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India will be partitioned if Modi comes to power: Arshad Madani

There is the ballot and then there is the bullet. I fully support the ballot and the right of Indians to choose any leader of their choice. Even though I may have my reservations about Modi and the BJP, I will respect the rights of the majority of the people. If majority of India decided to vote in an extremist Jamati Muslim tomorrow as its leader, I will also have reservations but nonetheless respect that choice. I will not call for separation of the Hindu majority areas from India or the killing of the elected leader. I suggest that we leave that sort of mentality where it belongs, namely in Pakistan
No. It is legal procedure. Secessionist movements in India have only one outcome. You know that. Does not matter whether I or you like it or not. :coffee:

Its not any legal procedure but just excuse which is nothing but to grab the power without understanding about the outcome. What is wrong has to be stopped.
Some people just want to see rotten bodies and they cant see good things and its always the unsecured people who thinks that might is right.

Might is right? You mean to say the threat of partioning India if a person one does not like comes to power, possibly with a million more dead and millions dislocated and people further divided on bloody lines is REASONABLE DEMOCRATIC DISCOURSE OF SECURE PEOPLE?
There is the ballot and then there is the bullet. I fully support the ballot and the right of Indians to choose any leader of their choice. Even though I may have my reservations about Modi and the BJP, I will respect the rights of the majority of the people. If majority of India decided to vote in an extremist Jamati Muslim tomorrow as its leader, I will also have reservations but nonetheless respect that choice. I will not call for separation of the Hindu majority areas from India or the killing of the elected leader. I suggest that we leave that sort of mentality where it belongs, namely in Pakistan

But here people are using all sort of wrong tactics to get in power via ballot and have started a wave of threatening which will be not good for the nation in long term. I never understood why again and again the example of Pakistan is given and what it has to do with Indian nationals. When mainland India was partitioned many countries came out. Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka and India. So does it means that all the buddhist Indians should go to Burma, Sri Lanka and Indian Hindus should go to Nepal and Bhutan and Indian Muslims to Pakistan or Bangladesh ?
Might is right? You mean to say the threat of partioning India if a person one does not like comes to power, possibly with a million more dead and millions dislocated and people further divided on bloody lines is REASONABLE DEMOCRATIC DISCOURSE OF SECURE PEOPLE?

First thing Jamiat Ulema E Hind has strongly opposed the creation of a separate Muslim state of Pakistan and have always worked for the unity of Hindu and Muslims and have fought actively for Indian Independence . It was Maulana Mahmood Madani who asked Pakistani President to let Indian Muslims to solve thier own problems and that time all were very happy about it from majority community and when someone from the same organization is saying that the problems which can arise in the nation because of the elections then suddenly he become traitor and people are talking about rotten bodies etc.
First thing Jamiat Ulema E Hind has strongly opposed the creation of a separate Muslim state of Pakistan and have always worked for the unity of Hindu and Muslims and have fought actively for Indian Independence . It was Maulana Mahmood Madani who asked Pakistani President to let Indian Muslims to solve thier own problems and that time all were very happy about it from majority community and when someone from the same organization is saying that the problems which can arise in the nation because of the elections then suddenly he become traitor and people are talking about rotten bodies etc.

Stop whitewashing. Stop justifying using some other past sentences. Totally irrelevant.

Its a threat, a veiled threat that India will be partitioned if people of India choose Modi. Its plain and simple. Last time India was partitioned a million died. If thats inevitable, let the dead be those who believe in blackmail and cultural separatism, not some innocents like in 1947. As to those who do not like India, they can emigrate. Half my family has, its perfectly legal and nobody will kill you for it.
Stop whitewashing. Stop justifying using some other past sentences. Totally irrelevant.

I am not whitwashing anything but trying to explain who is issuing the statement.

Its a threat, a veiled threat that India will be partitioned if people of India choose Modi. Its plain and simple. Last time India was partitioned a million died. If thats inevitable, let the dead be those who believe in blackmail and cultural separatism, not some innocents like in 1947. As to those who do not like India, they can emigrate. Half my family has, its perfectly legal and nobody will kill you for it.

Those people are religious people and they can see and analysis things and whatever Abul Kalam Azad talked about Pakistan in 1947 was correct. Why such hypocrisy that we want to accept when its fits us and reject and condemned when it doesn't fit to our agenda ? Its easy to say to emigrate which you are doing here even to emigrate money is needed and all sort of official documentation are needed.
BJP is in favor of giving indian citizenship to bangladeshi hindus even if they are illegal immigrants and this is even one of the reason that Bangladeshi Hindus illegal immigration has increased and this in reality ending the existence of Hinduism not only in Pakistan but even in Bangladesh.

