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India will never attack Pak from Afghanistan'

Actually, nothing of that sort. Unlike in the 1990's, India can do quite a bit to help the Northern Alliance this time around. Keeping the finances flowing will pretty much block any hopes of you guys even if the west withdraws completely, something that won't happen anyways. You are in for a rude shock this time around. There is no way the Indian government will just allow the Northern alliance to be isolated this time around. If you imagine a cake walk, think again. Afghanistan borders your country, not ours & any instability there will affect you, not us. India simply won't roll over & play dead & you will learn, one way or the other that the world has changed since the 1990's. The Americans, if they do withdraw will be more than happy to join India in giving you a taste of your own medicine since your "strategic location" would be of no further use to them.

Dream on!

That's a negative. Your friends the Russians and the Chinese would allow no such thing. We are in a transitional period of a bloc shift.The problem with India's strategy is that they rely on the Northern Alliance. Pakistan and Afghanistan share an ethnicity which is the majority of Afghanistan. To say it quite, simply, India is out of it's league. If you need a reality check, perhaps you should see what happened to your embassy. Investments are good because we in Pakistan love watching the Indian taxpayers setting their money on fire.
congrats about ISI being the topper of the lot......
about ur golden moments.....for ur sake hope they come soon......otherwise waiting with zaid hamid wud make u insanely insane

hahaha u need to deplore for that, know why? coz if we go mad.......India needs to beg KHEM KARAN and 0.5353 as a mean to say salby...

i'd like to reply ur logical arguments, not stoner statements...:guns:
The Indians must also realise that such attempts to strategically encircle Pakistan may result in Pakistan's enhanced moral and diplomatic support for Indian secessionist movements. And it wont be a pretty site when such a response is initiated.

If such Indian actions continue beyond certain thresholds, the happy Indian posters on Indian discussion forums, whenever there are deaths in Pakistan due to terror, may not be able to remain happy for long.

Really? If India decided to put in $2 billion a year into your secessionist groups, you will soon realise what money can do. If India decided to damage your economy with fake currency like you try, we would soon be able to separate the wheat from the chaff as to who can do what. Unlike you, we don't have to worry about supplying the weapons, your country is already awash with them. Your country has so many fault lines, both ethnicity as well as sect wise and exploiting it is far more easy than anything you could do. You chaps should be the ones doing the worrying. Your chaps kill each other for simply being of the wrong sect, how easy to make that fight a little more equal...?
That's a negative. Your friends the Russians and the Chinese would allow no such thing. We are in a transitional period of a bloc shift.The problem with India's strategy is that they rely on the Northern Alliance. Pakistan and Afghanistan share an ethnicity which is the majority of Afghanistan. To say it quite, simply, India is out of it's league. If you need a reality check, perhaps you should see what happened to your embassy. Investments are good because we in Pakistan love watching the Indian taxpayers setting their money on fire.

Oh, don't worry about the Russians, they are no more interested in allowing the Northern alliance to be defeated than we are. Also Don't worry too much about the embassy, if the Americans leave, India will pay back in spades for every such attempt.
Actually, India doesn't require troops to stay in Afghanistan. Afghans like Indians, and even the Taliban has praised India for it's role in Afghanistan. Indians will be safe in Afghanistan, from Afghans at-least.
Oh, don't worry about the Russians, they are no more interested in allowing the Northern alliance to be defeated than we are. Also Don't worry too much about the embassy, if the Americans leave, India will pay back in spades for every such attempt.

You keep typing.

We'll keep watching Indian taxpayer money going up in flames.

You keep typing.
We'll keep watching Indian taxpayer money going up in flames.
looking at the indo-pak trade, i think it is fair to say we will be burning the money we make off of Pakistanis. money milked from Pakistan will be used to undermine it in Afghanistan.
looking at the indo-pak trade, i think it is fair to say we will be burning the money we make off of Pakistanis. money milked from Pakistan will be used to undermine it in Afghanistan.

