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IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"

agreed not directly...but
* there are many scholarships and aid available as a muslim mirnority
* states are beginning to assign specific muslim quotas such as TN, AP (heard Maha may be too)

There are no scholarships exclusively for Muslims. Muslims are free to apply for such scholarships, but compete with other Indians.
Once again, there are no quotas for Muslims in any state. Quotas are there for some Muslim communities like weavers, cleaners etc, but that is limited.
I've never understood why Pakistanis are always asking Indian Muslims to "wake up".

Wake up to what exactly? India is their country. They'll behave as they see fit. It's not like as if Indian Muslim are turning to Pakistan for anything.

Again, wake up to what exactly? Create a civil war in the country or topple the Indian Government and impose some sort of minority rule over the majority in India?

The Pakistanis think and comment so stupitidly at times. So daft.
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I've never understood why Pakistanis are always asking Indian Muslims to "wake up".

Wake up to what exactly? India is their country. They'll behave as they seewish. It's not like as if Indian Muslim are turning to Pakistan for anything.

Again, wake up to what exactly? Create a civil war in country or topple the Indian Government and impose some sort of minority rule over the majority in India?

The Pakistanis think and comment so stupitidly at times. So daft.
No but they should definitely keep a gun in the house for the very real possibility of a doomsday scenario.
No but they should definitely keep a gun in the house for the very real possibility of a doomsday scenario.

Why "should" they? They are around 240 million strong. They don't need war-mongering advice from Pakistanis.

How would Pakistanis feel if Westen nations ask Pakistani Christians to "wake up" and arm themselves? Or, if Indians ask Pakistani Hindus to "wake up" and arm themselves against the Government?

Don't forget the lesson India taught Pakistan in 1971 just 6 years after the stupidity Pakistan committed in wasting all its military and economic resources due to the whims of an arrogant tyrant.
There are no scholarships exclusively for Muslims. Muslims are free to apply for such scholarships, but compete with other Indians.
Once again, there are no quotas for Muslims in any state. Quotas are there for some Muslim communities like weavers, cleaners etc, but that is limited.

no, there are quotas - not central but states. for example TN has 3.5% exclusively muslim

That's fine. Please refer to your nation as an oligarchy instead of a democracy now.

huh? India is probably a more vibrant democracy than almost any other. put your always jaundiced glasses away and look at it objectively, without the muslim this and muslim that thing. Poor yes, corrupt yes but people of India exercise democracy better than most.
They threw out Indira Gandhi by process, they threw out congress then brought them back then threw them out.
At the state level, you probably don't follow, but the dynamics are even more amazing with each state reflecting local influences personalities issues and economics

truly the biggest and probably the best

brahmins really are the scum of the earth arent they

huh? that's not what the world is saying. here is a learning moment for you.

I've never understood why Pakistanis are always asking Indian Muslims to "wake up".

Wake up to what exactly? India is their country. They'll behave as they see wish. It's not like as if Indian Muslim are turning to Pakistan for anything.

Again, wake up to what exactly? Create a civil war in the country or topple the Indian Government and impose some sort of minority rule over the majority in India?

The Pakistanis think and comment so stupitidly at times. So daft.

this. kudos
IndiaBurning-"I'm being kind to muslims for not letting them come to india"
He is using the words of Hitler when he said the same thing of Jews. What more evidence the world need before they act against these Nazis?

So..., where are ALL the Indian PDF Members?

They speak highly of their current Government and always manage to shift the matter by claiming that we (the Pakistani's) are getting it wrong and that they see Indian Muslims as equals.

Yeah, clearly.
Hindus won't speak up because they harbour the same hindjew thoughts. This disease has come from Israel and the world needs to act together to stamp it out just like how it is dealing with the Corona virus. Once it gets out of control it will kill millions. This is green light for all Indian Muslims to take up the gun to protect themselves, family and friends. 200 Million Pakistanis +200 Million Indian Muslims +160 Million Bangladeshis= downsizing of Hindu fascism.

I've never understood why Pakistanis are always asking Indian Muslims to "wake up".

Wake up to what exactly? India is their country. They'll behave as they see wish. It's not like as if Indian Muslim are turning to Pakistan for anything.

Again, wake up to what exactly? Create a civil war in the country or topple the Indian Government and impose some sort of minority rule over the majority in India?

The Pakistanis think and comment so stupitidly at times. So daft.
We are seeing the Yugoslavia type disintegration of India. India is cracking and it is so obvious except for the blind or the stupid. Like Hitler these BJP politicians are so blinded by hatred and are so busy dancing on the bodies of minorities that they are failing to see that their time is near. Yes it will be a bloody affair, it will dwarf the massacres of the Bosnian war but through pain and suffering will come a new country of Islamistan in Northern India. It will be a combined country of Kashmir and Haryana , Punjab, Delhi and North Rajastan.

As Allama Iqbal wrote:-
Often people who don't deserve get might and main
anon a person's gifts ungraced remain
perhaps some rules of logic are concealed
mishaps that lie in wait are not revealed
there is fact that all of us can know
World's annals much light on this matter throw
fate keeps it's eyes on the nations do
like two edged swords can riddle through and through
There are no scholarships exclusively for Muslims. Muslims are free to apply for such scholarships, but compete with other Indians.
Once again, there are no quotas for Muslims in any state. Quotas are there for some Muslim communities like weavers, cleaners etc, but that is limited.

Thanks brother for sharing your views here. We need more people to fight the Hindutva lies. I hope you stay on this forum and keep speaking up for the truth.

May Allah swt bless you all. It is a difficult fight, but you will eventually emerge victorious.
Yes it does, because you elected him to represent you. -"Its a person opinion of a political leader and does not reflect opinion of all Indians"

No, it is same way you elected the imran Khan and most people don't know that who was local candidate from pti. They don't much care because you wanted to elect imran.

Same way happens in India, few people need to get elected because we want that party should be central
Subramanyam swamy is far radical than any BJP leader could ever accomplish in reality. So take his comments with a grain of salt.
Subramanyam swamy is far radical than any BJP leader could ever accomplish in reality. So take his comments with a grain of salt.

He wasn't that way. Maybe his daughter's marriage to a Muslim made him retarded. I remember him from the 90s being a very principled politician who would stand up to corruption.

But then again, what he speaks, is not too far from what the great majority of Hindus believe in.

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