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India Will Strike Again:---

they believed that they become like USA and Pakistan would give them just shutup call but they did not expect that bloody retaliation .

It is naive to believe otherwise. Retaliation was expected. If Pak had done the first strike guaranteed India would have run a bombing run into Pak.

That is not the important development here. India did not restrain itself this time after a terrorist incident. Your nuclear bluff was called. Expect another air strike if credible intelligence supports terrorist incident had origins in Pak
It is naive to believe otherwise. Retaliation was expected. If Pak had done the first strike guaranteed India would have run a bombing run into Pak.

That is not the important development here. India did not restrain itself this time after a terrorist incident. Your nuclear bluff was called. Expect another air strike if credible intelligence supports terrorist incident had origins in Pak
bhai if you had proof then your govt should give to Pakistan . why creating drama and getting knock down and humiliation ?
If they idealise united states then its a big problem for them, united states couldn't even win from countries like afghanistan. India should form its own example follow their own path they are a much bigger country than usa and have much bigger potential..
Usa is wack no one should idealize them. They make money by loosing wars and selling weapons
Dude, what you smoking?

US failed to reboot political landscape of Afghanistan, but this is due to a large number of Afghans not being onboard (Taliban). Nation-building experiments will not necessarily bear fruit. Other then this, US thrashed and humiliated Afghans for many years and made a complete mockery of sovereignity of Pakistan along the way. Why I mention this? Because US has set a dangerous precedent for other countries in this way.

Both Iran and India thought that they could violate sovereignity of Pakistan under the garb of chasing terrorists much like US, but both forgot that they stand no chance in this game. Pakistan immediately drew a line with both (with PAF shooting down their airborne assets), and pushed both US and Taliban to commence negotiations which are happening since. Pakistani armed forces are battlehardened by 17 years of warfare but political endgame for Afghanistan is a must because this war has ruined our economy.

Anyhow, if you think that US have not won its wars, then you need to study history once again. Their is no shame in admitting that American armed forces are the finest in the world, and US have reshaped political landscapes of many regions around the world over time, but new set of challenges continue to surface over time as well. And US have utterly smoked those forces which it deemed as being responsible for 9/11 (Al-Qaeda Network) and Baath-affiliated ISIS in the Middle East. Taliban do not matter to them.

And lastly, study both Surah al-Isra and Surah-ar-Rum.
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India did not restrain itself this time after a terrorist incident. Your nuclear bluff was called. Expect another air strike if credible intelligence supports terrorist incident had origins in Pak

Nuclear bluff? You must be totally unaware of what nuclear subcontinent means for this world .... forget india and Pakistan.

And for your another airstrike ........ we have received your dossier(s) ..... if you don't understand what it means, I can try little explaining ..... that was our very first and only demand and condition, which you understood after getting your rear beaten.
Dude, what you smoking?

US failed to reboot political landscape of Afghanistan, but this is due to a large number of Afghans not being onboard (Taliban). Nation-building experiments will not necessarily bear fruit. Other then this, US thrashed and humiliated Afghans for many years and made a complete mockery of sovereignity of Pakistan along the way. Why I mention this? Because US has set a dangerous precedent for other countries in this way.

Both Iran and India thought that they could violate sovereignity of Pakistan under the garb of chasing terrorists much like US, but both forgot that they stand no chance in this game. Pakistan immediately drew a line with both (with PAF shooting down their airborne assets), and pushed both US and Taliban to commence negotiations which are happening since. Pakistani armed forces are battlehardened by 17 years of warfare but political endgame for Afghanistan is a must because this war has ruined our economy.

Anyhow, if you think that US have not won its wars, then you need to study history once again. Their is no shame in admitting that American armed forces are the finest in the world, and US have reshaped political landscapes of many regions around the world over time, but new set of challenges continue to surface over time.

And lastly, study both Surah al-Isra and Surah-ar-Rum.
Being the finest force and winning a war are very very different things.

History has shown armies 10x bigger and advancef falling to superior tactics used by much smaller forces.

Afghanistan is one example. 3 times in recent past.

Brtish russians americans 3 nations lost wars to them.
:dirol: After releasing Abhi you will be good boys . Trust me.

Unconditional release of Abhi. You must be an illiterate if you can’t read the writing on the wall. The entire Pak leadership’s ba**s were squeezed including by your dear friend China with a message to behave.

:laugh: You are funny considering you are carrying professional tag.
The ball is in your court remember.
We were the last ones to bomb your territory and down your jets.
Now it's your turn.
We're waiting.
I think we'll be waiting a long time.
:dirol: After releasing Abhi you will be good boys . Trust me.

Unconditional release of Abhi. You must be an illiterate if you can’t read the writing on the wall. The entire Pak leadership’s ba**s were squeezed including by your dear friend China with a message to behave.

:laugh: You are funny considering you are carrying professional tag.

