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IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

And why only India ?? I wish that one day all South Asian countries adopt the same Progressive political system just like how Iraq before 2003 and Syria had the same Ba'ath Progressive ideology while being two separate and independent republics.
Ba'ath party of Saddam was ruthless autocratic but secular. Syria is also secular and progressive country.

Hum sub samajhta hae, babua.:lol::lol::lol:
You think all Muslims of India are UP and Bihari bhaiyas. It just proves how little you know of them.
You think all Muslims of India are UP and Bihari bhaiyas. It just proves how little you know of them.

That post was not for you, but for a fellow Indian Muslim.
Of course not. By now you should have figured out that the entire right-wing Hindu ecosystem survives on lies, filth, deception and hate.

If you were to live in India, you will learn, there are lies, and then there are Hindu lies.

I have never even visited India, but I fully know it; since it is so naked and palpable. Hatred, against Muslims, is oozing out of virtually every orifice of Hindutvadis.:lol:

Lol. After all the land of milk and honey. Why only Bangladeshis, don't you know that Americans are illegally migrating to India? ;)

There are queues after queues of Americans, outside the embassies of India, in US.:lol::lol::lol:

This is a prominent BJP leader, imagine what an ordinary Indian carries in his heart.

He says " Muslims are not equal, they dont fall in equal category"

So much for Secular India. The truth is finally out.

most average hindu are like that... we know we have put with their crap here.

My dear indian muslim brothers, are u awake now?

nope they are too busy munching byrani and watching Bollywood boob tube flicks non sense ... staring khans.

We were always awake. Destiny has not been kind to us, but we have hope for better days ahead


doesnt stop you from spewing irrational hate against Pakistan just to please Hendoooo pals.

Trust me, they are NOT our brothers. They have got NOTHING to do with us. They hate Pakistan and Pakistani people just as much if not more than the indian hindus and sikhs. Remember indian Muslims have the same DNA and genetics as indian hindus and sikhs. They are all the same race, same people.

I agree ... they kind of deserve what they got.

But putting the muslim thing aside, there's no such thing as equality. strong can help weak. rich can aid poor. smart can teach dumb. but they do not have equal anything.

love how guys put a spin on even the most absurd things... only an Indian can do this.


Subramanyam swamy is far radical than any BJP leader could ever accomplish in reality. So take his comments with a grain of salt.

not really...

they are all the same.. I have seen no delta in their core beliefs.

which obviously proves Pakistan is wrong on what a Muslim is.

nope... they trying to please the hindus... so that they won't rampage on them with communal riots.
Dear Pak Members,
You should not take a jab at Indian muslims for being loyal to their country. There is no need to make fun of them at this tumultuous time.

On topic: The interview exposes the ruling party of India which uses every incident to spew their hatred for Muslims and islamic belief. Tabhleeghi jamat is one organization in Muslims and Muslims have never been a monolith however the minister blamed it on Islamic belief system.
most average hindu are like that... we know we have put with their crap here.

nope they are too busy munching byrani and watching Bollywood boob tube flicks non sense ... staring khans.


doesnt stop you from spewing irrational hate against Pakistan just to please Hendoooo pals.

I agree ... they kind of deserve what they got.

love how guys put a spin on even the most absurd things... only an Indian can do this.


not really...

they are all the same.. I have seen no delta in their core beliefs.

Trust me, if these deformed, sub-human hindu fanatics were not going after the indian Muslims, these SAME indian Muslims would be spewing hate against Pakistan, Pakistanis and calling for the death and destruction of the Pakistani race and nation. They are reaping what they sowed. They sowed the wind, so they will now reap the whirlwind.

Dear Pak Members,
You should not take a jab at Indian muslims for being loyal to their country. There is no need to make fun of them at this tumultuous time.

On topic: The interview exposes the ruling party of India which uses every incident to spew their hatred for Muslims and islamic belief. Tabhleeghi jamat is one organization in Muslims and Muslims have never been a monolith however the minister blamed it on Islamic belief system.

