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India Will Strike Again:---

Don't forget to Thank ALLAH for his mercy and support and credit where it is due,
- The country's leadership for taking a stance and walking the talk
- The PAF leadership and the brave sons for their exceptional planning and superior execution
- The PA leadership for full backing and preparation for all out next level escalation if it came to that
- MOFA for doing what they do best, and
- Other unnamed services and branches for their lightening quick response and readiness

Now to the question
Looking at their (Indian) history and cowardice nature they might try to hit a soft target in the near future before their elections to claim some kind of victory. PAF must remain very vigilant and leadership must make it clear that we will respond again without any hesitation.

I think IA lied to Modi regarding the first fake surgical strike and he actually believed that IA crossed the border and Pakistan did not respond out of fear or cowardice. This time his political standing is even lower than the last time, so he wanted a bigger drama and IAF fell for it not realising IA lied to them all.

For foreign support, the only country I can think of is Israel, probably not because they had some beef with us, but just to milk Modi by selling their military expertise and weaponry. Now both their military technology (what they sold to India) and their expert miscalculation is exposed too, but only if someone is wise enough to connect the dots.


Will India strike again at a place and time of their chosing---. The loss and damage that it has suffered at the hands of the pak military after day of incursion into Pakistan has been of astronomical proportions---and that is only what is visible to the world---and not what is hidden in the military bases that were struck---.

Losing 3 aircraft and a helicopter within the same time frame to an enemy it thought would no even whimper.

What simply astounds me is---what was India really thinking---. Was it thinking that it has become the united states of america---or it has suddenly evolved into the state of Israel---the enemy---a poorly equipped and handicapped afghan taliban or helpless Palestinians with nothing to fight back with---.

It is simply so shocking to see India taking this kind of action against a nuclear neighbor. I just cannot comprehend that how did the indian military analysts failed so bad about pakistan's fire power and determination to strike back---how did the indian intel agencies fail to inform their prime minister about the reality---bottomline is---and the most important question to ask is---on whose gesture did india strike at pakistan---.

Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.
So things are calm now or should we expect something?
I believe that it is entirely up to USA now.

Pakistan is reopening the air space at 1 PM Pakistan time today, so it may have been given some reassurances by uncle Sam that it will control its unruly nephew
United States clearly gave a go ahead.

Next time they will die in even greater number or captured. And a counter surgical strike will be launched tit for tat and a bit extra.

We are giving peace a chance right now. Imran khan thinks they will understand.

We can always fight wars when peace fails.

US is our friend, gave us a lot of weapons to defend ourselves

Our two greatest friends, thank you:-


Will India strike again at a place and time of their chosing---. The loss and damage that it has suffered at the hands of the pak military after day of incursion into Pakistan has been of astronomical proportions---and that is only what is visible to the world---and not what is hidden in the military bases that were struck---.

Losing 3 aircraft and a helicopter within the same time frame to an enemy it thought would no even whimper.

What simply astounds me is---what was India really thinking---. Was it thinking that it has become the united states of america---or it has suddenly evolved into the state of Israel---the enemy---a poorly equipped and handicapped afghan taliban or helpless Palestinians with nothing to fight back with---.

It is simply so shocking to see India taking this kind of action against a nuclear neighbor. I just cannot comprehend that how did the indian military analysts failed so bad about pakistan's fire power and determination to strike back---how did the indian intel agencies fail to inform their prime minister about the reality---bottomline is---and the most important question to ask is---on whose gesture did india strike at pakistan---.

Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.
Never underestimate your enemy.
India still thinks it 1971 and we are fighting within.
India thinks its better at everything than it actually is.
Having better kit doesnt make you a better player.
Pakistan this time not only whipped india in the air but took over several posts on LOC with indian reports of SSG operational on their side.
Their soldiers are making videos they dont want to die and our old judges are begging to be allowed to fight.

