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India Will Strike Again:---

you should first share dossier and then took action. After humiliation your govt share dossier. if someone involved in that incident Pakistan will take action
you should first share dossier and then took action. After humiliation your govt share dossier. if someone involved in that incident Pakistan will take action
For any action to be taken there must be credible evidence, a dossier on it's own means nothing.
The dossier we received will be full of lies, fabrications and wishful thinking.
For any action to be taken there must be credible evidence, a dossier on it's own means nothing.
The dossier we received will be full of lies, fabrications and wishful thinking.

It will have references to Jordanian F16s and photos of Taiwanese AMRAAMs... :cuckoo:

Did anyone notice them say AMRAAM... they sounded more like "RAM RAM... RAM RAM..."
For any action to be taken there must be credible evidence, a dossier on it's own means nothing.
The dossier we received will be full of lies, fabrications and wishful thinking.
we must wait sir
India is playing proxy to the US; as they clearly had the nod from the notorious hawk John Bolton to attack Pakistan. US obviously needed to know the capabilities of the Indian forces as they want it to take on the larger China in the near future. But Bolton was quite disappointed as India got a spanking of the century.

What India did underestimate was the resolve of the Armed forces to fight back and inflict a deep wound. They received a ton of damage in return in addition to lost pride. They lost fighter aircraft; senior airmen, supply depots. Their media does propaganda very well; but it is restricted to internal politics.
If only being clever and cunning were enough would Iblis have lost Jennet???
I don't think IAF is that unprofessional that they will miss the seminary completely
they were being chased thus abandoned whatever missions they were on. all told 12 mirages in groups of 4 tried in 3 different areas of Pakistan. only the ones heading for kp dropped their payloads, while the rest of them were intercepted a little sooner. everything was over in less than 5 minutes. professionals indeed

or was it 4 groups of 3, I can't remember
knowing how makar and cunning hindu banya and his white jewish masters are should we be celebrating this victory? is the war over?
On the contrary Pak will think 1000 times before it pushes militants into India. Time for Pak to keep its Masood Azhars on a tight leash.

U Indians have no idea wt we have done to u...........india has lost Kashmir
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