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India will soon announce construction of 4th Aircraft Carrier.

I'm speechless.I never knew that a man could be an island in himself , that power can survive vaccum , that the milk of human kindness could keep overflowing at the brim of the cup & still be full .I often wonder when will I cease to be dry.but ,never mind me . it was truly a pleasure to read your posts.

Thank you. I appreciate the kindness. Just watching out for people who have no business with this political drama and who'd rather send their kids to better schools and get a better home, than a war!! This is the reality on both sides!

HDI 2016:-

China - 0.727 High human development
India - 0.609 Medium human development
Pakistan - 0.538 Low human development


I don't understand the purpose behind your post.......please re-read my post. You clearly missed my point. And remember, anything published can be engineered. Sometimes, for patriotism, sometimes, for relationships and sometimes, for money. So a higher human development index still means jack as there are over 650 million Indian citizens who don't have proper kitchen, bathroom and basic sanitation. Same thing applies to Pakistan with respect to their population, which is much simpler. Like I said, go through my post, my main point was to allow humans to grow on each side. Not what the artificial human development indexes mean.
As long as current PM rules Pakistan, India does not have to worry. Economy will be kept down by his FM and we can use the time to build up our military.
How many people in Pakistan eat grass? Let's quantify it...and how many people in India, don't have bathrooms, food utensils to cook in, proper kitchens and proper bedding available to sleep on? Over 650 MILLION (while Pakistan's total population is around 200 Million).

I don't write stuff to get into India-Pakistan drama. I do try to maintain a balance and state the facts. The many billions being put into aircraft carriers, and other types of advance weapons, at this point in time, without having a real enemy, is a total waste. These dozens of billions can easily go towards the 650 millions needing basic necessities of life, and make a huge difference there.

Again, I want you to read my comment with maturity, not stupidity. You'll find some value in it.

650 million? Why dont you make it 1 billion? Looks apt.

So much for your neutral basis. According to UN, 21.8% percentage or 276 million people are in absolute poverty. I will consider upto 400 million in different as different regions have different varieties of poverty. That's for another thread.

Now, lets consider the amount India and Paksitan spend for defence. India spends just 1.2% GDP for its defence, and you guys cant get over it , while Pakistan spends 4% of its GDP in defence. We are not proud of our poor, but it will take time. Slowly but steadily. Pakistani income levels on the other hands are simply reducing.
How many Pakistanis have houses, or roads constructed to every villages or Ambulances at 5-10 minutes notice or even bathrooms? Most of Indian states are providing nearby health care units, Ambulances at 5 minutes notice even in rural regions( Southern states). Can any one Pakistani state boast of such achievance? None.

Dont teach us lessons on what to do and what not to.
650 million? Why dont you make it 1 billion? Looks apt.

So much for your neutral basis. According to UN, 21.8% percentage or 276 million people are in absolute poverty. I will consider upto 400 million in different as different regions have different varieties of poverty. That's for another thread..

I told you I don't write b.s and my posts aren't an India vs. Pakistan competition. The number I gave you is real and published. You should research instead of just countering my post silly. Thanks.
The article has wrong information, this would be India's fourth aircraft carrier this includes the two that are already retired. India plans to have three carrier two for either side and one as reserve.

By that logic, the 4th one (i.e INS Vikrant) has already been floated, what is there to be announced?

I researched before I replied you. Didnt post BS that flowed from your brain.

http://www.thehindu.com/news/nation...all-in-indias-poverty-rate/article7727591.ece World Bank report.
Free to dig it urself baby.

You want me to believe "the Hindu"? :rofl:. Anyone siting in BJP's local city office can get shiit published in the Hindu and Hindustan times. Do better research next time. Cite resources so everyone knows your content has credentials. WB and ADB may be a good start :enjoy:

India is worse than North Korea !

What a pity!!!


@Rajaraja Chola : See the post above. Whatever happened to your "human growth index"? I told you that shiit was made up crap but you didn't listen. Now reading the above, its sheer embarrassment to see the facts!!
Chk Pakistan rank ,Pakistan is worst than India .

My comments had nothing to do between India vs. Pakistan. Check out the thread's topic, then check my previous posts. Quit derailing important topics please and stay within the scope of the discussion. Thanks.
With twice the population than whole of pakistan malnourished and sleeping hungry, with more malnourished childern than africa, with no ambitions or enemies beyond reach of land bases, and with no-balls to use them any way......all i can say is have some shame
Mortality rate, under-5 (per 1,000 live births)
Pakistan = 81
India =48

Youth literacy rate(age group 15-24) according to UNESCO
Pakistan =75%
india = 92%
My comments had nothing to do between India vs. Pakistan. Check out the thread's topic, then check my previous posts. Quit derailing important topics please and stay within the scope of the discussion. Thanks.
You and the @RiazHaq are the same guy who always compare Pakistan with India .But truth is gap between pakistan and India is growing in social level and economic level and same with power projection .
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yes, India is lacking ambulances, hospitals, schools, no welfare for ordinary people, but weapons, they need. Spend some money on your farmers to, to give them some hope in life......

Indians have to carry home their died relatives, but 4th aircraft carrier they need.

LOL Pak is in no better condition either, Pakistan's HDI(Human development Index) being lower than oh so poor India(LOL so much for Pakistan being better than India), but you lot spend 3.6% of your GDP in defence whereas we spend 2.4% one of the lowest in the world.

But then again what would you know about how bad it is in Pakistan, you are not in it, or maybe you did know which is why you are not in Pak.

Enjoy denial and that crippling inferiority complex.

You want me to believe "the Hindu"? :rofl:. Anyone siting in BJP's local city office can get shiit published in the Hindu and Hindustan times. Do better research next time. Cite resources so everyone knows your content has credentials. WB and ADB may be a good start :enjoy:

Do stop crying over neutral links, I have one for you down below.
So much for consoling egos.
Why don't you show us where the 650 million figure came out from, which we are pretty sure its the result of fervent continuous metal masturbations.

"From a broader historical perspective, the global poverty rate has fallen by approximately 1 percentage point a year since 1990, with rapid poverty reduction in China and India playing a central role in this outcome.
India was home to the largest number of poor in 2012, but its poverty rate is one of the lowest among those countries with the largest number of poor. A new methodology applied to household surveys in India suggests that its poverty rate could be even lower"

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