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India woos Japan and Vietnam to challenge China's South Asia dominance

India is forming gangs with Vietnam , the Philippines, Japan, Australia and USA etc etc to bully China. China needs to teach India another lesson similar to that of 1962.

you know,thats what wrong with primitive animals like Monkey.they've brain of the size of peanut...

we're not ganging up against china..its called foreign policy and interaction..but then again,we don't need to teach another country who itself ganged up against another country for half a century and gave permission to devil uncle itself to base soldiers in their country..
Nice- you're diplomats call us poor and stinky abroad, your military decides to take 'vacations' across the border every now and then, you guys give 'warnings' every now and then, and then when we flock together like innocent lambs, we are to be faulted. You don't need the jews for this man- you are more than enough!

lol, maybe we should take an "vacation" in India then :) Probably our drone should too
More like Japan is wooing India. But nobody likes to be a pawn , treated in a game.

Vietnam? It has normalised it relationship with China.

FYI, "normal is not what you think friendship or peace.
With China, normal is tempo- calm down status for China to resolve weaker ones first then head back to you.
Vietnam has fought thousands time with China through our history, we know that.
It's our unlucky to be neighbor of China, but lucky to have friends want Vietnam stronger to keep China stay
FYI, "normal is not what you think friendship or peace.
With China, normal is tempo- calm down status for China to resolve weaker ones first then head back to you.
Vietnam has fought thousands time with China through our history, we know that.
It's our unlucky to be neighbor of China, but lucky to have friends want Vietnam stronger to keep China stay

This is the mentality that's short sighted.

A weak China, who is Asia's only chance to have a true super power again, a title which was robbed from us, a hundred years ago, if we exclude Ottoman empire, is bad for Asia.

A weak China means the continue disrespect shown towards Asians by the West who has the sole super power in America and the developed world in Europe.

Japan can no more be a super power than Michael Jordan can of being a center.

Vietnam don't have to be dominated by China, at present all Vietnam has to do is be developed, she may not be our equal but like UK to the US, she is respected.

Our power should only be different in terms of scale but not in terms of individuals, but currently, our living condition is far better than Vietnam and most of South Asia, and that is where this supposed disrespect comes from.

Not standing in the way of China of reaching super power status is good for all Asians, and yet all people think about is themselves in the short term.

Hence why alliances against true dominate powers almost always fails. Because they can never see the benefit of beating the real enemy but squabble over petty differences.
This is the mentality that's short sighted.

A weak China, who is Asia's only chance to have a true super power again, a title which was robbed from us, a hundred years ago, if we exclude Ottoman empire, is bad for Asia.

A weak China means the continue disrespect shown towards Asians by the West who has the sole super power in America and the developed world in Europe.

Japan can no more be a super power than Michael Jordan can of being a center.

Vietnam don't have to be dominated by China, at present all Vietnam has to do is be developed, she may not be our equal but like UK to the US, she is respected.

Our power should only be different in terms of scale but not in terms of individuals, but currently, our living condition is far better than Vietnam and most of South Asia, and that is where this supposed disrespect comes from.

Not standing in the way of China of reaching super power status is good for all Asians, and yet all people think about is themselves in the short term.

Bold 1 Hence why alliances against true dominate powers almost always fails. Because they can never see the benefit of beating the real enemy but squabble over petty differences.
I would not bet on Japan is no long can be super power, Japan can flip a finger and be super power tommorrow if their congress wanted to.

bold 2 It's not just Vietnam, China needed Japan, Korea, India, Taiwan and all ASEAN countries on her side. China are not technical enough to compare to US and so Vietnam to UK. Even Japan are not that close to compare to US.

Bold3 No body can stand in China being super power, it that Asia don't trust China with all the power judging that past history and current events in SCS. China needed to show that China are trust worthy to be side with, this will take time to develop.
I would not bet on Japan is no long can be super power, Japan can flip a finger and be super power tommorrow if their congress wanted to.

bold 2 It's not just Vietnam, China needed Japan, Korea, India, Taiwan and all ASEAN countries on her side. China are not technical enough to compare to US and so Vietnam to UK. Even Japan are not that close to compare to US.

Bold3 No body can stand in China being super power, it that Asia don't trust China with all the power judging that past history and current events in SCS. China needed to show that China are trust worthy to be side with, this will take time to develop.

1) Japan and Michael Jordan comparison is that while MJ is the best basketball player, he isn't tall enough to play the center position, Japan isn't big enough to be a super power without conquering some other country.

The fact Japan could go toe to toe with US is partly due to resources forcefully extracted from China and Korea and using it only for war, but they still can't match the US in production, same deal here.

China is way bigger and has way more people, this is resource Japan can never have.

In order for Japan to have 10 trillion economy, they would be the world's highest non oil, non less than 10 people per capita country, now how likely do you think that is.

2) I only mentioned Vietnam because we are debating with Vietnam members, but yea, we need all Asian nations. As to technical? You you follow Chinese news closely you would know our home market is getting more and more into our own brands in terms of technology, cars, cell phones, pcs, and what not.