This is the kind of lunacy, we are actually dealing with. This keyboard warrior is too stupid for his own good and does not realise how Pakistan just bested them through this confrontation. This disgusting troll also very high on hubris being feed to him via Indian media and lacks all capacity of any cognitive rational thinking, in his puny mind because Pakistan shattered their inflated sense of self worth for that Pakistan must be destroyed. Ignore this fool and his countrymen (which includes almost all Indians at PDF).
bhai if you had proof then your govt should give to Pakistan . why creating drama and getting knock down and humiliation ?

No drama. Intent was explicitly demonstrated.

Again we all will be living in a make believe world if you think Pak will act on dossiers.

Will India strike again at a place and time of their chosing---. The loss and damage that it has suffered at the hands of the pak military after day of incursion into Pakistan has been of astronomical proportions---and that is only what is visible to the world---and not what is hidden in the military bases that were struck---.

Losing 3 aircraft and a helicopter within the same time frame to an enemy it thought would no even whimper.

What simply astounds me is---what was India really thinking---. Was it thinking that it has become the united states of america---or it has suddenly evolved into the state of Israel---the enemy---a poorly equipped and handicapped afghan taliban or helpless Palestinians with nothing to fight back with---.

It is simply so shocking to see India taking this kind of action against a nuclear neighbor. I just cannot comprehend that how did the indian military analysts failed so bad about pakistan's fire power and determination to strike back---how did the indian intel agencies fail to inform their prime minister about the reality---bottomline is---and the most important question to ask is---on whose gesture did india strike at pakistan---.

Who gave the go ahead to india to take on pakistan at this crucial juncture of change coming in pakistan---? The answer to these questions would really be intriguing and would be interesting to know who the instigator was---.

There is only one response. Our forces must remain ALERT.
Being the finest force and winning a war are very very different things.

History has shown armies 10x bigger and advancef falling to superior tactics used by much smaller forces.

Afghanistan is one example. 3 times in recent past.

Brtish russians americans 3 nations lost wars to them.
Dude, everybody will fail in Afghanistan because this region is already in stone-age and too fragmented for potential reforms. But Pakistan is also bearing the brunt of foreign experiments in Afghanistan - don't you see?

Regardless, US have won many wars since its independence. Read this: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/history-of-american-wars.538912/

They know how to fight, and they have brilliant commanders up their sleeve. However, it is not necessary for them to succeed in every adventure because Allah Almighty have pointed out in Surah ar-Rum that these matters in his hands alone.

Every accomplished Empire in history have suffered setbacks in conflicts from time to time. However, it is really stupid to underestimate US due to this reality.
No drama. Intent was explicitly demonstrated.

Again we all will be living in a make believe world if you think Pak will act on dossiers.
No fkn dossiers...First reply from Pakistani FM ...yes Azhar Masood is here but not in good health can not move out of home....this means a lot. What is left for your after all actions is images of Burnt trees and blindfolded WC Abhi dragging out of mud.
No drama. Intent was explicitly demonstrated.

Again we all will be living in a make believe world if you think Pak will act on dossiers.
you should first share dossier and then took action. After humiliation your govt share dossier. if someone involved in that incident Pakistan will take action
No drama. Intent was explicitly demonstrated.

Again we all will be living in a make believe world if you think Pak will act on dossiers.
We have always known your intent, now we know your ability, and more importantly, you know ours.
Every few years something happens (maybe "false flag" ones too) and the Indian's get their itch back... They go to their current backer (russia, us, aliens take your pick), ask their permission and then do something stupid to test the waters again...

These "strikes" are not really seriously conducted but more like a "seed crystal" to grow a new batch of lies around... the recipe is to do an incursion, drop or even jettison the munitions randomly, get back asap and then let the local nationalist jingoistic media do the real work of beating drums like "murasis" (sorry there is no exact english word for capturing the essence of the "murasi" phenomenon)...

The reaction from Pakistan is however more serious, not really because we are more sophisticated but because we have an existential threat and have to give a response that is clear enough to deter India yet vague enough not to start a full blown war...

What PAF did to IAF in the air and to IA with "shot across the bow" strike on the ground was a brilliant measured military response and then the Pakistani PM finished the job with a gesture that was an absolute diplomatic coup...

Now without any property or life damage on the ground, IAF intruding air assets decimated and humbled/humiliated pilot returned there is no grounds for Indians to retaliate... In other words Indians lost the diplomatic initiative and momentum...

In this game of snakes and ladders this was a seriously high stake gamble, all eyes were on PAF/PA to do the move as DG ISPR had already announced the intention and if any of these PAF planes were (verifiably) dropped this would have been a humiliation of epic proportion, a national shame and a global embarrassment... But PAF showed nerves of steel and pulled it off despite all odds...

Maybe for once the military and civil centers delivered a very well coordinated one-two punch to win this round...

Thus "Advantage" Pakistan!
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