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IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

That is more of a nationalistic POV not a theological point of view.
Muslims of India, just like any other oppressed community in the world, deserve our sympathy not hatred.

Not if they are anti-Pakistani they don't. I hope the indian hindus and indian so called "Muslims" rip each other to shreds. Let both these enemies of the Pakistani people and nation burn.........:devil:
Sir i politely disagree with you. If they love their country and stand up for their country, it is their right and duty as well. I won't say they deserve bad treatment or discrimination.

After 72 years of partition, the current and future generation of Indian Muslims have no political affinity towards Pakistan. They do have a religious, cultural and linguistic affinity, owing to the overlapping similarities within these segments.

For Muslims in India, Pakistan is another Muslim state like Saudi Arabia, Somalia or Turkey. They wish them well in their future and hope that it becomes a good Muslim country and the people there are good and devout Muslims.

For most Indian Muslims, their first exposure to Pakistan is when they were chided in school or in public as "saala Pakistani" or "go to Pakistan". At first you are confused as to why is Rahul and Siddharth calling you a Pakistani. So you go to your parents and ask them as to why am I being called a Pakistani and what is Pakistan. Your parents give a vague answer, and tell you to ignore what was said to you. Then comes an India-Pakistan cricket match, and you are whole-heartedly supporting India, only to be accused by your friends of supporting Pakistan.

As you grow older, the taunts and chides continue, and you keep getting more and more disgusted with Hindu society. All this time, you have never met a Pakistani or let alone seen Pakistan. But by this time, you have read Indian and world history and at the same time learn to do math. Then you realize that if Pakistan and Bangladesh was a part of India, then we Muslims would be stronger and instead of being 15% of the population, we would have been around 40%, and so maybe we would not have been taunted by the Hindu community. Simplistic thoughts, I know!
After 72 years of partition, the current and future generation of Indian Muslims have no political affinity towards Pakistan. They do have a religious, cultural and linguistic affinity, owing to the overlapping similarities within these segments.

For Muslims in India, Pakistan is another Muslim state like Saudi Arabia, Somalia or Turkey. They wish them well in their future and hope that it becomes a good Muslim country and the people there are good and devout Muslims.

For most Indian Muslims, their first exposure to Pakistan is when they were chided in school or in public as "saala Pakistani" or "go to Pakistan". At first you are confused as to why is Rahul and Siddharth calling you a Pakistani. So you go to your parents and ask them as to why am I being called a Pakistani and what is Pakistan. Your parents give a vague answer, and tell you to ignore what was said to you. Then comes an India-Pakistan cricket match, and you are whole-heartedly supporting India, only to be accused by your friends of supporting Pakistan.

As you grow older, the taunts and chides continue, and you keep getting more and more disgusted with Hindu society. All this time, you have never met a Pakistani or let alone seen Pakistan. But by this time, you have read Indian and world history and at the same time learn to do math. Then you realize that if Pakistan and Bangladesh was a part of India, then we Muslims would be stronger and instead of being 15% of the population, we would have been around 40%, and so maybe we would not have been taunted by the Hindu community. Simplistic thoughts, I know!
Your posts are always informative, balanced and honest. Appreciated.
Of course not. By now you should have figured out that the entire right-wing Hindu ecosystem survives on lies, filth, deception and hate.

If you were to live in India, you will learn, there are lies, and then there are Hindu lies.
Even the resident Bangladeshis know that at least I am not a right wing.
I have given you link not from whatsapp university that West Bengal over 90% are either OBC - A or OBC - B. I have provided you a fact, you like it or not it remains a fact.
Yes I admit ALL was overstatement.
Anyway bye, have a nice time.
After 72 years of partition, the current and future generation of Indian Muslims have no political affinity towards Pakistan. They do have a religious, cultural and linguistic affinity, owing to the overlapping similarities within these segments.

For Muslims in India, Pakistan is another Muslim state like Saudi Arabia, Somalia or Turkey. They wish them well in their future and hope that it becomes a good Muslim country and the people there are good and devout Muslims.

For most Indian Muslims, their first exposure to Pakistan is when they were chided in school or in public as "saala Pakistani" or "go to Pakistan". At first you are confused as to why is Rahul and Siddharth calling you a Pakistani. So you go to your parents and ask them as to why am I being called a Pakistani and what is Pakistan. Your parents give a vague answer, and tell you to ignore what was said to you. Then comes an India-Pakistan cricket match, and you are whole-heartedly supporting India, only to be accused by your friends of supporting Pakistan.

