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India woos Japan and Vietnam to challenge China's South Asia dominance

The European are actually more broad minded. Its only when everything started with the Americans.

Funny you should remember the Europeans suggested bombing Libya first, not us. 
We're nuclear nations and America badly wants to trigger a war in Asia. America knows Muslim nations are already anti-America so first it is targeting Muslim nations.

Instead of fighting with each other we should look forward for survival in this region because USA is damn witty, damn powerful. Period.

We targeting Muslim nations first? We bombed the Serbs saving the Muslims in Kosovo so don't talk crap about us hating Muslims. Count how many times we went to war with Muslim countries and why. Start with the Barbary pirates and go from there.
I despise races that interbreed. In my mind children of mixed races are not really part of the human race. They are not pure. Interbreeding should be a crime. Just look how ugly Pinoys look because you have an Asian gene mixing with a Latin gene.

Problem is these useless and cheap Vietnamese women that spread their legs and allow everything and anything to get them pregnant. They breed like rats and pop out their ugly children to be used by others as a football.

Pinoy and Vietnamese women are just used as sperm dumpsters by every race in this world. It's quite sad.

Their main export is women. Ugh!

OOooh...dude thats very...very harsh & so...so very improper !

I'm sure Vietnamese Women are wonderful people & not anything like that !

And theres nothing wrong with Inter-Breeding...heck even Science has postulated on one hand that going back a couple of thousand years we're all the same & on the other hand inter-racial breeding benefits the gene pool by increasing resistance to newer diseases ! 
We targeting Muslim nations first? We bombed the Serbs saving the Muslims in Kosovo so don't talk crap about us hating Muslims. Count how many times we went to war with Muslim countries and why. Start with the Barbary pirates and go from there.

So when you say 'Oldman1' how old are we talking about here ? :unsure:

Or did you take the nick from the age-old nursery rhyme 'Old McDonald had a farm.....' ! :D
OOooh...dude thats very...very harsh & so...so very improper !

I'm sure Vietnamese Women are wonderful people & not anything like that !

And theres nothing wrong with Inter-Breeding...heck even Science has postulated on one hand that going back a couple of thousand years we're all the same & on the other hand inter-racial breeding benefits the gene pool by increasing resistance to newer diseases ! 

So when you say 'Oldman1' how old are we talking about here ? :unsure:

Or did you take the nick from the age-old nursery rhyme 'Old McDonald had a farm.....' ! :D

Are you obsessed with my life or the topic on hand? Or just avoiding it because something I said offended you. Its okay to be mad.
Are you obsessed with my life or the topic on hand? Or just avoiding it because something I said offended you. Its okay to be mad.

Huuunnnn....? I dunno what topic you guys are discussing here ! :unsure:

Just trying to inject some light-hearted small talk !

Alright mate no need to get your knickers in a twist, I won't quote you again !
India woos Japan and Vietnam to challenge China's South Asia dominance | Mail Online

For India, the alliance with Vietnam stems from its Look East policy, but is largely because it sees Vietnam as a willing ally to counter-balance China's muscle-flexing in the South China Sea. So, it is helping Vietnam ramp up its defence capabilities. This new-found assertiveness from India is a welcome change, as in the past

Not only Vietnam, India has good relations with most of ASEAN countries. It is a part of India's Look East Policy.
As a traditional friendly partner, there's no reason to Vietnam does not welcome this policy of India.
India supposed to be make a good friend with Pakistan. You both are South Asians.

But I understand the complication, human are idiot anyway. In the survey, almost all East Asians want peace and friendship to each others, in Japanese, Korean and Chinese. But it's complicated...

We are all IDIOTS! 
I sense the West are setting up Asia to fall for war and taking each other down. This will happen when US announce it will take her Fleet 7 out of Asia due to economic fall out. China will immediately try to take over Asia. Then when all Asia are week torn down due to wars, the the West will wipe out what ever strong hole left. Hope Russia will step in and prevent war in Asia.

Why should China take over the whole East Asia (in the meaning where China will invade and occupied the entire East Asia)? You should see the complication after that. China must babysitting everyone of them. China will also force Chinese people to commit marriage with non-Chinese in the name of brotherhood.

It's better to just building a trust and friendship. Maintain unity of East Asian from the foreign threat. And being wealthy and prosperous together.
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Well simply Resources and Imperial glory they lost their chance in the 19th and 20th century they are making up for lost time
I think we all know who would be the major player in Asia. The presidents of the region sang the "Happy Birthday" to Putin. Obama was not even there.
Russia will be the arbiter of all disputes in Asia of the 21st century.
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Funny you should remember the Europeans suggested bombing Libya first, not us. 

We targeting Muslim nations first? We bombed the Serbs saving the Muslims in Kosovo so don't talk crap about us hating Muslims. Count how many times we went to war with Muslim countries and why. Start with the Barbary pirates and go from there.

American engaged in naked aggresion and imperialism against the Moros of the Sulu Sultanate and Mindanao, violating the Bates Treaty in order to conquer their land.
Neither Pakistan nor China is India's enemy.

However, we need to show everybody that we can hurt them in the same way that they plan for us.

We should have done this way back. Atleast we woke up. Good.
count have said it better maybe the best post on this thread so far ...good job buddy
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