Our politicians are enough to defeat us. like IK gujral destroyed RAW
Currently, India does not have the wherewithal to launch a physical attack from Afghanistan and may just be an Indian dream. However, India is supporting anti-Pakistan and inimical factions in Afghanistan to spread terrorism inside Pakistan.

I think the Indians realize that they cannot launch a conventional attack from Afghanistan into Pakistan due to poor logistical capability on the Indian side and other political considerations. That is why they have changed their strategy and started supporting proxy elements inside Pakistan through Afghanistan. You don't really think those dozens of consulates are present to provide visas to poor Afghans, their only purpose is to support secessionist elements in Pakistan and create havoc. They have flushed these secessionist elements with massive funds and weaponry. Thus in my opinion, India has successfully succeeded in her strategic aim of destabilizing Pakistan through a proxy war.
And yes..... India is never going to attack Pakistan without provocation. Indians do not have any interest in taking over Pakistan, or destroying it. We just want the country next door to stabilize and be peaceful.

But defend? That we will.
looking at the indo-pak trade, i think it is fair to say we will be burning the money we make off of Pakistanis. money milked from Pakistan will be used to undermine it in Afghanistan.

Sweet dreams are made of these? Provide stats or take a seat amigo. Maybe you can fap to your avatar and find relief? :lol:
I think the Indians realize that they cannot launch a conventional attack from Afghanistan into Pakistan due to poor logistical capability on the Indian side and other political considerations. That is why they have changed their strategy and started supporting proxy elements inside Pakistan through Afghanistan. You don't really think those dozens of consulates are present to provide visas to poor Afghans, their only purpose is to support secessionist elements in Pakistan and create havoc. They have flushed these secessionist elements with massive funds and weaponry. Thus in my opinion, India has successfully succeeded in her strategic aim of destabilizing Pakistan through a proxy war.

I agree. They have been able to generate a limited scaled diversionary effort. However, their effort beyond a certain level may intrusively confront the American interests.

Though Americans have also utilized such Indian sponsoring to achieve some of their objectives as well, such Indians actions and efforts would tend to lose support in the long run whence the Americans may initiate stability enhancing measures in Afghanistan.

Therefore, Indian efforts by default are restricted due to time and space limitations. Beyond these time and space limitations, Indian sponsoring would hurt the American efforts and would then become counter productive.

America's next objective is full spectrum domination of Eurasian Hinterland and is therefore beyond Afghanistan. For such objective attainment, it is important for Afghanistan to attain a measure of stability. Indians will have to stop at a particular stage.

And if one goes by the happenings in Libya and Syria etc, the same body of trouble makers would be moving in to Central Asia in not too distant a future. This would leave Pakistan relatively free from such activities.

The Indians therefore can smile for the time.
Farewell ye Hindustani ladies......farewell oh ladies of Hindustan...

Once US leaves Afghania........No more shall we see you again. !! :D
That's a negative. Your friends the Russians and the Chinese would allow no such thing. We are in a transitional period of a bloc shift.The problem with India's strategy is that they rely on the Northern Alliance.
My dear China and Russia are as anti-tliban as india is..Islamic insugencies in chechnia and zinjiang are actively supported by Afghan taliban..Apart from that China have invested a lot in present afghan set up.Its only you who is wishing for taliban to come back to power in afghan..

Pakistan and Afghanistan share an ethnicity which is the majority of Afghanistan. To say it quite, simply, India is out of it's league.
more than 30000 of pakistanis were killed by TTP and allied groups belonging to that particular ethnicity..:cheers:.Good luck

If you need a reality check, perhaps you should see what happened to your embassy. Investments are good because we in Pakistan love watching the Indian taxpayers setting their money on fire.
Terror attacks and terror tactics are not gonna stop our investments and developmantal efforts in afghanistan..And will be reciprocated by same methods.

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