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India without aircraft carrier as China takes huge strides

Our problems are in the Pacific and the SCS. I have no idea why we would try the Indian Ocean when we don't even have a blue water navy.
Yup. But its good. Fear of China make Indians work hard and fast. Just like US kept saying for decades that Commies are coming. :lol:

Its because of China's advancement and growing capability that MOD has somehow taken all these actions. Still, lot to learn and improve. :D

I thank China for that.
What a load of cr@p from TOIlet. The INS VIRAAT is still knocking around, yes it is not the most potent ACC out there but it is better than nothing. Secondly the VIKRAMDITYA will be in India by the end of 2013 and the IAC-1 will be in sailing by 2019 at the latest with all subsequent ACC projects taking lessons from the IAC-1 calamity. As with all such projects in India- the first one is always extremely drawn-out but the gains are made and subsequent designs and types are much more readily available.

Additionally this jounro fails to understand the sheer size of the learning curve confronting the PLAN. For a navy with zero ACC operational experience, who has zero ACC-operating friends to learn and interact with it i going to be an uphill battle to come to terms with the day-say running of an ACC let alone integrating this asset into the PLA(N)'s combat doctrine. On top of this the actual combat effectiveness of the Liaoning which, let's not forget, was brought to China in a complete state of disrepair, not even under its own power, after having been sat idle for years and was only sold to China to be used as a casino not a warship as such all the major combat systems were stripped long before. Yes the Chinese have a capable ship-building industry bet there is no doubt the Liaoning is going to be lacking on the tech front. Adding on top of this the Chinese are going to have to learn all their lessons "on-the-job" and operating high-performance supersonic jets of an ACC is not for the faint-hearted but when you have never done it before and are attempting to do so with no help from the outside it is bordering on lunacy.

As such the Liaoning is little more than a training ship.

As for the other ACCs supposedly in the pipeline by China, well I'll believe that when I see it and, again, I would be skeptical of these ships' technological capabilities.

One of the biggest advantages India has is friends willing to share and partner to develop the latest cutting edge tech to be used in Indian military service. And India has decades of ACC operational experience on its side and plenty of friends willing to share their own experience.

I'd say, all things considered, India and China are set to be about even on the ACC front for the next 10-15 years.

+ what is with this article? I don't like how these sensationalist media houses are following the US's example of using China as the go-to "bogey-man". The day when Indian and Chinese ACCs will be facing off in the same bit of water is many decades out for now both are interested in their immediate neighbourhoods.
This is just a ship with a large flat top. Chinese have land and take off planes from it. It is learning curve with at least five years taken to master that. Then you have to have planes, I mean very capable planes with armament to make the difference. These things do not come easy for a Chinese navy which relies on copies or old Soviet ships (small craft aside).

Once the flat top carrier is ready to go on high seas and travel let us say to Indian ocean, that is where years of experience show. Now you are away from shore facilities and, if anything breaks down, which I am sure something will, without adequately experienced staff, it cannot be repaired.

Hence this or any other carrier of China posing a problem to India in Indian Ocean is a remote possibility in next 5 to 10 years. Yes the Chinese will boast a lot on their achievements but of no avail.

Now consider Indian Navy and it's aircraft carrier, the Viraat and arriving this year the Vikramaditya is a formidable force for any Chinese Aircraft Carrier which ventures into the Indian Ocean. India has been operating aircraft carriers for 50 years. Indian navy know all about launching and landing planes. Indian current complement of fighters on Viraat is more than a match what China would turn out in 5 years. Planes on Vikramaditya will match Chinese for the next 10 years.

Hence Chinese aircraft carrier for next 10 years is a paper tiger.
Gentlemen - the Chinese built a fixed ramp on hard terra firma - to be precise, a near replica of the ship complete with deck for fighters to land/TO from. Surely the have been training for (simulated) carrier operations much earlier than getting the actual ship in hand. By now they may not we well OILED but sure have some idea on what C.Ops is all about.

@ CHinese-dragon - could you post the pix of the fixed carrier deck that was built somewhere in Tianjin or Qingdao.. (not sure, thats why asking you)
Training on simulation is not flying in and flying out of carriers. Ask the Americans, if you have any doubts.

Simulation prepares new recruits to an ongoing carrier operation. In an ongoing operation the more experienced pilots carry the new one along. When everybody is new, then it is a matter of choice that an accident happen.

Hence there is lesson to the Chinese, do not get too over confident. Deep sea operation and operation far away from your shores in a hostile waters will get your your dear carrier sunk. Slowly and steadily train your carrier staff until they are proficient enough.
We don't need a carrier , as long as we have Andaman islands in bay of Bengal..that is more than enough to provide air cover for the navy....
The typical "Oh China is churning out XYZ so fast while India is so slow" article that passes for "journalism" these days. Except for the small fact that China's aircraft carriers are nowhere on the horizon either. Unless this author has inside info about China's progress in building carriers, I don't see how he came to the conclusion that China is "taking huge strides". Besides, writing an article of this kind is easy - there is nothing in it that wasn't already known, no new information, just some China-fear cloaked as an article.

Everybody knows that the Vikramaditya will reach us only by December. Nobody knows anything about how successful China's A/C building has been so far, or when the first one will be completed. From these two data points, the author has managed to spin an article that is all about denigrating our capabilities and hyping up theirs.

An article in a newspaper should give us some news we don't already know - not simply use what everyone knows, and add the author's bedtime fears onto it.

I am still waiting for ONE news item about IAC-1's real progress, its troubles, its successes etc, without any mention of how China is about to float hundreds of carriers in the Indian ocean tomorrow. I wish we had an Anantha Krishnan for reporting naval affairs.

Scams after scams in Defense Deals, delays after delays and no accountability.

IAC-I won't come before 2020. Gorshkov may come in mid-2014.

Similarly, MRCA and LCA wont come before 2030 :cheers:

Pakistan have supersonic cruise missile for aircraft carriers.
Exactly Krait. This is ridiculous. This is why I may sound nuts when I state a mutiny or military take over is good for India in the short term. I don;t see the Indian public grapsing the gravity of the situation while these lame duck politicans fill their pockets. Time to hit them hard and where it counts. That;s why I openly support naxals, they have brunt the worst of the govt's inefficiency. People need to realize unless we jump up and down every freaking day and support the Anna;s and Kiran Bedi's, nothing will change.

That;s why I am willing to support Modi to correct the insititutionalized corruption. There is no other way, so I don;t give a f-k about religious sensitivities.

Then please come back to India and advocate a military takeover to any Army officer and infront of the public instead of writing this ridiculous **** thousands of miles away of my home Mr. Keyboard warrior. But since no one of you online fascists have any guts or balls or the will to come back to India, I dont expect anything from you.

We don't need a carrier , as long as we have Andaman islands in bay of Bengal..that is more than enough to provide air cover for the navy....

This thinking is obsolete since world war 2..

Similarly, MRCA and LCA wont come before 2030 :cheers:

If you dont know anything, better dont write your nonsense...

Pakistan have supersonic cruise missile for aircraft carriers.

Wow!!!!!!! :cheesy:

Do you think the navy does not know about such missiles ??? Our ships have some of the best SAM systems in world. And CBG will have several escort ships.

Scams after scams in Defense Deals, delays after delays and no accountability.

IAC-I won't come before 2020. Gorshkov may come in mid-2014.

Gorshkov will come this year, there is no reason to assume a further delay right now.

And the IAC 1 will surely be inducted before 2020.

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