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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

Yes according us you are our brother. You can disagree.

Coexistence of Islam with other ideology are 2 mutually exclusive event. I do not want to be eliminated so it is a compulsion.

No that post of yours prove... that you are interested to eliminate other religions by any means.... you are taking silly things into consideration to make lame excuse... how many Muslims support pakistan?? how many Chrisitans support USA or any other states in case of war with India????? stop ranting around... you are showing your intolerance towards others.. yet you blame others, when they try to defend their faith???
There is a lesson for the blind and dumb indisn muslims, the hindus, these idolaters are a threat to you, they are your enemy, they have ill intentions towards you

You can try as much you can. Indian Muslims know very well what happens to Mujahirs. They also know very well what happens to shias, ahemadias and other Muslims. They know your reality and all your provocation efforts are going to be futile.

No that post of yours prove... that you are interested to eliminate other religions by any means.... you are taking silly things into consideration to make lame excuse... how many Muslims support pakistan?? how many Chrisitans support USA or any other states in case of war with India????? stop ranting around... you are showing your intolerance towards others.. yet you blame others, when they try to defend their faith???

You are either a christian or an ignorant. Give an answer. Why there is not a single place in subcontinent where Hindus can live peacefully among majority Muslims. In Pakistan Hindus reduced to 1% from 21%, In BD it is reduced to 7& from 31% since 1971. In Kashmir they cleansed Hindus from valley. They try to do the same in Hyderabad. Do you want me to close my eyes and ignore the obvious danger. Infact you should appreciate me that I advocate to take them back in their ancestor's fold with dignity and do not recommend the other mean other nations have taken to deal with Hindus.
You can try as much you can. Indian Muslims know very well what happens to Mujahirs. They also know very well what happens to shias, ahemadias and other Muslims. They know your reality and all your provocation efforts are going to be futile.

You are either a christian or an ignorant. Give an answer. Why there is not a single place in subcontinent where Hindus can live peacefully among majority Muslims. In Pakistan Hindus reduced to 1% from 21%, In BD it is reduced to 7& from 31% since 1971. In Kashmir they cleansed Hindus from valley. They try to do the same in Hyderabad. Do you want me to close my eyes and ignore the obvious danger. Infact you should appreciate me that I advocate to take them back in their ancestor's fold with dignity and do not recommend the other mean other nations have taken to deal with Hindus.

why would i care about pakistan and BD... don't be so stupid.. what it suppose to do with Christianity ..oh i didn't supported your claims on about Hinduism expansion... so you are attacking personally... what will you feel when i say..... either you are Hindu or stupid....
Arabs not only created Islam but also Hindu. So if world becomes Hindu, credit goes to Arabs.
but barring the odd glitch, we have been coexisting quite peacefully within post partition India.

There is a rider to that.

Its because we've not reached critical mass.

By 1947, there were 390 million people in undivided India. Post Partition, India had 330 million, Pakistan and Bangladesh (East Pakistan) had 30 million each.

But the pertinent point is, undivided India at that time was in Hammond's next category (Muslim population percentage above 20%, modern example being Ethiopia) compared to where modern India stands today.

Of 390 million population of undivided India, Muslims totaled 95 million. That means 24% of the total population.

Today with a population of 1.25 billion, we are at 15%. Hammond's lower category of 10% and above. Israel, Kenya, Russia. France almost there as well now.

The lessons of the past are clear. There will not be another 1947.
A nun is raped in WB by the intruders from Bangladesh and you blame modi for that. Do not we understand that on whose direction you guys are doing all this. Missionaries are funded puppets of western country like sleeper cells become suddenly active when BJP comes to power. What you have done in past and what is your track record ? We know every thing very well.
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In BD it is reduced to 7& from 31% since 1971.

In BD Hindus reduced to 13.5% to 8.2% since 1974. We care Hindus thanks for your concern. They declined due to increase of Muslim population mainly. It was cleaning before because of sectarian West Pakistanis and Muhajirs.
why would i care about pakistan and BD... don't be so stupid.. what it suppose to do with Christianity ..oh i didn't supported your claims on about Hinduism expansion... so you are attacking personally... what will you feel when i say..... either you are Hindu or stupid....

You should care about BD and Pakistan since they were Indian territory before 1947 and they reflect the Mentality of Country's Muslim. What about Kashmir? Do not you have anything to say about the cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir?
I agree that Christians are not as danger as muslims. But they are driven by anti national pro west missionaries. We have watched their false propaganda against NDA government. I repeat that they are like sleeper cell. They gets active when NDA government come into power. On whose directions are you doing this?

