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India Will Strike Again:---

If they idealise united states then its a big problem for them, united states couldn't even win from countries like afghanistan. India should form its own example follow their own path they are a much bigger country than usa and have much bigger potential..
Usa is wack no one should idealize them. They make money by loosing wars and selling weapons
indian are consideri g them best in the world and they are intoxicated in power you hear the proverb
bander k hath maches .
I can answer, if you are looking for an answer from statergic point of view...Personally, I will prefer to screw Kashmir valley rather than a war with Pakistan...Because, i feel, Pakistan is not the problem rather problem is internal..

Coming to statergic question....If we go by the mindset of current Indian GOV, India tried to bait Pakistan by crossing the border...It would have been better if Pakistan would have attacked and damaged certain visible military institution inside Indian territory...Remember, in a war, it is expected that loss of life will happen...But we should be able to justify the loss of life...Unfortunately, Pakistan did not take the bait...they crossed the border but could not destroy any visible impact on ground.... Loosing few aircraft is not an enough reason to attack on Pakistan military...It will present us as an aggressor...When IAF crossed LOC to attack militant camp, we played the victim card from terrorism, but now, in order to have a full blown attack, we need Pakistan to make some mistake by attacking and making some visible loss...Otherwise, nothing is going to happen...

Who has the masterstroke now?
This is the new normal. Terrorist attack in India will invite air strikes. There will be significant military and economic costs to Pak.

On the contrary Pak will think 1000 times before it pushes militants into India. Time for Pak to keep its Masood Azhars on a tight leash.
Tmhri Halat b kuttay ki us dum jesi ha jo kbhi seedhi nhe hogi
Let them do what they want to do... USA is behind India we know, but at the same time one thing is really teasing me is chinas reaction .... They absolutely silent and this is not good for us at all... We urgently need to reconsider our relations with our friends.. We need to know first who is exactly is our friend... For now no arabs no china but only turkey is the one country that supported us.. I want the govt and the people of Pakistan should calling stop arabs and chines as our brothers..consider them only our friends because of their interests.. But turkey is really truly is our brother country . Regarding Indian attack i just want to say we are ready to die for our nation.. Our military too is ready for final action... Lets see how things will works in next few weeks... According to imran last statement in assembly india was planning missile attack, it indicates that india has been caught with his pant down in front of international audience and now they intentionally told amricans that we are going to attack Pakistan with missiles. Amricans are not fools they knew modi want face saving now & you guys noted yesterday's trump statement about pak & india he clearly said this is going to be stopped.. Means decision of releasing poilet was taken the same night when we captured indian poilet... One thing more if you guys noticed that going to attack with missiles mean that modi lost trust over all 3 forces or all 3 forces shown modi their *** and told him sorry modi g we dont have power or guts to blackmale pak, IN, IAF, IA is nothing but jokers & pak completely outclassed them
@Bilal Khan 777 @MastanKhan @Areesh
This is the new normal. Terrorist attack in India will invite air strikes. There will be significant military and economic costs to Pak.

On the contrary Pak will think 1000 times before it pushes militants into India. Time for Pak to keep its Masood Azhars on a tight leash.

The new normal is that your Air Force may never agree to a "surgical strike." Worse, they may refuse to take off once they see intel reports of whats on the other side waiting for them.
Listening to the Indian media nonsense, worse agreeing to it, puts you in what camp?

I can be guilty of hearing to Indian non-sense in order to dispel Indian propaganda BUT where I agreed with Indian propaganda against Pakistan? I'm just showing that there is NO change in India politician's & media stance even after good-will gestures from Pakistan.

Will India strike again at a place and time of their chosing---. The loss and damage that it has suffered at the hands of the pak military after day of incursion into Pakistan has been of astronomical proportions---and that is only what is visible to the world---and not what is hidden in the military bases that were struck---.

Losing 3 aircraft and a helicopter within the same time frame to an enemy it thought would no even whimper.

What simply astounds me is---what was India really thinking---. Was it thinking that it has become the united states of america---or it has suddenly evolved into the state of Israel---the enemy---a poorly equipped and handicapped afghan taliban or helpless Palestinians with nothing to fight back with---.

It is simply so shocking to see India taking this kind of action against a nuclear neighbor. I just cannot comprehend that how did the indian military analysts failed so bad about pakistan's fire power and determination to strike back---how did the indian intel agencies fail to inform their prime minister about the reality---bottomline is---and the most important question to ask is---on whose gesture did india strike at pakistan---.

Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.
There is a lot of conjecture in your statement regarding the damage done or Indian casualties inflicted as a direct bombing by Pakistan. I think Pakistan clearly avoided attacking military sites, instead choose to bomb around them, when Pakistani jets locked on to those targets it was to show that we can come and hit any time we choose to but today we are choosing not to. So it was a warning shot. If Pakistan had hit a div HQ, India would be running all over the world and trying to paint Pakistan as the aggressor because during Indian press briefing right after the so called surgical strike, India made it clear that it did not hit any military targets in Pakistan. This was done deliberately not to paint India as the instigator of war, wishful thinking on Indian part.

