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India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.

It's the job of US navy to ensure free trade in Indian Ocean. And how do you know if a shipment is going to China or Japan if it carries Greek flag. Stopping cargo ships in the high seas is not as easy as what you think.

its very easy... and IN has the rights to put any chinese bound ships under water during conflict... and US is not going to do anything while we put your ships to the bottom of the ocean and soon all the ships that are in IOR going to be monitored with new techs and sats with the help of ISRO..

and India has put up a new trade routs to safeguard all the shipments during different seasons... its very easy to stall chnese trade in IOR, why do you ting Chinese are looking for a bases in IOR??
Simple calculation Pakistan + China + North Korea + Argentina + few African nations and army's like bakko Haram Vs India + US Pacific fleet + Australia + Japan + Veitnam + Singapore + South Korea . ( leave Russia as they won't do anything that will harm India atleast hopefully . So does India . We won't let US to place it's missile defence shield in India with will under estimate Russian nuclear deterrence)
the only reason why USA ask India and Japan to check in SCS is because they wanna hold back, they fear China's mighty. you guys just canon folders.
Who will win ? Simple calculation ! With nuclear climax:coffee:

the only reason why USA ask India and Japan to check in SCS is because they wanna hold back, they fear China's mighty. you guys just canon folders.

No problems . We are happy to be Cannon Folders if it teach bully a lesson it will never forget !!! :lol:
Can p8 launch from your carrier? So you believe Indian can beat Chinese navy close to Chinese water?

How hard its for you to get it... do you even know that we've a unsinkable carrier that's A&N... we can launch any plane from there iif we want that can reach SCS
when it comes to bully, no one comes close to India.

Bullying a bully is what all man will do . And we just started . Last thing China want is that India to act like Japanese or Veitnam or Taiwanese ... you asked for it . Now have some pop corns and enjoy the show:devil:
India will not hesitate to use Naval Power to protect economic interest in South China Sea

Friday, March 20, 2015

By : Darshil Patel

Courtesy : DEFENCE NEWS Network

India has warned that it is prepared to use force to secure its economic interest in the South China Sea. India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts.

India has warned that it is prepared to use force to secure its economic interest in the South China Sea. India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts.

As China and India rise economically, their military muscle is growing as well. Both need energy to keep that kind of growth going and that may be putting the two Asian giants on a collision course.

Joseph Cheng, a professor at the City University of Hong Kong said, “Because of renewed domestic Nationalism, the Indian government cannot afford to be seen to be weak when dealing with China. Obviously a higher profile will make the Modi led government popular amongst the population”.

Over 200 billion barrels of Oil and large amounts of natural Gas, which is more than what the vast majority of the world’s energy rich nations have is all hidden in the South China Sea. This is probably the main reason why China is so aggressively defending its claim over the vast area. China claims most of the territory for itself but India has also managed to get access to it by buying a stake in a Vietnamese Gas Field. Shortly after Hanoi accused Chinese boats of sabotaging oil explorations efforts, India warned China that it is ready to use force to defend its interest.

Hopefully it should not lead into a long term conflict but it’s in a way inevitable because both India and China have large ambitions of becoming Global Military Powers and dominate their respective backyards.

Both China and India have been pumping billions of U.S. dollars in their armies and navies and holding military drills on a regular basis to maintain military readiness. Beijing has also announced that its naval police will soon start to board and inspect foreign commercial and military vessels entering the South China Sea, something that the Indian Navy will not allow.

Surely the vast Oil reserves in the South China sea are too big a cash for neither India or China to pass up. But is it really worth a conflict for two heavy-weight economies to head towards an all-out war because it looks like a game that neither can win.

Both India and China cannot afford any weaknesses and make it easier for other countries to take a bite of the vast resources. The United States have slowly and steadily been stepping up its economic and military presence in the South China Sea and has also committed a large chunk of its Naval fleet to protect smaller countries in the region.

The West is trying to depict the expansion of India and China in terms of a clash. For both India and China, the last thing that they want is a military conflict that will send their economies decades behind.

So if the two Asian power houses, India and China cannot share world resources peacefully, they may go to other players and form alliances which will lead to an emergence of another Cold War type era. Signs of that are already visible with India warming up to the United States, Japan, Australia, Vietnam and other smaller countries in the region which are all US allied states.

Article written by Darshil R Patel exclusively for Defence News.
Bsc. in CASFX (U.K.)
Email address: info@DefenceNews.in
Any offical statement to this effect issued by the Indian side or just sabre rattling by a Chinese proffesor at the Hong Kong university?
My best advise ! Chinese trying to be German of WW2 but they always forget that Indian doctrines are more or less same to Germans doctrine. Which is ment to cause unacceptable damage to our adversaries ! With defensive OFFENSE !!!

Any offical statement to this effect issued by the Indian side or just sabre rattling by a Chinese proffesor at the Hong Kong university?

Not sure but looks like something serious is been going between Vietnam - China !!!

"India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts."

Even some reports were also published saying some escalation on China veitnam border aswell !!!

How hard its for you to get it... do you even know that we've a unsinkable carrier that's A&N... we can launch any plane from there iif we want that can reach SCS

First of all P8I has range of 2000 km radius !!! Which means it can hunt submarines for 2000 km and get back to the base for next mission . We will keep increasing our P8I fleet . It's built on a commercial flight platform so easy to maintain and operate . And we will replace Russian Bombers aswell . Single P8I is armed With Depth charges, torpedoes and Harpoon missile for surface fleet . 2 -3 will fly in a combination in such a way there will be less time to react for before they enter IOR .
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Not sure but looks like something serious is been going between Vietnam - China !!!

"India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts."

Even some reports were also published saying some escalation on China veitnam border aswell !!!
Let's just be aware that it suits the interests of the West to keep China "contained" and sucking India and China into a conflict is their ultimate fantasy.
Let's just be aware that it suits the interests of the West to keep China "contained" and sucking India and China into a conflict is their ultimate fantasy.

That is for sure. But at the end of the day we both have same intrest ! Why not join them to contain China . Russia will do none against China until things get very complicated between indo chin . So our PM have decided to toe US line for now . As we won't take intrusion by Chinese lightly . It may flare up with any wrong move . Some thing big is going on behind the scenes. All is not well for Chinese. Which is now very confused !
That is for sure. But at the end of the day we both have same intrest ! Why not join them to contain China . Russia will do none against China until things get very complicated between indo chin . So our PM have decided to toe US line for now . As we won't take intrusion by Chinese lightly . It may flare up with any wrong move . Some thing big is going on behind the scenes. All is not well for Chinese. Which is now very confused !
But why? India's differences with China are rather superfical and can be overcome if both sides put their energy into the peace process.

Peace with China is FAR more in India's interests then animosity with China. Together India and China canutterly dominate the world and bring prosperity to their people.
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