Second, unless you think White people are smarter as a rule, which we can prove it isn't by all of history pre-1800s, China catching the US in tech is only a matter of time and not if.

3) Trust? Do you know US history and how US got all its states? Do you know the Spanish American war? The Indians wars? The Mexican American war? The wars that go on now?

As to current actions? What have we ACTUALLY done that resulted in armies getting destroyed and civilians slaughtered? Land being grabbed?
With out a good center M.J. still win NBA Championship. Back in WW2 Japan and today Japan havent change a bit as in resource. Japan never have any hugh resources. Resources can be diminished in time. Hugh population can also diminished your resources. US even don't have 1.2b population like China and they are the World Supper Power.

Trust -as you mention US history, well China history wasn't a Saint either. Put yourselves in to other shoes and think if they can trust China. The world already had a World Super Power that we don't trust so why would we trust another Super power?

China dont needed to like USA, because we don't trust USA. 
With out a good center M.J. still win NBA Championship. Back in WW2 Japan and today Japan havent change a bit as in resource. Japan never have any hugh resources. Resources can be diminished in time. Hugh population can also diminished your resources. US even don't have 1.2b population like China and they are the World Supper Power.

Trust -as you mention US history, well China history wasn't a Saint either. Put yourselves in to other shoes and think if they can trust China. The world already had a World Super Power that we don't trust so why would we trust another Super power?

China dont needed to be like USA, because we don't trust USA.
Have some honesty Indians. No diplomat would use military as a metaphor, especially with words like conquered and dominated, to describe between China-India relationship knowing well what happened in 1962. Also, Buddhism only took off in 600 AD, that's far more 2000yrs. And only 18% Chinese are Buddhists.

When are you indians going to get over your complex?? Fabricating quotes from Einstein to Lord Macaulay's letter to 36% NASA scientists are Indians....they are scattered all over the net. What a disgrace!

1)Chola incident(1967)Chola incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2)Chinese Buddhism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Buddhism:coffee:

You completely missed the point, it doesn't matter 1962 or Chola, the point is given the uneasing border issues, no diplomat would say use such militaristic metaphor to describe the relationship between the two countries. This quote is fake. As with Lord Macaulay's letter, 36% NASA scientist are Indians......all you those you can find in the internet. :dirol:
It's not about the earliest date, but when Buddhism actually made an impact in China--when Chan or Zen buddhism was founded in 500-600 AD. And only the monks are buddhists, most people are confucianism or taoism. It doesn't require a Phd in history.

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Keep doing that and South China Sea might soon 'belong' to a 'consortium' of nations.

Don't worry, before SCS belong to a consortium of Nation, we will make sure the Chinese Get it first.

You guys can fight all you want in SCS, we don't use malacca strait as much as any of Asian nation.
Don't worry, before SCS belong to a consortium of Nation, we will make sure the Chinese Get it first.

You guys can fight all you want in SCS, we don't use malacca strait as much as any of Asian nation.

How is china going to fight consortium of nations anyway? You guys are crying foul even at the mention of consortium of nations :disagree: . Oh I forgot....you will field your own consortium of nations to counter us- China + North Korea+ Congo+ Assorted African dictatorships. I foresee 'all weather friend' Pakistan will not actually be a part of said consortium, instead be happy cheering from sides only (making speeches etc.). Great friends you have eh buddy :enjoy:
Don't worry, before SCS belong to a consortium of Nation, we will make sure the Chinese Get it first.
You guys can fight all you want in SCS, we don't use malacca strait as much as any of Asian nation.
are you nuts? one thing is for sure, VN needs more naval assets, no mater where they come from: Russia, Japan or India.
India is forming gangs with Vietnam , the Philippines, Japan, Australia and USA etc etc to bully China. China needs to teach India another lesson similar to that of 1962.
We have Aksai Chin, we can run over ND in one day 
lol he troll first, ask him not me :) 

lol you exposed me?? I felt so violated

No other member already have.
How is china going to fight consortium of nations anyway? You guys are crying foul even at the mention of consortium of nations :disagree: . Oh I forgot....you will field your own consortium of nations to counter us- China + North Korea+ Congo+ Assorted African dictatorships. I foresee 'all weather friend' Pakistan will not actually be a part of said consortium, instead be happy cheering from sides only (making speeches etc.). Great friends you have eh buddy :enjoy:

Dude, try to see what American WILL do if you want to step up in South China Sea?? I can only tell you this, whatever you Indian do and pissed off American will only benefit the Chinese, believe it or not is up to you.

I am not saying this will happened. If US 7th and 5th Fleet + Chinese PLAN, it will make mince meat out of IN in Indian Ocean in less than 2 hours. This is all i know 
We have Aksai Chin, we can run over ND in one day 

No other member already have.

lol you mean that Han Dominance guy?? lol He don't even speak Chinese lol

lol, say what you want, if you want, lol but are you going to dog me and tell everyone i talked to that i am not real Chinese??

Lol then good luck on that 
Japan can no more be a super power than Michael Jordan can of being a center.

That vert much depend on where Michael Jordan play right? I believe he can gave a Chinese National Team Centre a run for his money.
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