There is a part of your statement I do agree with is insane level of under estimation of Pakistan capability, and its willingness to reply in a way we did. Although they were expecting that our jet might cross and just violate their airspace, but two things they didnt expect clearly was loosing two of their jets + 1 pilot captures along with bombing within 24 hours. Indians might also had been assured or assumed that Americans wont allow Pakistan to escalate the situation further. IAF and military leadership was clearly caught off guard, because the time it took them to acknowledge that we did indeed bombed them and took their planes down. But in order to save face they made a preposterous claim of mig21 taking down an F16, even after 2 to 3 days nothing but some missile parts with wrong serial numbers and media trying to push mig-21 fuselage as engine from that of F16.

Indian planners, if they are sane will not indulge in further direct actions, for some time now as they clearly got more than they bargained for. Who ever put India on this tract, and turned the whole nation into mindless mob demanding blood are the biggest enemies of India and its people.

I can answer, if you are looking for an answer from statergic point of view...Personally, I will prefer to screw Kashmir valley rather than a war with Pakistan...Because, i feel, Pakistan is not the problem rather problem is internal..

Coming to statergic question....If we go by the mindset of current Indian GOV, India tried to bait Pakistan by crossing the border...It would have been better if Pakistan would have attacked and damaged certain visible military institution inside Indian territory...Remember, in a war, it is expected that loss of life will happen...But we should be able to justify the loss of life...Unfortunately, Pakistan did not take the bait...they crossed the border but could not destroy any visible impact on ground.... Loosing few aircraft is not an enough reason to attack on Pakistan military...It will present us as an aggressor...When IAF crossed LOC to attack militant camp, we played the victim card from terrorism, but now, in order to have a full blown attack, we need Pakistan to make some mistake by attacking and making some visible loss...Otherwise, nothing is going to happen...

Kashmir is the core of all our problems, the sooner both sides sit down and resolve it the better for us and the rest of humanity. If we care about our future and that of our coming generations, the sooner we resolve this the better.

You raised an interesting point about trying to bait Pakistan into attacking, I am not too sure about that. In my opinion this whole surgical strike was for domestic consumption just like the last one. Other than refuting Indian claim of Uri strike there wasnt much action seen on both sides. India got what it wanted for its domestic consumption, Pakistan didnt care much for it. But this time it seems India had some other intentions of actually carrying out some sort of bombing run, now why would Indian leadership be this foolish is truly beyond me. If it was a simple airspace violation with no payload destruction, I think Pakistan would have still called Indian Strike as BS and things would have moved on. But the moment Indian physically dropped bombs or fuel tanks Pakistan was left no choice but to react. India was actually surprised and was caught off guard. As for the bait part, it could very well be that IAF was actually baited into engaging PAF, which was ready and inflicted humiliating losses on IAF.

HI do you have any information about Thursday night Indian missile strike?
Will they attempt it again?
Well we never know, there are some utterly stupid people leading India, if they havent learned their lesson from first time, they might be stupid enough to start a full scale war. Besides that Pakistan or India for that matter have no way of telling if the coming missile is nuclear or conventional, any side launching them will result in other side unleashing their nukes. Unfortunately MAD is a concept lost on Indian planners and they had become mad and lost all sanity.

I suspect that USA ordered them not to after Pakistan closed its air space and informed America that if India targets 7 sites in Pakistan and if Pakistan sees any dots on radars heading toward Pakistan, they will throw everything they have on 21 Indian sites

US might had some role to play here for sure, after all they do consider India a strategic ally but it would be wrong to assume they wish a nuclear war among India and Pakistan. They might have wished for few air skirmishes making India feel as superior power and then placate Pakistan, well that calculus fell flat on its face. But with America in disarray thanks to Trump, Americans are making strategic blunders at every level.

I am sure a lot of misguided people (even some Pakistanis) are wishing for it.

And all I have to say to them is **** them. Any one in Pakistan waiting for Gazwa Hind or in Indian dreaming of turning Pakistan into craters. Both of them should be thrown in Arabian sea.
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On a serious note I will suggest India don't ever think a war with pakistan, bcoz long term war will lead to death with many cuts,over the course of last 30 years there have been two generations who are fully radical, so there will be plenty of jehadies available to penetrate deep inside India to destroy infrastructure,, IOK people will need only ammunition once they have it you can imagine what they will do with india, border with Pakistan is very long you can't prevent infiltration, As a general Muslim it is matter of religion and belief that one has have to stand up to protect ,defend ,take revenge if suppressed or offended ,so when it comes to Pakistan against India every Pakistani will happily die in doing his nobel duty, I can assure you that we have psychological advantage that we are not afraid of death and don't have greed to live long , you need proof of it then go to Afganistan or even ask the IOK people's are they afraid of death? Let me quote a Russian Generals words" how can we over come those people who see heaven in the barrel of our gun" so only and only option to over come Muslims is ! Make them rich and prosperous they will automatically become cowards and lazy, just as arabs are now a days, a hungry a deprived Muslim is more dangerous then any war machine in this world, so long or short war with Pakistan is not a option for India, so don't be stupid, if Russian and Americans with their All might were not able to conquer Afganistan how can you to this to Pakistan, you can not win a conventional long term war forget a nuclear option ,

