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IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

Who doesn't love freebies?

freebies ? patriots give life for country , they dont need freebies .

do you know subedar vir abdul hamid ? he single handedly blasted five patton tanks in 1965 war with pakistan . he was awarded highest military honour param vir chakra .
freebies ? patriots give life for country , they dont need freebies .

do you know subedar vir abdul hamid ? he single handedly blasted five patton tanks in 1965 war with pakistan . he was awarded highest military honour param vir chakra .
But those were empty decommissioned tanks ... means were broken down and abandon in the battlefield.
But those were empty decommissioned tanks ... means were broken down and abandon in the battlefield.

lol decommissioned patton tanks in khemkaran ?
i hope you had decommissioned officers in 1971 dhaka who surrendered ?
Yes, once Muslims cross 30 percent, then get ready to carved India....

for decarving a mulim state 10 percent are enough , you see what is happening in germany and france, sweden ?
for decarving a mulim state 10 percent are enough , you see what is happening in germany and france, sweden ?
It's a question of location ... mixing up two different situations. Modi already give muslims of India reason for a separate piece of land ...
Bro, I was referring to extremists only.
I don't have full knowledge but not limited. I know some progressive muslims in my real life. My best friend is a Muslim too and his name is Yamin Khan.

My knowledge about your Muslim friends comes from you. I would desire, and since you say they are progressive, please ask these friends of yours to read my thread. It may help them confront the regressive and right-wingers among the other Indian Muslims.
Why "should" they? They are around 240 million strong. They don't need war-mongering advice from Pakistanis.

How would Pakistanis feel if Westen nations ask Pakistani Christians to "wake up" and arm themselves? Or, if Indians ask Pakistani Hindus to "wake up" and arm themselves against the Government?

Don't forget the lesson India taught Pakistan in 1971 just 6 years after the stupidity Pakistan committed in wasting all its military and economic resources due to the whims of an arrogant tyrant.

This is a crazy post, I usually read a lot better opinions from you.

1. They are not 240 million but 14.2% which makes 195 million, the Indian census is next year and their percentage will likely increase to 15% which would mean 205 million, nowhere near close to Pakistans Muslim population of 220 million.
If you analyze the Muslim population of South Asia pre and post 1947 independence, you will realize the official figures of Muslims in India do make sense.

2. Pakistanis are not telling them to start a revolution, just letting them know they are not on their own and they need to be brave and stand for their rights. This is not purely religious, Pakistanis have ethnic and family links with Muslims of India so the concerns being displayed are real and valid. Christians of Europe do not have those links with Christians in Pakistan and neither are Christian or Hindus of Pakistan being persecuted. I'm sure discrimination does exist, but discrimination is not the same as persecution. Indian Muslims are being persecuted to an extreme level.

3. India did not teach a lesson to Pakistan in 1971, please use correct analysis, India used terrorist and took advantage of a situation when Pakistan was in trouble domestically, Pakistan could have done the same in 1962 when china was telling Pakistan to attack but America and UK saved India. It is a deeper discussion so please don't take and give silly lessons from historical events.

Don't criticize ourslves, when there is no reason to do so. India deserves criticism, if you can't do it then don't stop the people who can.

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