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IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

Muslims get reservations as minority through quota systems - education, jobs. Not just muslims, all minorities. So it is not possible to call all people equal.
that's your claim , not your leaders claim. They treat muslim worst then Delits...Read Manmohan Singh report.
Why "should" they? They are around 240 million strong. They don't need war-mongering advice from Pakistanis.

How would Pakistanis feel if Westen nations ask Pakistani Christians to "wake up" and arm themselves? Or, if Indians ask Pakistani Hindus to "wake up" and arm themselves against the Government?

Don't forget the lesson India taught Pakistan in 1971 just 6 years after the stupidity Pakistan committed in wasting all its military and economic resources due to the whims of an arrogant tyrant.
They shouldn't do so for you or me or some third party. They should do so to protect themselves.

you mean Oligarchy Like Pakistan? I've heard recently in Karachi, you refused to distribute food (amid Corona lockdown) to your minority (hindus)...and here on forum , my mates are lecturing India on equality!!! Hilarious.
You hear lots of things when you willingly plug your ears with your fingers and sing "la la la".

you mean Oligarchy Like Pakistan? I've heard recently in Karachi, you refused to distribute food (amid Corona lockdown) to your minority (hindus)...and here on forum , my mates are lecturing India on equality!!! Hilarious.

The Kalma is also recited by Iraqis, Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese etc. Doesn't mean we all have anything in common.

Whoever recites kalima and believes in one Allah have this thing common. That's what makes muslims unique. We can hate each other, have different colour, race, ethnicity, language but will have one thing in common and that is belief in one Allah and the last Prophet SAW.

They did not rule us...it was afghans ,Mongols etc who ruled different parts of India.
Majority of Indian and pakistani converts are from untouchable and backward castes...don't call yourselves the rulers..your ancestors were dalits and backward castes people
PS: I respect dalits and backward castes people too..for me all humans are equal irrespective of their caste ,religion ,region or language..I am just stating a fact to these people who are living in illusions

Its not as simple as u put it. India was not a single entity rule and muslims didnt just appear. It was a slow process of a thousand years. Muslim afghans settled, married local converts, their daughters married to locals, so does their offspring still remain dalit or others as u term it "low" caste? Yes alot of low caste converted because they found Islam better as everyone is equal. These muslims, afghan and mix over hundreds of years became local muslims, many of whom ruled. Did afghans rule bangal and meysur? Were all rulers in south india afghans or turks? What is the definition of local? After how many hundred years one would become local?
We were always awake. Destiny has not been kind to us, but we have hope for better days ahead

The part of Indian destiny that is going through your own hands, because of your own decisions, because of Indians being Indians - is probably the ugliest part of it.

I hope you retrospect and undo yourself a bit. That may improve your destiny.
Wrong again.

There are some states that gives reservation for muslim on the basis religion e,g Telengana.

On the other hand, a vast majority of India Muslims get the benefit of reservation under the biggest chunk of reservation (27%) in OBC or Other Backward class category too.

Every state has an exhaustive list of Muslim castes who are eligible for reservation under OBC category. Except Syeds and Pathans, all most all Indian Muslims get reservation.


You selective use of adjectives of the English language is a nice attempt to obfuscate the issue. The fact remains as follows:

1. Muslims do not get any reservations under any Central scheme
2. Some states (mostly in South India) offer some reservations for certain Muslim communities (usually classified as weavers, cleaners etc). These are limited in scope.

It really speaks about the amount of disinformation that floats around in the Hindu community that some how Muslims are appeased, when time and again every survey commissioned by the State and Central government have confirmed the pathetic economic and educated state of the Muslims in India.
You selective use of adjectives of the English language is a nice attempt to obfuscate the issue. The fact remains as follows:

1. Muslims do not get any reservations under any Central scheme
2. Some states (mostly in South India) offer some reservations for certain Muslim communities (usually classified as weavers, cleaners etc). These are limited in scope.
You know you are a obstinate troll who would resort to blatant lies and excuses in the presence of undeniable evidence, so this is my last attempt at it

1. OBC quota is a Central scheme which is the latest chunk among reserved category is applicable in majority of state level too, give reservation to majority of India muslims except so called Ashraf class muslims like Mughal, Pathan, Sayyid, Sheikh etc

Here is list of eligible Muslims in OBC category, one can see it includes majority of India Muslims expect few elite Muslim classes ,

List of Muslim Other Backward Classes communities in India (under OBC Quota)

2. Also state level reservation is given to Muslims in some southern states but it doesn't exclude Ashraf class muslim like in OBC quota. Also remember this segment of reservation is on top on OBC quota already available to non Ashraf class muslims.
You know you are a obstinate troll who would resort to blatant lies and excuses in the presence of undeniable evidence, so this is my last attempt at it

1. OBC quota is a Central scheme which is the latest chunk among reserved category is applicable in majority of state level too, give reservation to majority of India muslims except so called Ashraf class muslims like Mughal, Pathan, Sayyid, Sheikh etc

Here is list of eligible Muslims in OBC category, one can see it includes majority of India Muslims expect few elite Muslim classes ,

List of Muslim Other Backward Classes communities in India (under OBC Quota)

2. Also state level reservation is given to Muslims in some southern states but it doesn't exclude Ashraf class muslim like in OBC quota. Also remember this segment of reservation is on top on OBC quota already available to non Ashraf class muslims.

