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Indian aggression at LOC

Do you realize that your own establishment admitted that it was the PA regulars and not the mujahideen?

About ripping us apart: hope you have atleast afforded a proper burial those regulars who fell fighting for you!
you said Mujahedin so did i, IN Islam all are Mujaheddin when war comes, and there were Army soldiers, NS some how being what he is did favopur to India and did not do justice by not telling that our Army was in it as Kashmir is a disputed territory and Pakistan has the right to either have plebiscite done there under UN or fight for its freedom.

The reason behind it the oppression of Kashmirs, 120,000 are incarcerated for years without any trials and 90,000 has been killed with out any remorse, but than if India it thinks that Kahmir is there's, part keep 600,000 soldiers in it.

other day it was shown on Pakistani T ARY that your soldiers killed innocent Kashmiris saying look he has a berd and killed him with a burst of bullets, what a coward thing to do. very shameful.
u playing the devils advocate :D
nevertheless our claim holds more water then urs

It doesn't take a genius to realize that they have nothing to lose if the status quo is changed -- even if the "professional army" has to indulge in some mischief for that.

I actually believe that even he (and all Pakistanis) knows that. They really are trying hard to come off as innocent!

As they say, you can't wake up a person who pretends to be sleeping.
It is not a laboratory experiment where one can provide you with irrefutable evidence.
Without credible evidence your claim is nothing but speculative rubbish.
- It is an open secret (something that has been admitted by your establishment on a number of occasions) that there have always been infiltrations from your side.
Not always, and certainly not institutional support for infiltration since Musharraf made nice with the Indian government.

- It is also well known that India now has a much tighter border control -- resulting into many failed infiltration attempts.
- And the infiltration window for this year is going to close in a matter of weeks, thereby making the attempts more desperate.
Again, why wait for "the last minute when the window is going to close" to push infiltration when the rest of the year was available? This is yet more rubbish pushed from the Indian side as "motive".
Now go, figure out why a "professional army" might be compelled to try and distract the defenders with some small arms fire!
That would be for the IA to explain, much as it should explain why the PA would waste the entire year before choosing this "rapidly closing window (supposedly every year) to push infiltration.
I think you missed earlier discussions. The point is, Pakistanis are potentially playing according a much bigger game plan. That is to try and escalate the LOC situation internationally, thereby pressurizing India to the negotiating table. Makes sense since India refused to talk!
India hasn't really been talking for years, what is so different now? And as I pointed out in a previous post, Zardari raised Kashmir at the UN as well, so Nawaz's speech is nothing new.
You are contradicting yourself, chief!!! You have to make up your mind first. You accused us earlier of not only trying to destabilize your Western front but also taking advantage of floods/political instability to spread chaos through out Pakistan.
There is no contradiction here - I offered a theoretical Indian motive, and the Pakistani response is to prevent escalation and not give India the excuse to escalate beyond the small caliber weaponry being deployed currently.
How else do you explain Indian small arm fire?
Modi exaggerated his Chest Size?
That kind of comment is what makes these sorts of pointless discussions keep going around in circles ... the more likely reasons were covered much earlier in the thread by other posters, that a handful of infiltrators (on their own accord, not pushed in by the PA/IA) were spotted and attacked (or carried out a strike on one side of the LoC) by one side, causing the other to perceive that they were being attacked and respond in kind.
its a possibility,ofcourse.

but then as u urself have mentioned, its a heavily militarized zone,it wud be very difficult for infiltrators to do that without the support of border patrol....
now,i dont know what IA wud accomplish by sending infiltrators into Pakistan.(again for diverting attention to give ttp/bla some breathing space can be achieved without causing so much fuss via Afghanistan)
oth PA,,,,,,,,,,,just speculating
btw pointless discussions r also interesting (also more traffic without gali galoch)
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Not any "sillier" than Indian claims that a few protests (that continue to diminish significantly with each passing day) would cause Sharif to order a border/LoC escalation to "divert attention", or that "the PA chose the absolute last minute before Winter sets in to push in infiltrators, despite having had the majority of the rest of the year to do so if it wanted to".

