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India Would Love to Return this Aircraft Carrier It Bought from Russia

Guys whilst we return the VIKRAMDITYA can we return the nuclear powered AKULA classa subs as well.

Do we get FULL REFUND or PARTIAL has the carrier has been used


INS VIKRAMDITYA returned TO RUSSIA with 29 MIG29K too

We should return it

AND BUY the QUEEN ELIZABETH class carrier off brits for $10 billion

a saturation strike by Mirage V armed with anti ship missiles is enough to sink this indian love boat ...

i hope they deploy her.
It’s not about sinking an aircraft carrier it is about incapacitating her and it takes a small bomb on the deck or a torpedo close to the props or the rudder to do so. Infact missiles hitting the hull might not be that effective. Once unable to launch aircrafts or stuck in water, it is a dead fish. In the Indo Pak scenario it’s multiple simultaneous attacks through combination of Submarine, Surface and Air Launched attacks. Ultimately something will get through. A naval version of swift retort but in three dimensions.
Firebricks quality is very important to boilers, but I think the workmanship to lay the firebrick inside the boiler is even more important. Generally, we do not meet the problem caused by firebrick quality itself, but from quality of laying the brick (improper laying, lacking gap for thermal expansion, etc.)
Both, Boiler is a boiler. Laying of bricks is not a rocket science.
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