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India will never attack Pak from Afghanistan'

First thing, since historical times India's policy is not to strike first so its clear, it always prefer to defend itself rather than attacking first.So the question of India attacking Pakistan from its soil or from afghanisation goes out of question.

Second, if Pakistan dares to attack india in afghanistan or on indian borders India will sureshot give pakistan what it deserve regardless of weather its indian territory or its foreign soil.
An Indian talking about value of life.
Need I remind you that one of your railway ministers had to resign after he tried to increase train fairs to improve security.
And we all know the results were this...

So please, you talking about value of life is like a pig complaining about *****.

And yes, India can defeat Pakistan in a conventional war. This is no secret.
But only Indians would take pride in the fact that a nation of over 1 billion can defeat a nation of 180 million.
The reason you can beat us is not due to that fact that you eat daal every day or dip yourself in the Ganjes. It's simply a numbers game.

Most countries on earth are proud to defeat an enemy that is larger then them. Only India brags about defeating an enemy 7x smaller.
Heck, even China doesn't brag about defeating you guys, even though they can brag about defeating a country of equal size.

I Read Pakistanis mentioning 1 pakistani=10 indians then we are equal in nos naah...................
Only and idiot can attack any other country directly in this era , and its not about need to attack. you guys even cant conduct surgical strikes. Period.

You guys need india to conduct surgical strikes & drag india to mud-slinging bussiness ??

On one hand you pretend to help us in convicting culprits in 26/11, when this drama is done your court release culprits due to lack of eveidence against them you people ask for surgical strikes??
Purely out of sense.

India challenged Surgical strikes on Pakistan on world stage & you guys started running here & there arrested Hafeez & Co. for investigation. That was itself a diplomatic win for India, surgical strike were on meant to be practically done .

If you still want it, Just be brave & admit it to world or show that how Hafeez Saeed is a mastermind of 26/11 & declare Your govt. has balls, it wont punish him & see what comes next Agni4 or Agni5
i will say only one thing.

The day india attacked Pakistan from any side, that day india will not remain india anymore and Afghanistan will not remain Afghanistan....

mark these words, we have not made nukes to stay in storage only, they are for purpose and will be used on purpose...

Yup very right & great conclusion Boss !!

The day india attacked Pakistan from any side, that day india will not remain india anymore and Afghanistan will not remain Afghanistan....

India will have its Punjab & Sindh back & Afghanistan will have greater afghanistan like durand line says.... I will add more ...there will be a new country called Balochistan
lol India independence day is 15 Aug 1947 i guess, do the maths and its not even 100 years ...
They proxy war india is doing with the help of TTP will be turned back towards india on the right time...

everyone knows RAW involvement with BLA and TTP...

Correct your sentence Dude even, 180 million pakistanis cant make everyone, there are atleast 200 nations which multifold population who constitute in everyone.
India wont attack Pak from Afghanistan

however GOI may take steps to limit Pak influence on Afghanistan; for example,GOI may resort to keeping good relations with "Good" Taliban

the statement made by Taliban, before months, that Afghanistan's land will not let be used to conduct proxy attacks on India, should be seen in this light.
Fairytale? Oh dear i think first you need to learn the history.... Why do you think Gen.Musharraf so sure of attacking India, because he knew the possessing nukes won't allow india to advance into Pakistan territories,, why do you think Nawaz Sharif flew to US? he went there to get a US favor for Pakistan against India, then Clinton said to remove your forces from Indian land or be ready to face the full scale war, then Nawaz Sharif agreed to immediate withdrawal, shedding all earlier pretensions that Pakistan had no control over the attacks. during the Kargil war Pakistan tried to mobilizable Nuke-tipped missiles then India made the decision named "Readiness State 3”—meaning that some nuclear bombs would be ready to be mated with their delivery vehicles at short notice..India ‘activated all its three types of nuclear delivery vehicles..8 were aimed at Islamabad...then Pakistan backed downnnnnnnnn....

World no 1..:rofl: ranked by who? your husband China?:rofl:...they can't even predict when and where the terrorists are going to strike your own country....Ha ha aha... No 1....you guys are pathetic....Joke of the Day..oh wait let me copy that to my mobile i want to forward to my friends and make them laugh....

kindly give link for bolded part
I have no idea why Indins feel so smug. The indians are basically left crippled and wingless in Afganistan.Remember what happened to their embassy? If USSR and USA was financially drained in Afghanistan then who is India? We want the Indians to stay in Afganistan as long as possible. Silly bhartis, tricks are for kids. :lol:
I guess by now atleast people should know that india is a responsible country and it doesnt attack any country from its soil or somewhere else... History says it... But India has defended itself verywell other than 1 instance which we all know.....lets leave this topic at this.... Please dont come and tell ur nukes will defend u... How if there no attack is going to be. ( if you come and tell that why somuch of build up on our eastern boarder.. we have bitten 4times so we have to do that to avoid 5th time)

We all want india to be called as a responsible and patient nation which we have been.... we know there are people and who want it to be the other way.. courtesy.. Lt crnl. Ajmal Kasab and company
Ok you have a problem with "friends."

How about non-threatening business partners and nation builders?

Schools: 1.5 million dollars

Bombs:roughly 200 dollars or less

Indians getting trolled in Afghanistan: Priceless!
Because they were both there as occupiers.

What if we stay there as friends?

We have been doing that since quite some time.Indian govt. used to run a mission,a hospital in the Northern Alliance controlled areas during taliban era.Now it has grown into much more.Nowadays,we are the biggest foreign investors in Afghanistan,after US.We are building dams,roads,schools,hospitals,winning over the hearts of people rather than forcing us upon the Afghans,pointing the barrel of the gun towards them.And trust me,building a dam costs much less than maintaining a standing army and sending jets to bomb places.
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