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India will be Taliban's next target: Ex-NSA Narayanan

by reading Dawkins .... ???
reading dawkins helps open your mind

being practitioner needs for you to actively trade with Pakistan

Solution is simple . Make LOC international border . India Pakistan do it tomorrow or after 1000 years this will be the only solution .

LOC is already a border for all practical purposes from pov of military and civilian leaders. (PDF is not a place to look for military leaders)

Stop living in 1960s

I can prove trade is good, Can you prove trade is bad?

you have to be a trader to show me if you had good experience or bad

5th grade level wiki cut n paste only proves that you cut n pasted
I apologize if I came across as chauvinistic. I get your logic of each country addressing its own issues. But only if things were that simple.

Unfortunately for India, grave security issues confronting pak also have consequences for india, by way of potential for proliferation of the streaks of violence. So though its very kind and charitable of you to offer to take responsibility for tackling pak's domestic terror regime, Indians would need an argument more credible that the "to each his own" philosophy for not showing interest in gross mismanagement of pak's domestic affairs.

you claim not be a chauvinist but I cant help but notice the way you capitalized the ''I'' in India and not the ''P'' in Pakistan, and we have no need to convince India for anything we will or will not do, because that would imply Indian hegemony over us and that my friend is not existent....
reading dawkins helps open your mind

being practitioner needs for you to actively trade with Pakistan

we had enough of trade with Pakistan ...

Our every gesture for reconciliation has met with betrayal from your side !

Even as our PM took historic step via Lahore Bus journey ...your generals were already planning Kargil ...that's just one example of it ...
we had enough of trade with Pakistan ...

Our every gesture for reconciliation has met with betrayal from your side !

Even as our PM took historic step via Lahore Bus journey ...your generals were already planning Kargil ...that's just one example of it ...

Not WE

it is about YOU

and YOUR personal aka DIRECT experience.

wihtout that you just repeat half-@rsed media $hit

Seems it haven't opened yours ....

may be

may be not

at least I am recommending you to read something positive before becoming negative
Sorry to hear about being ex

Hope shalwar and qameez did fit at the right places and it was lose and comfortable at the right places too :D

She became ex ...after wearing that shalwar and qameez .....LOL

Not WE

it is about YOU

and YOUR personal aka DIRECT experience.

wihtout that you just repeat half-@rsed media $hit

So kargil mis-adventure was media $hit ???
By hypocrisy do you mean barging into a thread with unsolicitied advice and then telling others to keep their advice to themselves? My education has taught me to recognize such hypocrisy when I encounter it; apparently yours hasn't.

I assume you have not reread you previous posts to see what I meant or dont have the capacity to comprehend what hypocrisy is since it has become a second nature, the Indian government teaches something good enough I guess....
you claim not be a chauvinist but I cant help but notice the way you capitalized the ''I'' in India and not the ''P'' in Pakistan, and we have no need to convince India for anything we will or will not do, because that would imply Indian hegemony over us and that my friend is not existent....

My most sincere apologies for having hurt your sensibilities. PAKISTAN....there - an all caps version this time. Hope you feel better.

I did not intend to suggest that India exercises influence in Pak. But was merely arguing against your unsolicited advice to India to look the other way (at the 65 "terror groups" perhaps). India's security issues are inextricable linked with the mayhem in Pak, so do pardon my fellow countrymen (and women) who choose to scrutinize, criticize and analyze the developments in Pak, before asking us to turn a blind eye.
If you mentioned about J&K.we heard that 'occupation' claim for last 65 years.But nothing happens.J&K will remain as integral part of India
Respect the man u call dad of ur nation Nehru
Who in his letters to UN admired that Kashmir is disputed its own record……:p
.... India's security issues are inextricable linked with the mayhem in Pak, ....

and Pak's security issues are linked to bad stomach issues in India

Thus everything is linked with everything like pasta and swayyan
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