Actually very silly in military terms. Nobody is sure about why there is escalation, Pakistani internal power structures are too fogged up for anyone to make that assertion as anything more than a guess. However that still remains a political excuse, your references were military. Spent some of my time yesterday arguing with a Pakistani poster who imagined that India was doing this to help Sharif. Infiltration happens, though this year has been a difficult one for the infiltrators. However the bulk of the firing is taking place across the IB (not the most preferred areas for infiltration)and is aimed at primarily Hindu villages. Moreover there have been two cases of IED's being planted in this sector which Indian sources believe had to be done by either the PA or someone they allowed (terrain, location, Pakistani positions etc - few meters into Indian territory). The most recent one was on October 4 which killed a Mahar regiment soldier & injured 5 (an earlier one on Sep 15th killed a porter & injured 2 BSF personnel). This isn't happening in a vacuum.
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It is one of the most heavily armed boundaries in the world.

Even a dim witted soldier bored out of his wits taking pot shots at birds can spark a border skirmish.

Not really. That at best can cause temporary firing, usually localised. Not spread over a much larger area or with as much intensity as this.

Modi has had somewhat of a honeymoon in regards to goreign policy. Hard to see what he gains by escalating a border skirmish.

Congress has already raised criticism. Don't know why he would jeopardise his image by engaging in and escalating a skirmish.

He would be very careful not to initiate anything at this stage. Absolutely serves no purpose.
yaar kaisy batain kurtay ho.

This is how Arabs talk when they are angry at Israel. This is what Arabs say that they take dump and Israel will be under 10 feet of $hit.

But the reality is that so far Arabs have suffered 1000 times than israel.

Karma is a beeeeeeaaaaach. Brother! it is the biggest beeeeaaaach.

So please take a dump in the nice toilet and not in the rivers. Thanks.
That dump will smear the fields of India since you use these rivers for irrigation and power generation much before these enter Pakistan.
That is what I said ..
A leader can visit all the countries he wants - tangible progress and agreements, however, are made when the bureaucracy has laid the groundwork for said agreements/progress.

That is the usual procedure, but people don't get to see the back office work. When it comes to public perception, state visits do carry a lot of weight.

Modi's "positive public perception" is rooted in the media spin being given to almost everything he has done (or claimed to have done) so far. Maintaining that "positive public perception" requires continued media spin, which in turn requires some sort of even to actually "spin".

You are commenting without having adequate knowledge or understanding of India's internal dynamics. You are making Indian media sound like some kind of North Korea type state sponsored machinery without any voice of opposition. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are plenty of people who regularly criticize Modi on his other policies but even they have given him a good rating on foreign policy. Modi does not need to manufacture a border clash so early into his tenure to gain public support. He is sitting pretty with an absolute majority in the parliament. That is an absurd conclusion.

It is more likely that Nawaz Sharif with PA's support is trying to divert domestic attention from dharna to India.
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Pakistan Targets 60 Indian Posts in Fresh Firing, Eight Injured

JAMMU/NEW DELHI: Pakistan targeted 60 Indian posts at the International Border in Jammu in fresh overnight firing and shelling that left eight, including five civilians, injured.

It comes just a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi said "everything will be fine soon" in what was his first remark on an escalating crisis with Pakistan at the border.