In BD Hindus reduced to 13.5% to 8.2% since 1974. We care Hindus thanks for your concern. They declined due to increase of Muslim population mainly. It was cleaning before because of sectarian West Pakistanis and Muhajirs.
Your figures are incorrect.
You should care about BD and Pakistan since they were Indian territory before 1947 and they reflect the Mentality of Country's Muslim. What about Kashmir? Do not you have anything to say about the cleansing of Hindus from Kashmir?
I agree that Christians are not as danger as muslims. But they are driven by anti national pro west missionaries. We have watched their false propaganda against NDA government. I repeat that they are like sleeper cell. They gets active when NDA government come into power. On whose directions are you doing this?

change your view... there are thugs in every religion... don't blame entire religion just because of few... there are plenty Babas who cheat poor, in the name of religion... they cause more damage than the rest....
change your view... there are thugs in every religion... don't blame entire religion just because of few... there are plenty Babas who cheat poor, in the name of religion... they cause more damage than the rest....

Yes, There are thugs in every religion but missionaries are systematic well organized foreign funded thugs having a maldesign. Had their intention been to take some money from us, i would not have mind it. But they have a big dirty design.
And wait. I had a lots of interaction with christians in past. Many of those idiots tried to impress me in the hope that I shall convert one day. These converted idiots work overtime to pay back their colonial masters by converting some hindus for rise bags and admission in St Xevior (Evil Xevior) Colleges.
Yes, There are thugs in every religion but missionaries are systematic well organized foreign funded thugs having a maldesign. Had their intention been to take some money from us, i would not have mind it. But they have a big dirty design.
And wait. I had a lots of interaction with christians in past. Many of those idiots tried to impress me in the hope that I shall convert one day. These converted idiots work overtime to pay back their colonial masters by converting some hindus for rise bags and admission in St Xevior (Evil Xevior) Colleges.

there are Hindu specific colleges...who give admissions to only Hindus... Those Xavior colleges have high standard education system.... I can give you example.... which i have faced in my life in my home town..... a guy runs a school for physically handicapped kids... he runs an NGO, gets fund from US, Germany ... he diverted funds for his own cause... and he is Hindu.... there are bunch of morons in every religion.... all Missionaries are not same....
Your figures are incorrect.


What is incorrect? These figures are according to available sources. 1901-1941 you will see the number is pretty same. We had harmony that time. In 40 years the hindu percentage changed 5%. Which is common in this region. Ex Hindus are actually Muslims or Muslims just increased by birth rate. Which can be seen also in India today. After 1941 to 1971 the figure started to decline dramatically. The West Pakistani along with Indian Muhajirs started deceive Bengali Muslims for creation of another country alienating Hindu Muslims. First they cleansed Hindus than they started cleansing Bengali Muslims in 1971. After 1974 you can see the Hindu number again stabilized.
there are Hindu specific colleges...who give admissions to only Hindus... Those Xavior colleges have high standard education system.... I can give you example.... which i have faced in my life in my home town..... a guy runs a school for physically handicapped kids... he runs an NGO, gets fund from US, Germany ... he diverted funds for his own cause... and he is Hindu.... there are bunch of morons in every religion.... all Missionaries are not same....

Why are you diverting the topic and and not answering my specific questions.

Yes St Xevior (An evil but Saint for you as he burnt Hindus alive to convert them to Christianity) were famous 2 decades ago for their high standard but now they do not stands anywhere against our schools and colleges. They do services but the intention behind them is conversion. For example lady Teresa did not gave a single child for adoption to anybody other than roman catholic christian. Intention is very important. As i said , you can cheat me i do not mind. But you try to create a bad impression of my country simply because you do not have a friendly government in center than it is a treachery. You guys made a huge hue and cry when some window glass of a church found broken. You immediately blamed Hindu organizations and Modi government. Few years ago you blamed VHP for the rape of Nuns. When the real culprits were found, they were local tribal converted Christians. In Keral you made a huge hue and cry saying that bible was torn. In inquiry, it was found that bible was intact. Why did your evil priest blame Modi for the rape of nun in WB? Is the Modi CM of WB? you guys play a systematic politics whenever NDA government is there in power. You Always play politics with a dirty intention and than you advise us on secularism. We know very well the secular History of Christianity and your pops. Do not advise us. If you say that you are as Indians as us than live like us. There are many christians involved in crimes against Hindus. Have we targeted whole christian community for that?

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What is incorrect? These figures are according to available sources. 1901-1941 you will see the number is pretty same. We had harmony that time. In 40 years the hindu percentage changed 5%. Which is common in this region. Ex Hindus are actually Muslims or Muslims just increased by birth rate. Which can be seen also in India today. After 1941 to 1971 the figure started to decline dramatically. The West Pakistani along with Indian Muhajirs started deceive Bengali Muslims for creation of another country alienating Hindu Muslims. First they cleansed Hindus than they started cleansing Bengali Muslims in 1971. After 1974 you can see the Hindu number again stabilized.

Still You reduced Hindus from 18.5% to 8.5% in 50 years. A huge religious clenching.
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