Its not about Hindu-Muslim thing but people who were desperate for their Pakistan in 1947 and never wanted Hindus around them. The Bangladeshi Muslims were frontrunner, even more desperate than Punjabi-Sindhi Muslim to get their Pakistan.
Its not about Hindu-Muslim thing but people who were desperate for their Pakistan in 1947 and never wanted Hindus around them. The Bangladeshi Muslims were frontrunner, even more desperate than Punjabi-Sindhi Muslim to get their Pakistan.

I disagree here. Partition was forced on majority of Indians. Bengal has gone through many partitions since 1770 and the reason for the backwardness of Bengalis are these partition chaos only.

1779,1857 1880,1910,1936,1947,1971. Bengali were always against the partition. Now BJP is turning into Hindu and Muslim issue which is ending the existence of hinduism in Bangladesh and pakistan.
I am not whitwashing anything but trying to explain who is issuing the statement.

Those people are religious people and they can see and analysis things and whatever Abul Kalam Azad talked about Pakistan in 1947 was correct. Why such hypocrisy that we want to accept when its fits us and reject and condemned when it doesn't fit to our agenda ? Its easy to say to emigrate which you are doing here even to emigrate money is needed and all sort of official documentation are needed.

Dude what are you on about? What agenda? There's an election, there a press, there's judicuary, everything is in place. Modi is not a convicted criminal, he is legally fighting an election and if he wins thats it and if he loses, neither him nor his supporters like me are threatening partition or some such shyte. So there is no agenda here... except of those who believe in cultural separatism and think anti-national threats will be entertained. No, they will not be, mark my words. If some people are going to be loyal only when things favor them, then they might as well be exposed, peacefully or not.
I disagree here. Partition was forced on majority of Indians. Bengal has gone through many partitions since 1770 and the reason for the backwardness of Bengalis are these partition chaos only.

1779,1857 1880,1910,1936,1947,1971. Bengali were always against the partition. Now BJP is turning into Hindu and Muslim issue which is ending the existence of hinduism in Bangladesh and pakistan.

They voted for their Muslim exclusive homeland and masterminded the Direct Action Day to force Congress to accept their demand for Pakistan, when Gandhi visited Noakhali after riots broke out, nobody was willing to listen to his secular appeals in East Bengal. Later on Bengalis got orphaned because of exploitation from West Pakistan but their desperation for Pakistan was extreme in 1947, even West Pakistanis didn't show this much desperation for Pakistan.
Dude what are you on about? What agenda? There's an election, there a press, there's judicuary, everything is in place. Modi is not a convicted criminal, he is legally fighting an election and if he wins thats it and if he loses, neither him nor his supporters like me are threatening partition or some such shyte. So there is no agenda here... except of those who believe in cultural separatism and think anti-national threats will be entertained. No, they will not be, mark my words. If some people are going to be loyal only when things favor them, then they might as well be exposed, peacefully or not.

Try to understand the statement issued by the Madani , he is saying that the situation in the country would be like partition which means more division between majority and minorities. What is this cultural separatism ? every community has its own religious culture and if minorities are following it, it doesn't means separate culture.

Anti National are those who are threathening to use might against anyone who doesn't dance on their tunes and have already divided Indians. If anyone is loyal to the nation then that person is being punished by those who wants the destruction of the nation.
Try to understand the statement issued by the Madani , he is saying that the situation in the country would be like partition which means more division between majority and minorities. What is this cultural separatism ? every community has its own religious culture and if minorities are following it, it doesn't means separate culture.

Anti National are those who are threathening to use might against anyone who doesn't dance on their tunes and have already divided Indians. If anyone is loyal to the nation then that person is being punished by those who wants the destruction of the nation.

Stop being a drama queen. You are free to vote for whoever you want, follow whatever religion you want, speak any language you want, not sing vande mataram if you want and be disconnected from indigenous culture if you want. I'm only threatening violence, if you want to partition my nation once again because history shows that partitoning will only lead to even more violence and pain. I'd rather stop with extreme prejudice anyone who comes up with such threatening and anti national ideas. If you think that means i want you to dance to my tunes, then so be it. It seems i can't reason you out of your whining habit and victimhood complex.
They voted for their Muslim exclusive homeland and masterminded the Direct Action Day to force Congress to accept their demand for Pakistan, when Gandhi visited Noakhali after riots broke out, nobody was willing to listen to his secular appeals in East Bengal. Later on Bengalis got orphaned because of exploitation from West Pakistan but their desperation for Pakistan was extreme in 1947, even West Pakistanis didn't show this much desperation for Pakistan.

Those elections took place when India was under occupation and there was a policy adopted since the starting in Bengal to divide because of the Fakhir-Sanyasi rebellion. Bengal Famine resulted in the deaths of majority of bengali Muslims because of the support they gave to Azad Hind Fauj. So please try to go a bit back and understand who has sold out the lifes of the Bengalis Hindus and Muslims alike.
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