Why not? They hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more than even the indian hindus and sikhs do. Have you EVEN heard the things indian so called "Muslims" have said about Pakistan and Pakistanis? Whatever is happening to them, they deserve it.
Why not? They hate Pakistan and Pakistanis just as much if not more than even the indian hindus and sikhs do. Have you EVEN heard the things indian so called "Muslims" have said about Pakistan and Pakistanis? Whatever is happening to them, they deserve it.
Sir i politely disagree with you. If they love their country and stand up for their country, it is their right and duty as well. I won't say they deserve bad treatment or discrimination.
Sir i politely disagree with you. If they love their country and stand up for their country, it is their right and duty as well. I won't say they deserve bad treatment or discrimination.

ANYONE who hates Pakistan and Pakistanis can NEVER be a TRUE Muslim. Anyone who hates Pakistan and Pakistanis deserve to be annihilated and dehumanized.

If it means by being slaves to indian hindus you are helping and being loyal to your nation, then indian so called "Muslims" win that competition hands down.........:lol:
LOL .You have weird and inaccurate ideas about Indian Muslims. Not just you, and some other members hold patronizing attitude towards indian muslims. No wonder Indian muslims dislike you.

Yes, Indian Muslim is poor, then so majority of Hindus. Still when to comes scope and opportunities, to make a successful life or legal right as citizenry, India is the place that offers the best to Muslims without discrimination or biases of religion in the whole subcontinent whether they are shia, sunni or Ahamdia etc. Heck we even have separate Muslim civil laws... in Hindu fascist India.

Have you even see Indian muslims migrating to Pakistan since you think India keeps them downtrodden and disenfranchised?

On the otherhand, India was the place where most Pakistani celebrities artist and sportsperson made a name for themselves before a ban was put on that in recent times. Pakistani Artists like Adnan Sami has India their home.

Similarly, India is the place where scores Bangadeshis come illegally and make a living and they don't go to pakistan. Even Rohingya muslims would not leave fascist Hindutva India to go to pakistan.

I'm sure educated Indian muslims @jamahir of the world laugh in disdain everytime they hear Pakistanis talk patronizingly about them. @SIPRA @Areesh
Sorry I don't buy it. There are multiple reasons Indian Muslims won't come to Pakistan, nor would they be accepted by Pakistan. At a strategic level, Pakistan's interests are in forcing Hindustan to accept its reality as a nation at least partly built by and owned by an Islamic legacy. That hurts you - I know. But Pakistan has no interest in allowing bhakts to eradicate mughal heritage and history, and Indian Muslims are the only custodians of that in India. They will stay and be given their rights and you bhakt scum will have to accept it. You can't keep trampling on their mosques and blaming them for covid and goodness knows what's next.

As for the main premise of your post, Indian Muslims are frequently highlighted in bhakt owned media as scoring poorly on socio-economic indicators compared to other Indian groups. This suits you when the narrative being constructed is one of vilification of Indian Muslims as a group that "doesn't help themselves because of their restrictive religion and oppression of women". This narrative is lapped up by your bhakt brigade in the west and when you spew it forth in your media it makes top billing for non-Asians as evening viewing. Now you're saying "oh Indian Muslims are fine and happy and rich and developed" because your narrative building needs to change to suit your new agenda: that Muslims are actually better off than others so need a public dressing down and devolution, courtesy of Modi's far reaching policies of course.

You're engaging in chanakya sir and everyone can see it. I'm simply able to verbalise your diagnosis with eloquence in the English language.

That must hurt you too - having your cover as some "enlightened moderate intellectual" blown wide open.

For fks sake man, there are loads of bhakt sympathisers like you around here, who lie in the grass like snakes. Don't think we aren't watching you and waiting with a big stick every time you think it's safe to stick your head up.

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