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India will be partitioned if Modi comes to power: Arshad Madani

Dalits have everything to do with Muslims and Christians .

can you repeat the question clearly ?
I am still waiting for your answer will Muslims embrace hindu gods and Hinduism?

Muslims worship only one God who is the creator of the whole universe and they don't make partners with that Supreme God and for them Muhammed Pbuh is just Prophet.
So your answer is your religion is the only way and rest are bad, so why should we follow yours? when you dont follow ours?
You know crap about china so let your knowledge about china be as it is.They dont have riots nor religious fights like we do in india.Its because the minority behaves well and they know what happens if they dont behave well.Ask your pakistani friends.

What about the uighurs and hans tensions ? What makes you say that Pakistanis are my friends ?
Yes and where that leaning steams from? Is it the values you were raised with or somewhere in between those were changed? That's how Hindus were born. No one teaches us to hate some one. We give respect to each and every religion as they command but when the right are being transgressed we don't like it.
I don't know which values you are talking about here but i am quiet practicing Muslim but it dont mean practicing Muslims are those who keep hate and bigotry for peace loving non Muslims and if thats what been told to you then it was completely wrong

Secondly about learning hate i will quote Nelson Mandela here

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
What about the uighurs and hans tensions ?
I see uighurs and hans eating in same place and restaurants owned by uighurs where han people eat, they dont serve pork rest every meat is served, for chinese they dont care, its only some lunatic crackpots on pak-afghan border who do such things.
What about the uighurs and hans tensions ? What makes you say that Pakistanis are my friends ?
What happened to Muslims embracing Hindu gods and hinduism? You were preaching about Hindus embracing islam and prophet before what happened cat got your tongue?
I am still waiting for your answer will Muslims embrace hindu gods and Hinduism?

I have already gave you the answer the Muslims worship only one God.

So your answer is your religion is the only way and rest are bad, so why should we follow yours? when you dont follow ours?

Listen , its a choice according to Quran and Prophet Muhammed Pbuh was just a warner and giver of good news. Islam is an open religion and in Quran things have been openly explained. The work of a muslim is to just convey that message to everyone
U r aware of nothing.

just go do namaaz
He is bhai zakir in a new id, after all his multiple ids were banned hes trying new ids. See the 78 in the end it was supposed to be 786 but putting that number would make him too obvious and get abnned for multi id again.
I have already gave you the answer the Muslims worship only one God.

Listen , its a choice according to Quran and Prophet Muhammed Pbuh was just a warner and giver of good news. Islam is an open religion and in Quran things have been openly explained. The work of a muslim is to just convey that message to everyone

Surrender to these hinduvta extremist and give up your Islamic beliefs and go to their temples and do pooja phaat and then they will consider you Indian and tolerant individuals lol

They are exposing what modi and fellows teaching to them
U r aware of nothing.

just go do namaaz

Knowledge and wisdom is given by God and God give that to anyone God wants.

I hope you don't have problem with Namaaz .

He is bhai zakir in a new id, after all his multiple ids were banned hes trying new ids. See the 78 in the end it was supposed to be 786 but putting that number would make him too obvious and get abnned for multi id again.

Stop such wild guessing .
I have already gave you the answer the Muslims worship only one God.

Listen , its a choice according to Quran and Prophet Muhammed Pbuh was just a warner and giver of good news. Islam is an open religion and in Quran things have been openly explained. The work of a muslim is to just convey that message to everyone
blah blah you were preaching about embracing something? Sorry we got our version of good news too.You people expect everyone to follow yours but wont follow others or majority ways, the reason you have trouble and fights with everyone around because of this you immigrate to a new country and expect majority of that population to change,rules and dress and behave as per what you think is right.
Surrender to these hinduvta extremist and give up your Islamic beliefs and go to their temples and do pooja phaat and then they will consider you Indian and tolerant individuals lol

They are exposing what modi and fellows teaching to them

Raja tell us can muslims come into temples.
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