Wikipedia is a good start for research. Now move on to other resources and come back after you are done.

My point remains, and will not be changed by even by your Goebbelian attempts.
If they need to, they'll do so without war-mongering Pakistanis cheerleading them.

Why are Pakistanis so desperate to see a civil war in India between Muslims and Hindus? It's just daft.
Listen, let me be clear. I have no interest in seeing massacres of poor folks any side of any border. I don't wish to see any repeat of Gujarat or Delhi. I can guarantee you that Muslims - for obvious reasons - won't start a suicidal battle against a numerically dominant enemy but when some fanatic hindutva does decide to start it, Muslims had better be ready to defend themselves.

Wrong again.

There are some states that gives reservation for muslim on the basis religion e,g Telengana.

On the other hand, a vast majority of India Muslims get the benefit of reservation under the biggest chunk of reservation (27%) in OBC or Other Backward class category too.

Every state has an exhaustive list of Muslim castes who are eligible for reservation under OBC category. Except Syeds and Pathans, all most all Indian Muslims get reservation.


Whatever pittance of alms are thrown at Muslims from some safe distance is far outweighed by collective overwhelming sentiment against Muslims that propagates selective sabotage, undermining and outright abrogation of the legitimate interests of Muslims in terms of their livelihoods, wellbeing, history and legacy. The piecemeal "favours" sent their way in fact further "justifies" an overarching suffocation of Muslim groups. It's as though hindutva types say: see, we already do so much for them as a "favour" unto these sons of invaders, so we should overcompensate for those small boons by disproportionately aggressing against them.
Trust me, they are NOT our brothers. They have got NOTHING to do with us. They hate Pakistan and Pakistani people just as much if not more than the indian hindus and sikhs. Remember indian Muslims have the same DNA and genetics as indian hindus and sikhs. They are all the same race, same people.

Yet Allah says different .
Do you disagree with God and he’s prophet ?

The Kalma is also recited by Iraqis, Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese etc. Doesn't mean we all have anything in common.

school holidays in England here again it seems .

just remembered UK in lockdown schools out

Its a person opinion of a political leader and does not reflect opinion of all Indians

opinion of your elected government official

vote bank

Don't act smart. The question was for equal rights. I have read your views.
Do you really think do anyone need Quota to be in equal category?

In your dream. How many Indian Muslims applied for Pakistani citizenship bcz of so called "evil sanghis"??
But I can show you a long list of Pakistani minorities applying for Indian citizenship bcz of "saint Muslims ".
Propaganda doesn't last long.

whole of Kashmir
Yet Allah says different .
Do you disagree with God and he’s prophet ?

school holidays in England here again it seems .

just remembered UK in lockdown schools out

opinion of your elected government official

vote bank

whole of Kashmir

So then why are indian Muslims so anti-Pakistani? Are they listening to Allah swt? Does Islam also tell them to be subservient and slavish to indian hindus?
Read somewhere that Indian constitution prohibits quotas based on religion - if that's correct @xeuss is correct in principle & I was wrong. ...BUT
I do see many announcements / reports of states providing quotas - found them for TN, AP and (only) an announcement for MH. Will need to find better data when time permits.
Whatever pittance of alms are thrown at Muslims from some safe distance is far outweighed by collective overwhelming sentiment against Muslims that propagates selective sabotage, undermining and outright abrogation of the legitimate interests of Muslims in terms of their livelihoods, wellbeing, history and legacy. The piecemeal "favours" sent their way in fact further "justifies" an overarching suffocation of Muslim groups. It's as though hindutva types say: see, we already do so much for them as a "favour" unto these sons of invaders, so we should overcompensate for those small boons by disproportionately aggressing against them.
OBC quota isn't pittance of alms, they give huge opportunities in for selection in subsidized govt education institutes and highly lucrative govt jobs not available to your upper castes Hindus.

Anyhow, what amuse me more is concern Pakistanis for Indian Muslim who do well in every social index parameters of compared to Pakistanis themselves.

From education to industry to entrenchment, who are biggest and most successful personas among south Asian Muslims? They are indian muslims.

Have you heard up Azim premji ? He is among top industrialists in India. He contributing 1125 CR fund to fight covid19.

Cipla who makes anti-Hiv drugs and now covid19 drugs is owned by a Indian Muslim billionaire entrepreneur.

These are some wildly successful Indian Muslims you wont find similar examples in Pakistan.

So again what makes so concerned about India muslims when you should be looking inward rather than worry about India Muslims who are doing better than you.

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