times that saw Pakistan targeting 63 BSF outposts along the IB on Tuesday night, and India retaliating by raining 1,000 mortar shells over 70 such Pakistani posts.

Pakistani troops resumed heavy firing around 9.45pm on Wednesday with shells raining down on Samba, Kanachak and Akhnoor sectors of Jammu. BSF issued an alert to Indian villages along the IB as Pakistan increased the shelling range from 4km to 7km. Indian journalists in Samba were told to trace their steps 2km back into home territory to avoid coming in the line of Pakistani fire.

The fierce cross-border duels, which have caused civilian casualties on both sides, even led UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon to ask India and Pakistan to resolve their issues diplomatically through dialogue.

But the Modi government is in no mood to give in to Pakistan's "coercive diplomacy" since it believes Islamabad has let loose its firepower across the IB — which unlike the Line of Control (LoC) has settled populations and built-up areas on both sides — due to "sheer frustration" at repeatedly failing to "internationalise the Kashmir issue".

READ ALSO: Pakistan deliberately targeted civilian areas, BSF says

Pakistan targets BSF posts, villages; India hits back with heavy fire


Interestingly, the unresolved LoC was relatively quiet on Wednesday after seven ceasefire violations by Pakistani forces in Mendhar and Poonch sectors through Tuesday night. With General Dalbir Singh Suhag saying his battalion commanders were "responding immediately and appropriately" to all provocations, the Indian Army plastered scores of Pakistani bunkers and positions in heavy fire since Monday night. "There has been lot of damage to Pakistani infrastructure across the Rajouri sector," said a source.


(A boy injured in border firing is brought to a Jammu hospital.)

Along the settled IB, the BSF too has pulled out all stops under clear directions from the government to not exercise any restraint in replying to Pakistani firing. "Through heavy retaliation, we have sent a message to Pakistan that if they target our forces or civilians, they will have to pay. Despite firing overnight, they have not been able to damage a single BoP on our side. That is why, in desperation, they are targeting civilian areas," BSF director-general D K Pathak said.


(Girls look out from a window as they take shelter at a relief camp in Salehar village near Jammu.)

The Indian intelligence assessment is that at least 35 people have been killed in Pakistan over the last two days of cross-border firing, while there have been eight casualties in India till now. Both sides have evacuated much of their civilian populations settled along the IB to avoid more casualties.

In addition to 82mm mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns, Pakistani forces have resorted to even using air defence guns in some cases. Till now, however, both sides have refrained from bringing in long-range heavy artillery into the cross-border duels.

The government's strong resolve is evident from the fact that the border firing is being monitored at the highest levels, with national security advisor Ajit Doval receiving daily reports from BSF on the border operations. The reports, prepared on specific instructions, contain details of the scale of retaliation by Indian forces, said sources.
1. It is an attempt by Pakistan to put international focus on the issue which has been missing lately. The recent comments by Nawaz Shariff at the UN are an indication of that.

2. It is also an attempt by the Pakistani govt to divert attention of the nation from the political crisis it is facing at the moment. Get the situation worse with India, people will start to support the govt.
Pakistan has almost always raised the issue at the UN, this year is nothing new. What is new is that Indians are taken aback by Pakistan's continued focus on raising Kashmir at world level because they thought that "Modi Sarkaar and his 56 inch chest would subdue Pakistan", and instead they find Pakistan reacting strongly to every action taken by Modi:

1. Modi demands Pakistan not meet with Kashmiri separatists at the last minute - Pakistan says buzz off
2. Modi throws a tantrum and cancels bilateral talks - Pakistan continues to raise the issue of UNSC resolutions on Kashmir
3. Modi escalates violence along the IB and LoC - Pakistan responds in kind and escalates on her end as well

Indians and the Indian media have had a rude awakening about Modi and his 56 inch chest, which is where all these histrionics are coming from.
1. Escalate the military confrontation on Pakistan's Eastern border to divert resources away from the Afghan border in Balochistan and FATA where the Baloch and TTP terrorists have been taking a pounding
2. Attempt to exacerbate the political and economic instability in Pakistan from IK's rallies and the recent floods

In other words, you are accusing India for all major problems your country is facing.

Do you have any proof for these accusations or merely your conjectures?

Assuming that India started the violations with the intentions that you mention, shouldn't you be taking it rather seriously and summon Indian High commissioner to atleast lodge your protests?
'India walking into Pak trap with fire for fire'
Josy Joseph,TNN | Oct 9, 2014, 06.20 AM IST

NEW DELHI: India's aggressive response to Pakistani firing may not be the best strategy in a year when infiltration has dramatically fallen and J&K state assembly is set for elections, believe several sources within and outside the government.

While no one is challenging the fact that Pakistan has been provoking India in Jammu region for the past several weeks, they point out that it could be a well thought out strategy as winter sets in. And India could be playing into Pakistani hands with the aggressive counter attacks.

There are many reasons why Pakistani security establishment is frustrated with their efforts vis-a-vis Kashmir this year. Until now, less than 40 militants have managed to enter India through the Kashmir border. This is probably the lowest figure in the history of Kashmir militancy. Until last year, the other side used to send in at least 100 militants before snow covered the higher reaches of the mountainous border.

Add to this the overall scenario in Kashmir valley, where the recent floods, and the challenges it poses to the daily existence of people, would further dampen the appetite for militancy in the coming weeks. Many within the military and other security agencies are expecting a significant fall in militancy related violence in the coming months. "I am expecting a historic low (in violence)," one senior official in J&K said.

"By all yardsticks Kashmir is moving back to normalcy- infiltration is down, violence is mostly under control, casualty figures too are showing significant dip. We should not be playing into their hands and flare up the issue," points out another official.

A retired army general said that the India should be focusing energy on winter assistance to the flood affected and on the J&K assembly polls. "Don't ever take on a village ruffian in a street side fight. You will always be the loser," he said, adding that India needs to preserve the ceasefire more than ever. "International investors are looking at India with vigour. Any disturbance to ceasefire will dampen all these positivity about India," he warned.

"Pakistan has been preparing for this round of barrage. They had vacated some of their villages on October 1 and 2 itself. We should not be matching fire for fire with them," an officer argued, saying New Delhi needed to have a more sophisticated response to such provocations.

Over the last several weeks, it was clear that Pakistani forces were itching for trouble along the border, many inputs now show. And by October 1 and 2, the troops also got some Pakistani villages vacated. "If they had been preparing for this, why are we playing on their terms?" asks the retired officer.
Sir,u believe that...?
u really think India wud risk a war(n highlight kashmir) with Pakistan, just to 'exacerbate' its instability,,,,while we kept silent after mumbai .
n how does a unstable Pakistan benefits us,,,,,,
similar incidents happen every year around this time,,,,only thing that has changed is the political leadership of India
There will be no war, India does not need war and Pakistan cannot afford one and does not intend to go for war either. Both sides will play the small scale war and then slowly end it. Just take it as normal flare up. Kuch to karenge Rangers and BSF.

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