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India won't be 'the world's largest democracy' until it upholds human right

we are not claiming a democratic nation
we still have a one party rule
One-party rule has pros and cons but right now it is working fine

There are a large host of figures and indices which are compiled by international orgs that we, China, an un-democratic nation excels way over this largest democracy - and a democracy in indian style.

You also might add, The journey that China has taken over the last 70ish decades started from coal to demon. I also agree that I don't share the same definition ,the west is bragging 24/7 about, of democracy like you are. If you look at what Chairman Mao did to his country, you will understand what I mean.
The west is hypocrite :p particularly with China :p ,and they Chinese don't give a damn about them LoL.
Long life PRC

Taiwan was ranked as a flawed democracy because it ranked 32, the cut off fur full democracy is at 25. S Korea and Japan are at 20 and 23, so they squeeze into the ranking of the full democracy. Taiwan is off by 7.

You guys are obsess by western countries measurement of you that in the movie of India superpower 2030, you need a British guy to affirm that India is a beautiful, wealthy and powerful country. Stop viewing your own country and others through the lenses of British. Its time to end your colonial slave mentality.

You are utterly incapable of keeping perspective.

You get obsessed by any small things that you may see anywhere and keep on repeating it like a stupid parrot.

You are perhaps incapable of realizing that this so called "movie" has not been seen by 99% Indians and those that may have seen may have laughed it off.

Yet it impacts a far off Chin so much!

Or is it the n Hexane effect?
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