Here are the latest developments:
  1. According to sources, firing began around 9 pm yesterday when Pakistani Rangers targeted the border outposts with mortars and automatic weapons. Indian officers said their soldiers gave a "strong and befitting reply". Firing is still on in several sectors in Jammu.
  2. There was shelling in over 80 villages in Jammu, Samba and Kathua districts, according to the Press Trust of India.
  3. India has warned Pakistan that it is not afraid of escalating fire. Sources say Indian forces have been told to reject any offer of talks at the border until all firing across the International Border and the 700-km Line of Control - the de facto border - stops. Pakistan asked for a flag meeting last night but India did not respond.
  4. Prime Minister Modi was seen talking separately to Army Chief General Dalbir Singh Suhag at an Air Force Day function on Wednesday evening and is believed to have taken a brief on the border situation.
  5. His comments on the border tension yesterday were later seen as a response to political rivals who have accused him of focusing more on campaigning for October 15 state polls than the border crisis.
  6. Two women were killed and 20 people were injured on Tuesday as Pakistani troops targeted over 60 Indian outposts and three dozen villages near the 200-km International Border in Jammu and Kashmir with heavy mortar shelling and firing through the night. India, say sources, targeted 73 Pakistani posts with mortars and small arms.
  7. More than 20,000 villagers have fled their homes near the border to escape the shelling that has damaged houses and ripped power cables and electricity transformers. Thousands have signed in at government shelters and many are staying with friends or relatives.
  8. Sources in the government tell NDTV that PM Modi "has left the management of the crisis to his team led by the National Security Advisor after indicating broad guidelines about not succumbing to any blackmail and responding appropriately."
  9. Hostilities spiked on Monday when five villagers were killed and 34 injured in Arnia in one of the worst violations by Pakistan of the 2003 ceasefire between the two countries.
  10. India has accused Pakistan of firing to distract its forces and help militants infiltrate into Kashmir. Indian army sources tell NDTV they believe nearly 700 militants are waiting to cross into the Kashmir Valley from across the border.
Story First Published: October 09, 2014 07:41 IST
Pakistan Targets 60 Indian Posts in Fresh Firing, Eight Injured
Good Job Pakistan Rangers

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Hacked by Zukr@in Hacked...

Pakrail hacked..

Does anyone even use Pakrail in Pakistan?

Can indians only attack sites Pakistanis haven't heard of?
Are these sites hacking themselves to get publicity?

Most Pakistanis didn't even know PPPP had a web site. Now we do due to hacker publicity.

Anyway, I fail to see why anyone hacks a website. Just one reboot and site is back online. Hours of hacking and script kiddying gone to waste just to boost a ego for 5 minutes. Lol
Oh Yara I have recently been to LOC.

pakistani side doesn't want to fire on Indian side.

this is straight from "horses mouth".

Why would they anyway. PA is already fighting a full scale war on Western front.

They last thing they want is to have a hot border in the East.

So I respectfully ask you not to buy the cr@p spewed by politicians.

Thank you

p.s. There is no "teaching lesson" thing here. So please calm down. Teaching lesson cannot be done even if there is full scale war (God forbid).
This is the season when infiltration is at its peak, as you know before the snowfall the infiltrators need to've crossed the border.And these firing are nothing but a way to facilitate militants entry into India.
3 militants were killed by Indian forces on monday which is a proof of what i quoted above.

I want you to answer my questions...

1) In recent days hasn't the Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif won the army's backing and in the process ceded "space" to the generals on some issues.... including relations with India???
Pakistan's military appears to now be in the driver's seat of India policy and who doesnt know that PA has much less enthusiasm for reconciliation.

2) I agree our politicians spew as much venom as your politicians when it comes to Kashmir.But tell me who gave a more provocative speech at the UN recently?? Modi or Nawaz Sharif??
Nawaz Sharif's demeanor had rasied some eyebrows...and now we know how did he get so much courage at UN.

Hacked by Zukr@in Hacked...

Pakrail hacked..
Hackers used Punjabi??? o_O

I've a doubt that this was done by Indians.

2) I agree our politicians spew as much venom as your politicians when it comes to Kashmir.But tell me who gave a more provocative speech at the UN recently?? Modi or Nawaz Sharif??
Nawaz Sharif's demeanor had rasied some eyebrows...and now we know how did he get so much courage at UN.


Did you listen to the NS speech?


I want you to answer my questions...

1) In recent days hasn't the Pakistani PM Nawaz Sharif won the army's backing and in the process ceded "space" to the generals on some issues.... including relations with India???
Pakistan's military appears to now be in the driver's seat of India policy and who doesnt know that PA has much less enthusiasm for reconciliation.


Sialkot sector has been the major target.

There is no way anyone is crossing that boundary. Never have. Why would you quote stuff that was not even valid in 1980s?

Levina behn,

I expected better from you.

your questions were not question. They were statements, that are often made by media goons and half@rsed jurnos.

Please avoid that kind of trash if possible.

Thank you.

p.s. I was going to ignore this thread, as it shows utter ignorance of jingoistic nay childish posters from mostly India but from Pakistan too. I only replied when I saw your post.

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