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Indian aggression at LOC

Like I said, the Indian media will attempt to make sense of this nonsense by thumping Modis 56 inch chest and feeding the usual propaganda to the brainwashed masses that "Mod forced Pakistan to back down".
so,all this for domestic political gain.(in contrast to exacerbation of instability,which u claimed before)
in case u havent noticed,modi has already formed a majority govt, decimating congress,,,,,,,after that mandate there is no reason for him to mull over petty politics.
No, but the Indian media is "fed information" by the State to push certain objectives and narratives - in this particular case, the "Modi chest thumping propaganda" in the media will serve the Modi sarkaar's objective of making his non-existent foreign policy accomplishments seem like he actually did something.

Non existent foreign policy? Have you been following the news? In the last few months, Modi has traveled to Nepal, Bhutan, Japan, US and had meetings with the head of states in all these countries. Last month, the Chinese president visited India for the first time in decades. Putin is coming to India soon. There have been tons of bilateral agreements signed in all of these meetings. India's foreign policy is not limited to Pakistan.
Right, infiltrations from Pakistani side are just "unsubstantiated rubbish" then!
There is no evidence in support of "infiltration having caused the latest flare-up" other than the very same Indian rags that also gave us such gems as "Sri Lanka banning ISI spies", the US "preventing Pakistan from using its F-16's "and a comparison of the "applause received by Sharif vs Modi" as being a foreign policy accomplishment.
The same UN & UNMOGIP which has absolutely zero relevance when it comes to Kashmir after Shimla agreement!
And what exactly did you expect "summoning the Indian ambassador to complain about the Indian ceasefire violations" to accomplish?

so,all this for domestic political gain.(in contrast to exacerbation of instability,which u claimed before)
in case u havent noticed,modi has already formed a majority govt, decimating congress,,,,,,,after that mandate there is no reason for him to mull over petty politics.
Mandate's can fade away over time if the electorate loses confidence, and elections in some Indian States are coming up.

Non existent foreign policy? Have you been following the news? In the last few months, Modi has traveled to Nepal, Bhutan, Japan, US and had meetings with the head of states in all these countries. Last month, the Chinese president visited India for the first time in decades. Putin is coming to India soon. There have been tons of bilateral agreements signed in all of these meetings. India's foreign policy is not limited to Pakistan.
These agreements were not initiated and signed by Modi during his trips - the groundwork for everything he signed (as is the case with any country) was laid by the bureaucrats working on various issues with their counterparts in the respective countries, most likely initiated during the MMS government.
And what exactly did you expect "summoning the Indian ambassador to complain about the Indian ceasefire violations" to accomplish?
n that is exactly what we r tryin to say,,,,,
Pakistan violated ceasefire to get some attention on kashmir

Mandate's can fade away over time if the electorate loses confidence, and elections in some Indian States are coming up.
then,Sir,u r not reading the newspaper.
Let me add one thing here. After spending five some years on this site and interacting with Indian side. I've come to realization that each side equally has just as good a motive to attack the other.

Indians say we do this as a cover fire for infiltration, we say Indians start this to keep our attention diverted and not fully focus on the ttp. Indians say our motive is to highlight the dead kashmir issue. We say Indians reason is to stop us from highlighting the kashmir issue.

So what gives now? Can't really prove who started this. All we have are theories. So, where do we go?
Well maybe not officially...
The blended teams Pakistani jihadis mixed with serving armed forces personnel, who have carried out raids on India side of LOC are know by that name here in India.
First off, "blended teams" make little to no sense for a professional military. Military personnel (and this is true especially of special forces) are trained to function as units, with each individual of the team knowing his role and what and how to handle specific situations and take orders from the individual commanding them. Putting highly trained individuals with a bunch of rag-tag guerrillas makes no sense given the lack of uniformity in training and the potential for the guerrillas to disobey orders and jeopardize the mission.

The only situation a "blended team of trained soldiers and guerrillas" makes sense is when one or two highly trained military members are "assigned" to a guerrilla team to help train them and potentially guide them. Such a force would almost always be primarily composed of guerrilla fighters.
These agreements were not initiated and signed by Modi during his trips - the groundwork for everything he signed (as is the case with any country) was laid by the bureaucrats working on various issues with their counterparts in the respective countries, most likely initiated during the MMS government.

That is not a new thing. That is the norm for any country. Although Nepal, Bhutan and Japan visits were Modi's own initiative.

