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India will never attack Pak from Afghanistan'

Doesn't matter as long as your spending $$$.

Do you really think the word friends means anything?

its called as investing in an resource rich nation

we just like China,US, Russia are interested in resources of Afghanistan
Building dams definitely costs more money than having them destroyed. We are enjoying the frolicking of the Indians very much. Bwhahaha, hearts and minds? What kind of sad Nato propaganda **** is this?
Doesn't matter as long as your spending $$$.

Do you really think the word friends means anything?

You are also most welcome to do the same,if you have anything to spare..
And.. who is a friend ? one who helps you when you need help.We are helping to re-build a war-torn nation..that makes us friends to them.
Building dams definitely costs more money than having them destroyed. We are enjoying the frolicking of the Indians very much. Bwhahaha, hearts and minds? What kind of sad Nato propaganda **** is this?

tell an Afghan that you want to a dam in Afghanistan to be destroyed.lets see whether he takes you as a friend or not.
I have no idea why Indins feel so smug. The indians are basically left crippled and wingless in Afganistan.Remember what happened to their embassy? If USSR and USA was financially drained in Afghanistan then who is India? We want the Indians to stay in Afganistan as long as possible. Silly bhartis, tricks are for kids. :lol:

Actually, nothing of that sort. Unlike in the 1990's, India can do quite a bit to help the Northern Alliance this time around. Keeping the finances flowing will pretty much block any hopes of you guys even if the west withdraws completely, something that won't happen anyways. You are in for a rude shock this time around. There is no way the Indian government will just allow the Northern alliance to be isolated this time around. If you imagine a cake walk, think again. Afghanistan borders your country, not ours & any instability there will affect you, not us. India simply won't roll over & play dead & you will learn, one way or the other that the world has changed since the 1990's. The Americans, if they do withdraw will be more than happy to join India in giving you a taste of your own medicine since your "strategic location" would be of no further use to them.

Dream on!
tell an Afghan that you want to a dam in Afghanistan to be destroyed.lets see whether he takes you as a friend or not.

Yep. Too bad the taliban does't care what you or anyone else thinks.
Indian attempts to encircle Pakistan are not unfounded and baseless. Indians are attempting to implement this desire of theirs since some time now.

Attempts to use its relations with Iran and intrusive use of Iranian space and access to Afghanistan for this purpose is not a new phenomenon.

Many years ago, Indian press went agog with stories of India using Chahbahar port for transition of Indian tank columns and troops to Afghanistan. The Iranians denied it later.

Currently, India does not have the wherewithal to launch a physical attack from Afghanistan and may just be an Indian dream. However, India is supporting anti-Pakistan and inimical factions in Afghanistan to spread terrorism inside Pakistan.

India may be able to enhance application of diplomacy through support of terrorism to increase pressure on Pakistan.

The Afghans must understand this fact that in the long run, such aggressive anti-Pakistan use of its territory would hurt Afghan interests much more and the stability they seek may not be attainable without Pakistani support.

The Indians must also realise that such attempts to strategically encircle Pakistan may result in Pakistan's enhanced moral and diplomatic support for Indian secessionist movements. And it wont be a pretty site when such a response is initiated.

If such Indian actions continue beyond certain thresholds, the happy Indian posters on Indian discussion forums, whenever there are deaths in Pakistan due to terror, may not be able to remain happy for long.

The US also understands that without Pakistani support, stability in Afghanistan can not be assured, particularly after the major draw-down in 2014.

The Afghans may also understand that through playing India card in Pakistan's strategic backyard, they can not attain any kind of stability. They may continue to dislike Pakistan for all Pakistanis care, Afghanistan, without Pakistan's support will remain where it is for a very long time indeed.
congrats about ISI being the topper of the lot......
about ur golden moments.....for ur sake hope they come soon......otherwise waiting with zaid hamid wud make u insanely insane

hahaha u need to deplore for that, know why? coz if we go mad.......India needs to beg KHEM KARAN and 0.5353 as a mean to say salby...

i'd like to reply ur logical arguments, not stoner statements..!!
Yep. Too bad the taliban does't care what you or anyone else thinks.

So now you find a friend in the taliban..what happens to that friendship when the same taliban walks into your country with an AK in hand? All these dilemmas have continued to plague the Pakistani youth.Its a pity to see,some have still not grown out of it.
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