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India will be partitioned if Modi comes to power: Arshad Madani

I am not talking about Indian Muslims who made their choice to live in India and I have no issue with it but the Bangaldeshis who wanted their Pakistan desperately not to live with Hindus and Indians and first one to start riots to get their Pakistan at any cost. Why should accept them.

Indian Muslims who are living in India are living in their ancestral lands and they don't have to make any choice to go to some other land. They have let outsiders to come and settle in their land similar like native hindus, buddhists etc , so here i cant understand what type of logic you are using. Where it is written that native people become strangers in their own land because of religion ?
Indian Muslims who are living in India are living in their ancestral lands and they don't have to make any choice to go to some other land. They have let outsiders to come and settle in their land similar like native hindus, buddhists etc , so here i cant understand what type of logic you are using. Where it is written that native people become strangers in their own land because of religion ?

He is talking about when the Muslims of India decided that they cannot live with Hindu's and demanded for a separate Muslim land to be partitioned from India - namely Pakistan.
Indian Muslims who are living in India are living in their ancestral lands and they don't have to make any choice to go to some other land. They have let outsiders to come and settle in their land similar like native hindus, buddhists etc , so here i cant understand what type of logic you are using. Where it is written that native people become strangers in their own land because of religion ?

I never said so but those people desperately decided not to live with us and got their share of land based on that, why should we allow them.
I never said so but those people desperately decided not to live with us and got their share of land based on that, why should we allow them.

As i said people were not given correct choices at that time but still Native Indians have led outsiders to settle in their lands. We have shared things but still we are being treated as outsiders and this should be stopped.

We have to admit that Jihad is integral part of Quran. Allah created our beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) in the family of Kaba Brahmins(Qurayshis) ----- When Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) preached Islam peacefully in Mecca, Brahmins harassed him and decided to kill him. So he left his homeland and ran to Medina to save his life. People of Medina welcomed him and accepted him as their leader.

Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) sent several peace missions to Mecca requesting Brahmins to allow Muslims to return back to their homeland and practice their faith peacefully. But Brahmins NEVER understood the message of peace ------ Finally Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) declared Jihad on Brahmins, defeated their mighty army in the war of Badr, demolished 360 idols of Kaba and liberated it from Kafirs.

When Indian Muslims faced a similar challenge from Hindutva forces, they declared Jihad, defeated Brahmins and created Pakistan in 1947 ------- Today, Pakistan has become a nuclear power and has brought Brahmins down to their knees ----- In the worst case, Pakistan will be forced to nuke India and get nuked too.

We have to admit boldly that MAJORITY HINDUS LOVE MODI BECAUSE HE KILLED 1000s OF MUSLIMS ------- Hence, Quran gives a clear mandate for Muslims to declare JIHAD and kill MODI ------- YES. PROPHET MUHAMMAD(pbuh) would have ordered Muslims to do Jihad and kill Modi as per Quran.

I have voted today , and i have voted for Modi. take that suckers. Har har modi.


We have to admit that Jihad is integral part of Quran. Allah created our beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) in the family of Kaba Brahmins(Qurayshis) ----- When Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) preached Islam peacefully in Mecca, Brahmins harassed him and decided to kill him. So he left his homeland and ran to Medina to save his life. People of Medina welcomed him and accepted him as their leader.

Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) sent several peace missions to Mecca requesting Brahmins to allow Muslims to return back to their homeland and practice their faith peacefully. But Brahmins NEVER understood the message of peace ------ Finally Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) declared Jihad on Brahmins, defeated their mighty army in the war of Badr, demolished 360 idols of Kaba and liberated it from Kafirs.

When Indian Muslims faced a similar challenge from Hindutva forces, they declared Jihad, defeated Brahmins and created Pakistan in 1947 ------- Today, Pakistan has become a nuclear power and has brought Brahmins down to their knees ----- In the worst case, Pakistan will be forced to nuke India and get nuked too.

We have to admit boldly that MAJORITY HINDUS LOVE MODI BECAUSE HE KILLED 1000s OF MUSLIMS ------- Hence, Quran gives a clear mandate for Muslims to declare JIHAD and kill MODI ------- YES. PROPHET MUHAMMAD(pbuh) would have ordered Muslims to do Jihad and kill Modi as per Quran.
worst lines i have ever read on pdf. Brahmins in mecca . seriously
As i said people were not given correct choices at that time but still Native Indians have led outsiders to settle in their lands. We have shared things but still we are being treated as outsiders and this should be stopped.

Those Bangladeshi still hate to be identified with Indians, they were perfectly happy to get their own Muslim homeland. Ask any Pakistani or Bangladeshi.

Can you give some proof of any specific sops given to them just because of their religion?

I am still not allowed to post link and i dont know why . Jains, Buddhist, Sikhs, Hindus all do get benefits and are even having reservations.

something like this?

In reality Hajj has to be done on individual expenses but as the Air India is going in losses to cover it this Hajj Subsidy option is there i think .
Holy Shit. I voted for BJP and Modi today. What should I do now ? I love my country more than anything else. What should I do now ? How can I undo my vote ? Why I have not seen this thread before ?
Those Bangladeshi still hate to be identified with Indians, they were perfectly happy to get their own Muslim homeland. Ask any Pakistani or Bangladeshi.

I don't know about which Bangladeshis you are talking here . Here i am talking about Indian Muslims who are native people and Islam is part of India.
I don't know about which Bangladeshis you are talking here . Here i am talking about Indian Muslims who are native people and Islam is part of India.

I made it clear I am not talking about Indian Muslims. I am talking about those Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who took their nation based on two nation theory that they won't live with Hindus and that's truth of the history.

We have to admit that Jihad is integral part of Quran. Allah created our beloved Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) in the family of Kaba Brahmins(Qurayshis) ----- When Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) preached Islam peacefully in Mecca, Brahmins harassed him and decided to kill him. So he left his homeland and ran to Medina to save his life. People of Medina welcomed him and accepted him as their leader.

Prophet Muhammed Pbuh was invited to Medina to be the head over all the tribes and end their internal conflicts . And he gone there in secret because the Qurayshis were planning to assassinated him.

Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) sent several peace missions to Mecca requesting Brahmins to allow Muslims to return back to their homeland and practice their faith peacefully. But Brahmins NEVER understood the message of peace ------ Finally Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) declared Jihad on Brahmins, defeated their mighty army in the war of Badr, demolished 360 idols of Kaba and liberated it from Kafirs.

Qurayshis over took the properties and confisticated those properties of the Muslims who left for Madina and after that only Jihad verses were revealed.

When Indian Muslims faced a similar challenge from Hindutva forces, they declared Jihad, defeated Brahmins and created Pakistan in 1947 ------- Today, Pakistan has become a nuclear power and has brought Brahmins down to their knees ----- In the worst case, Pakistan will be forced to nuke India and get nuked too.

Mainland Indian Muslims have not left their lands and are still dwelling in their ancestral lands.

I made it clear I am not talking about Indian Muslims. I am talking about those Pakistanis and Bangladeshis who took their nation based on two nation theory that they won't live with Hindus and that's truth of the history.

There are even Hindus who immigrated to mainland India on the basis of 2 nation theory and are the ones who are creating chaos for Native Indians.
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