As you grow older, the taunts and chides continue, and you keep getting more and more disgusted with Hindu society. All this time, you have never met a Pakistani or let alone seen Pakistan. But by this time, you have read Indian and world history and at the same time learn to do math. Then you realize that if Pakistan and Bangladesh was a part of India, then we Muslims would be stronger and instead of being 15% of the population, we would have been around 40%, and so maybe we would not have been taunted by the Hindu community. Simplistic thoughts, I know!

At the eve of British rule, there were only two possibilities:
1) Partition of British India
2) A devastating civil war, between Hindus and Muslims, with whatever consequences

No third option was there, practically.
Even the resident Bangladeshis know that at least I am not a right wing.
I have given you link not from whatsapp university that West Bengal over 90% are either OBC - A or OBC - B. I have provided you a fact, you like it or not it remains a fact.
Yes I admit ALL was overstatement.
Anyway bye, have a nice time.

The Left political parties had claimed (in elections earlier, 2010 I think) that they had given reservations to 75% of Muslims in West Bengal under the OBC category. But that was just a political claim. That is the number that is generally cited by the Hindu right-wing ecosystem to further that hate agenda against Muslims, and that is what you are doing here as well.

Official figures from West Bengal (circa 2005 I think) 8.4 per cent of Hindus in the state and 2.4 per cent of Muslims were categorized as OBCs.

Furthermore, Muslims OBCs are ineligible for quotas or reservations if their income exceeds Rs 4.5 lakh annually.

Don't know - but likely this is true, @itsanufy is a Bengali from West Bengal after all. So is @AfrazulMandal who himself is a Muslim from there...

My understanding is that the OBC situation was created because poor OBC's get set quotas in jobs and education...but I could be wrong.

Sanghis call OBC's 'vote banks' because poorer Muslim OBC's naturally vote for congress or in WB, Trinamool congress (Mamata). I do not believe this is a quid-pro-quo situation brought in by Trinamool to serve as their vote bank in WB. It developed like that over the years.

In Bangladesh we don't call Hindus anything like OBC, but they do get local quotas in Education and Jobs as well, so do Tribal folks of various backgrounds.
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Of course not. By now you should have figured out that the entire right-wing Hindu ecosystem survives on lies, filth, deception and hate.

If you were to live in India, you will learn, there are lies, and then there are Hindu lies.
There are no right wing left wing Hindu. Just Hindu. Those in the left wing have renounced Hinduism. Any decent living being would.
After 72 years of partition, the current and future generation of Indian Muslims have no political affinity towards Pakistan. They do have a religious, cultural and linguistic affinity, owing to the overlapping similarities within these segments.

For Muslims in India, Pakistan is another Muslim state like Saudi Arabia, Somalia or Turkey. They wish them well in their future and hope that it becomes a good Muslim country and the people there are good and devout Muslims.

For most Indian Muslims, their first exposure to Pakistan is when they were chided in school or in public as "saala Pakistani" or "go to Pakistan". At first you are confused as to why is Rahul and Siddharth calling you a Pakistani. So you go to your parents and ask them as to why am I being called a Pakistani and what is Pakistan. Your parents give a vague answer, and tell you to ignore what was said to you. Then comes an India-Pakistan cricket match, and you are whole-heartedly supporting India, only to be accused by your friends of supporting Pakistan.

As you grow older, the taunts and chides continue, and you keep getting more and more disgusted with Hindu society. All this time, you have never met a Pakistani or let alone seen Pakistan. But by this time, you have read Indian and world history and at the same time learn to do math. Then you realize that if Pakistan and Bangladesh was a part of India, then we Muslims would be stronger and instead of being 15% of the population, we would have been around 40%, and so maybe we would not have been taunted by the Hindu community. Simplistic thoughts, I know!
Brother, I am so sorry that you guys had to go through it. Nothing can justify what you guys go through. The ultranationalists in your country are not doing a favor to the country instead they are doing what an enemy would have done to India. I hope and pray that you guys get the right position in the society which you deserve and the hatred goes away forever.
You proved the point of Mr. Swami. You Muslims can never be in peace and coexist with other communities. You always demands Islamistan wherever you lives.

Hi, your knowledge of Muslims and Islam is limited to the non-intellectual or regressive common Muslims within India, to news about occasional regressive acts from Pakistan and to non-intellectual common Muslims living in the West ( your Islamistan jibe ).

Do you know of progressive Muslims and Muslim-majority countries and activism from the past and in the present ? Read this thread of mine from 2016 that is about that topic.
Hi, your knowledge of Muslims and Islam is limited to the non-intellectual or regressive common Muslims within India, to news about occasional regressive acts from Pakistan and to non-intellectual common Muslims living in the West ( your Islamistan jibe ).

Do you know of progressive Muslims and Muslim-majority countries and activism from the past and in the present ? Read this thread of mine from 2016 that is about that topic.
Stop bringing Pakistan in your dumb posts

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