Even you @MastanKhan doubted paksitan. Now u have changed your tune
Interesting Question.
Indian Threat Analysis and Situational Awareness was simply Stupid and Pathetic. When Civilian government Takes too much in its own hands and reject advice of men on ground, stupidities and miscalculations like this happens.
Next time i hope Indian government will consult Indian Army and Air force more and Civilian Paper hawks like Doval and RAW. I mean Imaginf if Imran Khan Started Taking Advice from Sheikh Rasheed and Khwaja Asif Instead of Qamar Javed Bajwa, Sohail Aman and Asim Munir what would have happened.
Anyways. Let Sane People Prevail.

And for the India Responding Pakistan.Assume India is not intending to Declare War on Pakistan. Evey Sane person with even most basic Military Knowledge knows how Pakistan is not a cookie. What Pakistan Conventional Capabilities can do to Indian Military installations even if we ignore TOTAL WAR Scenario. India CANNOT Subdue Pakistan in a Conventional Military Blow.
If it comes to the game of you strike me and i strike you avoiding full scale war in the meantime, Both countries are capable of doing this game. Meanwhile The Economies of both countries will be hampered down and Stall.
they believed that they become like USA and Pakistan would give them just shutup call but they did not expect that bloody retaliation .
If they idealise united states then its a big problem for them, united states couldn't even win from countries like afghanistan. India should form its own example follow their own path they are a much bigger country than usa and have much bigger potential..
Usa is wack no one should idealize them. They make money by loosing wars and selling weapons

Will India strike again at a place and time of their chosing---. The loss and damage that it has suffered at the hands of the pak military after day of incursion into Pakistan has been of astronomical proportions---and that is only what is visible to the world---and not what is hidden in the military bases that were struck---.

Losing 3 aircraft and a helicopter within the same time frame to an enemy it thought would no even whimper.

What simply astounds me is---what was India really thinking---. Was it thinking that it has become the united states of america---or it has suddenly evolved into the state of Israel---the enemy---a poorly equipped and handicapped afghan taliban or helpless Palestinians with nothing to fight back with---.

It is simply so shocking to see India taking this kind of action against a nuclear neighbor. I just cannot comprehend that how did the indian military analysts failed so bad about pakistan's fire power and determination to strike back---how did the indian intel agencies fail to inform their prime minister about the reality---bottomline is---and the most important question to ask is---on whose gesture did india strike at pakistan---.

Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.

The REALITY is that ALL indians live in a retarded delusional bollywood fantasy land where india is a bigger superpower than america and Pakistan has a military which is much worst off than that of Somalia and Ethiopia. Even indians on PDF claim this. indians are so retarded and delusional they even claim to have been using the internet, satellites, submarines, fighter jets, computers, cars etc some 5,000 to 10,000 years ago:


Hence why the indian military defeat this week has left them shell-shocked.
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Next time they will think over 1000 times before they get into any misadventure. But, surely they will be looking for opportunities. As for the instigators, they have also lost credibility with the Indians!!! Very clever folks are trying to outfox one another....

This is the new normal. Terrorist attack in India will invite air strikes. There will be significant military and economic costs to Pak.

On the contrary Pak will think 1000 times before it pushes militants into India. Time for Pak to keep its Masood Azhars on a tight leash.
If they idealise united states then its a big problem for them, united states couldn't even win from countries like afghanistan. India should form its own example follow their own path they are a much bigger country than usa and have much bigger potential..
Usa is wack no one should idealize them. They make money by loosing wars and selling weapons
Good for us. India makes more mistakes this way. Every body pump up India shupa powa!

This is the new normal. Terrorist attack in India will invite air strikes. There will be significant military and economic costs to Pak.

On the contrary Pak will think 1000 times before it pushes militants into India. Time for Pak to keep its Masood Azhars on a tight leash.
On the contrary; there was a significant military and psychological cost to Indian forces. Check with your force chiefs. Bolti band :D
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