,,guys jets are continuously roaring on my head since last 24 hrs day and night, and I am near South East border ,this time India may attack Navy or costal area,,
Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.

A simple and plain answer is there is this psychopath maniac who got his own countrymen humiliated and butchered. He may have thought that paying media anchors and getting it hyped and using it for his own political gains would be easy enough .... but it turned out that Pakistan this time around is united with a new honest straight forward leader at center.

No two thoughts were given about retaliation it was just damage assessment and choosing the targets, the rest we all can see what we wish to see and understand ....

The lessons learnt .........

Pakistan for a very long time was ruled by incompetent corrupt cowards, had it had honest leadership all that bad publicity and loss of life could have been avoided. They need to take his security very seriously.

india ........ creating hype and thumping your chests is one thing, but never ever try translating your verbal diarrhea into real actions. Their military should have though of it when they were intentionally becoming part of that lie campaign "surgical strike" .... at that time we had inept political leadership but I remember Pakistan forces had told their adversaries to remain professional and not become part of the lie peddling ...... sadly they ignored. Next time they again tried to play their circus ....... and they got owned. Even today when we release their wing commander ...... it would be headlines all over the world. "Pakistan releases captured indian pilot" .... and that statement alone is enough.

india is not US ........ they better come up with something of their own (IKs offer to sit and talk), try imitating US and they will be humiliated again and again.
Tmhri Halat b kuttay ki us dum jesi ha jo kbhi seedhi nhe hogi

:dirol: After releasing Abhi you will be good boys . Trust me.

Unconditional release of Abhi. You must be an illiterate if you can’t read the writing on the wall. The entire Pak leadership’s ba**s were squeezed including by your dear friend China with a message to behave.

The new normal is that your Air Force may never agree to a "surgical strike." Worse, they may refuse to take off once they see intel reports of whats on the other side waiting for them.

:laugh: You are funny considering you are carrying professional tag.
:dirol: After releasing Abhi you will be good boys . Trust me.

Unconditional release of Abhi. You must be an illiterate if you can’t read the writing on the wall. The entire Pak leadership’s ba**s were squeezed including by your dear friend China with a message to behave.

:laugh: You are funny considering you are carrying professional tag.
Yeah sure
Coming to statergic question....If we go by the mindset of current Indian GOV, India tried to bait Pakistan by crossing the border...It would have been better if Pakistan would have attacked and damaged certain visible military institution inside Indian territory...Remember, in a war, it is expected that loss of life will happen...But we should be able to justify the loss of life...Unfortunately, Pakistan did not take the bait...they crossed the border but could not destroy any visible impact on ground.... Loosing few aircraft is not an enough reason to attack on Pakistan military...It will present us as an aggressor...When IAF crossed LOC to attack militant camp, we played the victim card from terrorism, but now, in order to have a full blown attack, we need Pakistan to make some mistake by attacking and making some visible loss...Otherwise, nothing is going to happen...
Sir I don't think India, well the Indian GOV, wanted a war. They just wanted to calm outraged populace after Pulwama, win next election and still avoid war if they could. Even if you don't believe Pakistani sources, more and more independent sources are showing that there was no damage done, human or material, during that Balakot raid. Within next couple of days this will become even more evident.

I don't think IAF is that unprofessional that they will miss the seminary completely, I think that was intentional. In Modi's calculation as most of the major world powers will and have supported Indian position and because there will be no damage on ground Pakistan won't retaliate. Indian gov used Indian media to give it a good old spin, 350 terrorists liquidated. Just like the first surgical strike, there was no evidence presented but initially no one in India could question such claims and that was what BJP government was banking its hopes on. All this was a miscalculation.

This is the first time IAF has crossed the border since 1971, Pakistan was bound to retaliate. Pakistan can not become a whipping boy of Indian political parties for winning election. But just like the Indian airforce, the PAF dropped its payload close to military installation but did not target them directly, to avoid human and material damage and hence avoid making war inevitable.

The sad part is, I am not saying it because of any national bravado or something, IAF was used by the BJP government to further its political agenda. If indeed the JEM was targeted, some high level leadership or even some cadre (if there is any) was eliminated in that raid, it will make it a genuine effort on IAF's part. But dropping bombs on a forest well that is just not fair to those brave men who risked their lives entering enemy airspace.
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