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India will be a Hindu nation by 2020, world by 2030: VHP’s Ashok Singhal

First of all, India is a secular country only on paper, in practice it is anything but secular, where extremist hindus like yourself are trying to enforce their ideas upon minorities.


you would have been right. We too would have get rid of minority like you and reduced them to 1% from 21% like you guys. Unfortunately our leaders were not as visionary as of yours.

Islam is the fastest growing faith in the world you ding bats aint even close

Muslim are killing each other in Islamic country using Islam as an ideology for justification of killing. Islam is getting weaker from inside and shall collapse at any time. Study shows that Islam shall not survive anywhere except Indonesia and India. Whole middle east shall convert to other faith.
India is for the one who follows Indian religion and not for those whose loyalty lies outside.

Your third or fourth generation stand by one word. Islam and Islamist India.
Lame excuses... some guys pulling reasons.. to harass others.... who is showing loyality outside??? my question is.. why don't India cut the relations with other countries, and ban travel ban...... who the hell you are to say, India is only for those who follows Indian religion??? we follow whatever we want.... you question those who shows loyalty to other countries... don't accuse everyone ...

that shows how insecure you are.... so what you want to do??? kill every one who got faith in other religion??? or you want force them to convert???

you would have been right. We too would have get rid of minority like you and reduced them to 1% from 21% like you guys. Unfortunately our leaders were not as visionary as of yours.

Muslim are killing each other in Islamic country using Islam as an ideology for justification of killing. Islam is getting weaker from inside and shall collapse at any time. Study shows that Islam shall not survive anywhere except Indonesia and India. Whole middle east shall convert to other faith.

Islam is 1.7 billion at the momentit adds hundreds if millions per year

Insecurity and war has happened dince the beginning of humanity

Islam is set to become the largest faith in the world over the next few years

It has the youngest population, likes big families and its adherents are more faithfull then other religions

It continues to attract new converts across the world with even recent events such as terrorism being a tool which increases research of the faith across the world

Hinduism isnt even close
Yes, we are well aware of the number of innocent people being killed as a result of Indian sponsored cross-border terrorism in our country, but surely and steadily it is coming back to normal after we are taking care of your proxy TTP, BLA etc.

You should have calculated Indian response prior to creating unrest in Punjab, Kashmir,Doing bombay and other bomb blast in India. Since that is proving costl, you are crying here. What do you think, You will be able to bleed us and get happy and we shall continue to issue the requests not to sponsor terror. Still you do not stay away from sponsoring terror and exporting militant, you will have a very horrible time ahead. Law of Karma will take its own course.
But Islamist are capable of punting their Crazy idea into the action where VHP arnd other Hindiu organizations are not.
lol, Islamists aren't taking over India

and Indian muslims are well integrated into society, those who are marginalized have only themselves to blame, madrassa "education" + 10 kids will only make them poorer, and even they are not so given to violence as those in the middle east and pakistan etc
The people who organize attacks on Muslims are now in the government and they have refrained from large number of anti-Muslim pograms not to give their own government bad name.

Who organize attack on Muslims?

It was muslims who organized an attack on hindus and burn 60 Hindus including wemen and children alive. DO not have any problem against that? Why you guys never utter a single word against it. Infact, when Others become victime of Islamic terror you guys celebrate. You do a huge whine if Muslims gets something in return. By the way how many Muslims have died in your country in last decade and on whose hand?

lol, Islamists aren't taking over India

and Indian muslims are well integrated into society, those who are marginalized have only themselves to blame, madrassa "education" + 10 kids will only make them poorer, and even they are not so given to violence as those in the middle east and pakistan etc

Fine what happened to Hindus in Kashmir?
they have a good chance of being resettled, give the modi sarkar some time.. they have another 9 years to work it out.
It is not a question of resettlement but the issue here is why were they kicked out?

you still did not answer my question. Why are you feeling insecure despite being a huuuugeeeeeeeeeeeee majority?

Because we know what they can do. Because we know what they did to Hindus In Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kashmir. What they do to others in all part of the world.
It is not a question of resettlement but the issue here is why were they kicked out?
Kashmir is a separate issue, you see the rest of 200 million muslim making noise about kashmir or any terrorism in India ?
So you Indians intend to eliminate every Muslim from India? by either converting to Hinduism or any other method? how it is going to add up to hinduism?

We want to do exactly the same to Muslim what Pakistna did to hinus. Just some difference. No violence, We want to take them in our fold with love and dignity.
I have my way ... sorry .. you don't have right to say, what we should follow. . we will follow. . whatever we feel good for us...

I did not say anything about making you or anybody do anything.

I clearly stated that Hinduism was a way of life for us. And we will do all to protect that way of life. And preserve it.
We want to do exactly the same to Muslim what Pakistna did to hinus. Just some difference. No violence, We want to take them in our fold with love and dignity.

well your first statement in bold part... says otherwise... you preach about hinduism... very much welcome... but if your aim is to eliminate other religion .... it is wrong.....
am i hindu also ?????????

Yes according us you are our brother. You can disagree.

well your first statement in bold part... says otherwise... you preach about hinduism... very much welcome... but if your aim is to eliminate other religion .... it is wrong.....

Coexistence of Islam with other ideology are 2 mutually exclusive event. I do not want to be eliminated so it is a compulsion.
Coexistence of Islam with other ideology are 2 mutually exclusive event. I do not want to be eliminated so it is a compulsion.
but barring the odd glitch, we have been coexisting quite peacefully within post partition India.
Are Americans secular because they are hindus? Canadians? Australians? Swedes? Finns?

India is secular because its founders had the foresight to adopt secularism.

Here is a difference. America and Europe were not decided on religious line and one fold declaring them Islamic state. Christians were not cleanched from from their houses by any religious minority.
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