However your point is about creating public perception. As far as foreign policy is concerned the perception of everyone in India about Modi's foreign policy has been astoundingly positive, even from his opposition parties. In the 100 days report card, Modi got an A on foreign policy from every analyst. Therefore your point that Modi needs to create a situation with Pakistan to boost his "non existent foreign policy" makes no sense.
n that is exactly what we r tryin to say,,,,,
Pakistan violated ceasefire to get some attention on kashmir
From my POV it makes more sense that India caused the latest flare-up to divert Pakistani military resources away from FATA and Balochistan where the TTP and Baloch terrorists have been taking a pounding by the military, plus the added advantage of exacerbating the political and economic problems currently faced by Pakistan due to opposition protests and the floods.
then,Sir,u r not reading the newspaper.
Oh I am, and I see the constant "Modi sycophancy" in the Indian media with nonsensical claims about his "foreign policy accomplishments" like "making SriLanka ban ISI spies, US ban F-16 use and the low applause/audience for Sharif in the UN".
First off, "blended teams" make little to no sense for a professional military. Military personnel (and this is true especially of special forces) are trained to function as units, with each individual of the team knowing his role and what and how to handle specific situations and take orders from the individual commanding them. Putting highly trained individuals with a bunch of rag-tag guerrillas makes no sense given the lack of uniformity in training and the potential for the guerrillas to disobey orders and jeopardize the mission.

The only situation a "blended team of trained soldiers and guerrillas" makes sense is when one or two highly trained military members are "assigned" to a guerrilla team to help train them and potentially guide them. Such a force would almost always be primarily composed of guerrilla fighters.

Another scenario where it makes sense..when say Jihadi fighters(who might be locals) are being used guides(as they might know the terrain better or porters(as were used in Kargil).
What's up with the title? So somebody already determined that it was Indian Aggression?
I thought we were still debating about who the real aggressor was!

There is no evidence in support of "infiltration having caused the latest flare-up" other than the very same Indian rags that also gave us such gems as "Sri Lanka banning ISI spies", the US "preventing Pakistan from using its F-16's "and a comparison of the "applause received by Sharif vs Modi" as being a foreign policy accomplishment.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out "infiltration" can and will cause the flare-up. When multiple infiltration attempts fail, it is natural that you provide cover fire. This is by far the best explanation for the flare-up. Ever wondered why such ceasefire violations take place at the same time when the infiltrations can also take place?

I am not going to respond to your offtopic gibberish. Enough of Modi, enough of his chest size!!!

And what exactly did you expect "summoning the Indian ambassador to complain about the Indian ceasefire violations" to accomplish?

So let me get this straight!!! You returning with small arm fire (assuming that it was indeed India that started this utter non-sense) will neutralize Indian designs to destabilize both sides of your border???

Do you even realize how funny that sounds?
First off, "blended teams" make little to no sense for a professional military. Military personnel (and this is true especially of special forces) are trained to function as units, with each individual of the team knowing his role and what and how to handle specific situations and take orders from the individual commanding them. Putting highly trained individuals with a bunch of rag-tag guerrillas makes no sense given the lack of uniformity in training and the potential for the guerrillas to disobey orders and jeopardize the mission.

The only situation a "blended team of trained soldiers and guerrillas" makes sense is when one or two highly trained military members are "assigned" to a guerrilla team to help train them and potentially guide them. Such a force would almost always be primarily composed of guerrilla fighters.

You would do well to remember that the "same professional army" (especially the same "special forces") sought help of the ragtag Mujahideen during Kargil.

So expecting us to believe that PA will always act like a professional unit will not fly. Not after their Kargil sham!!!
Another scenario where it makes sense..when say Jihadi fighters(who might be locals) are being used guides(as they might know the terrain better or porters(as were used in Kargil).
Then they are not really part of a "combat unit/team" - they are merely guides, and they don't have to be "guerrilla fighters" to do that. The Indian Army used local "guides/porters" itself in some parts of J&K - that does not mean they become some sort of "Indian Border Action Team".
You would do well to remember that the "same professional army" (especially the same "special forces") sought help of the ragtag Mujahideen during Kargil.

So expecting us to believe that PA will always act like a professional unit will not fly. Not after their Kargil sham!!!
Those ragtag mujaheddin ripped you up so much that ran crying to the big boss of yours.

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