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India Will Strike Again:---

Violence in J&K state is not going to subside or disappear suddenly. With logistics support and militant support across the border squeezed we will start seeing changes on ground.

Musharaf did that in 2000, he cut off support and even suffered assassination attempts on his life.

Recent violence in IOK is your own doing.. from blinding kids to killing young boys.. go figure how Burhan Wani became a legend for Kashmiri youth..
Ask the families of Kashmiri Fighters;

Every action has a reaction.
The released Abhi quickly after significant pressures from major powers including China. You don’t change your ways India will start lobbying to declare Pak a terrorist state. Hoping Imran is a quick learner and reads the writing on the wall.

What pressure you fuking faggot? Why is this pressure not working in case of kulbhushan yadav?

We dont want to escalate because our govt wants development and economic growth unlike modi chutiya who is using it for his election campaign!

india will hit Pak training camps and other similar structures across border whenever actionable intelligence at hand. This is the new development in this region. There will be stability and economic costs to Pak.


Hit what? And what happens next?

We hit indian military targets in broad daylight and shot your jets... captured your pilot....humiliating you infront of the world.

And guess what international media is saying?

The writer is indian;

You are willing to eat grass for Kashmir and we can forego a few sport events taking this important step to ensure support to terrorism ends from across the border.

Eating grass is better option than eating shyt and moaning out loud.

As for sporting events, lmao.. sounds like “isolating Pakistan” dram blew up in your own face;

Musharaf did that in 2000, he cut off support and even suffered assassination attempts on his life.

Recent violence in IOK is your own doing.. from blinding kids to killing young boys.. go figure how Burhan Wani became a legend for Kashmiri youth..
Ask the families of Kashmiri Fighters;

Every action has a reaction. [\Quote]

Ever wonder why every big power asked you to take action on terrorist elements in Pak? Kashmir is our issue. We will bring peace in the region. Just stay out.

What pressure you fuking faggot? Why is this pressure not working in case of kulbhushan yadav?

He is still alive MF:what: . Stop using uncivil language. Two can play at that.

We dont want to escalate because our govt wants development and economic growth unlike modi chutiya who is using it for his election campaign!

No dude you can’t escalate. And yes till you contain terrorism entities India is within its rights to scr*w your development and economic growth ambitions.

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Hit what? And what happens next?

We hit indian military targets in broad daylight and shot your jets... captured your pilot....humiliating you infront of the world.

And guess what international media is saying?

The writer is indian;

Eating grass is better option than eating shyt and moaning out loud.

As for sporting events, lmao.. sounds like “isolating Pakistan” dram blew up in your own face;


Will India strike again at a place and time of their chosing---. The loss and damage that it has suffered at the hands of the pak military after day of incursion into Pakistan has been

It is simply so shocking to see India taking this kind of action against a nuclear neighbor. I just cannot comprehend that how did the indian military analysts failed so bad about pakistan's fire power and determination to strike back---how did the indian intel agencies fail to inform their prime minister about the reality---bottomline is---and the most important question to ask is---on whose gesture did india strike at pakistan---.

Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.
On a Very Lighter Note

NO one gave India any go ahead, they just read too many of Mastan's posts about PAF :):omghaha:

That’s what I was about to say. That it might have been sir Mastan Khan’s pessimistic views and posts about PAF that probably did the Indians in. And on serious note we know that people connected to Indian military and intelligence monitor and scan this site for possible intel.
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