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India won't be 'the world's largest democracy' until it upholds human right

we are not claiming a democratic nation
we still have a one party rule
One-party rule has pros and cons but right now it is working fine

Thanx, so at least you should not meddle into Indian affairs.
If upholding Human rights means bowing before terrorists in Kashmir and northeast, then we would like to be the smallest democracy in the world.

Salute to the soldiers who's plight is not seen by these hypocrites.

HRA can go f**k themselves.
Thank you!

I wish this may come soon and our Taiwanese Brothers can participate in system which help decide the fate and policies of us, 1.3 billion Chinese!


This is not our foreign policy until it is mis-interpreted

Its your own individual foreign policy here on PDF.
So stop lecturing india on democracy.

cause your democracy is fake. it is run in indian style

Its your own individual foreign policy here on PDF.

and too bad it is indian democracy for the whole 1.2 billion people

If upholding Human rights means bowing before terrorists in Kashmir and northeast, then we would like to be the smallest democracy in the world.

Salute to the soldiers who's plight is not seen by these hypocrites.

HRA can go f**k themselves.

on the other side of the wall it is the indian militia who are the terrorists and invaders
cause your democracy is fake. it is run in indian style

and too bad it is indian democracy for the whole 1.2 billion people

Why would it be any other brand than indian?
Would china accept US type democracy?
on the other side of the wall it is the indian militia who are the terrorists and invaders

So in your context how the hell did chinese escape the great wall of china and get trained in you know which country ??
1984, Indian democracy and Chinese lecture!!!!!! LOL LOL what a cocktail.
So stop lecturing india on democracy.

Let be clear, India is not a democracy like how US is a democracy. Indian votes are up for sale. In a true democracy, votes are not up for sale. Also, there are a lot of human rights violations because of caste and religious issues as stated in this article. So India is clearly not a democracy when the majority do not use their votes to choose the destiny of their country but as the meal ticket for the election night.
Why would it be any other brand than indian?
Would china accept US type democracy?

indan democracy

usa democracy and world dictator

So in your context how the hell did chinese escape the great wall of china and get trained in you know which country ??

1984, Indian democracy and Chinese lecture!!!!!! LOL LOL what a cocktail.

Chinese lecturing Indians on democracy :lol:

Quite ironic.

democracy in INDIAN style - that says it all! haahaha
Why would it be any other brand than indian?
Would china accept US type democracy?

The majority of city dwellers are ready. But the country side is still not ready. I would suggest that China start regional elections in the urban area to get the people and the local government to practice elections.

India, on the other hand, need to take care of its social ills before regard itself as a democracy, as infer by the article.

Thank you!

I wish this may come soon and our Taiwanese Brothers can participate in a political system which help decide the fate and policies of us, 1.3 billion Chinese!

This is not our foreign policy unless it is mis-interpreted

Taiwan has 40 years of regional elections before it become a democracy. A true democracy not like the Indian democracy. Of course, China should take the Taiwanese route instead of the Indian democracy.

So stop lecturing india on democracy.

I'm an American citizen of Taiwanese origin. As I said earlier, if China is closer to become a democracy than India is right now.
In a democrasy all people are equal.
India must get rid of the caste system first.
I think I need to educate Chinese folks a bit about voting process (as they claim that people sell their vote for money in India.)

All parties may entice people with whatever they deem fit ( legally / illegally) but as the process of vote is secret and on an average evry single seat has ~ 30-50 candidates, I can , take the money and still vote the person I think is the best. This is basic intelligence.....isn't it.
Alas, this will come as a surprise to you people used to voting differently ( in front of galring eyes of your comrades who is the lone candidate).
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