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India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.

India will not hesitate to use Naval Power to protect economic interest in South China Sea

Friday, March 20, 2015

By : Darshil Patel

Courtesy : DEFENCE NEWS Network

India has warned that it is prepared to use force to secure its economic interest in the South China Sea. India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts.

India has warned that it is prepared to use force to secure its economic interest in the South China Sea. India has placed allegations that Beijing had deliberately hampered its rivals Oil and Gas exploration efforts.

As China and India rise economically, their military muscle is growing as well. Both need energy to keep that kind of growth going and that may be putting the two Asian giants on a collision course.

Joseph Cheng, a professor at the City University of Hong Kong said, “Because of renewed domestic Nationalism, the Indian government cannot afford to be seen to be weak when dealing with China. Obviously a higher profile will make the Modi led government popular amongst the population”.

Over 200 billion barrels of Oil and large amounts of natural Gas, which is more than what the vast majority of the world’s energy rich nations have is all hidden in the South China Sea. This is probably the main reason why China is so aggressively defending its claim over the vast area. China claims most of the territory for itself but India has also managed to get access to it by buying a stake in a Vietnamese Gas Field. Shortly after Hanoi accused Chinese boats of sabotaging oil explorations efforts, India warned China that it is ready to use force to defend its interest.

Hopefully it should not lead into a long term conflict but it’s in a way inevitable because both India and China have large ambitions of becoming Global Military Powers and dominate their respective backyards.

Both China and India have been pumping billions of U.S. dollars in their armies and navies and holding military drills on a regular basis to maintain military readiness. Beijing has also announced that its naval police will soon start to board and inspect foreign commercial and military vessels entering the South China Sea, something that the Indian Navy will not allow.

Surely the vast Oil reserves in the South China sea are too big a cash for neither India or China to pass up. But is it really worth a conflict for two heavy-weight economies to head towards an all-out war because it looks like a game that neither can win.

Both India and China cannot afford any weaknesses and make it easier for other countries to take a bite of the vast resources. The United States have slowly and steadily been stepping up its economic and military presence in the South China Sea and has also committed a large chunk of its Naval fleet to protect smaller countries in the region.

The West is trying to depict the expansion of India and China in terms of a clash. For both India and China, the last thing that they want is a military conflict that will send their economies decades behind.

So if the two Asian power houses, India and China cannot share world resources peacefully, they may go to other players and form alliances which will lead to an emergence of another Cold War type era. Signs of that are already visible with India warming up to the United States, Japan, Australia, Vietnam and other smaller countries in the region which are all US allied states.

Article written by Darshil R Patel exclusively for Defence News.
Bsc. in CASFX (U.K.)
Email address: info@DefenceNews.in
Yes and than in return they will get a beating of their life
This thread is about Indian navy going to SCS and dominate Chinese navy. Not about Chinese navy sail to Indian Ocean and dominate Indian Ocean. So Chinese navy and sailing far away is not in the context of this discussion.

So are there any Indians here believe that India can defeat Chinese naval forces in China's home water?

Of course, do not involve USN in this discussion as we do not want to be involved.

No one is saying India will defeat PLAN in your backyard all we saying is that we will protect our interests including our SCS friends . Same goes to china you can't defeat India in our waters.

Of course USN , Australia Navy , Veitnam , Japanese , Singapore . All will be involved . Because we are there for their security aswell. Don't ever dream about I vs 1 war . It's not Fifa Ps3 game to play one on one
Where does it say its about IN dominating PLAAN in SCS... IN is only going to defend its assets in SCS, if it comes under attack by Chinese navy then forget about their trade routs in IOR... not a Single Chinse Naval and Commercial Ships will pass through IOR... get tht first...

And please change your flag to where you're from... Little Chinese hiding under US flag is not ging to do any good

It's the job of US navy to ensure free trade in Indian Ocean. And how do you know if a shipment is going to China or Japan if it carries Greek flag. Stopping cargo ships in the high seas is not as easy as what you think.
Can MKI launch from a carrier? Don't forget that India can dominate China in SCS in the context of this thread.

As for future weapons, it's still in the cards, not in reality.

Again IN is not going to SCS to dominate PLAAN so change your facts... and yes MKIs flying from A&N can easily fly to SCS with brahmos
Can MKI launch from a carrier? Don't forget that India can dominate China in SCS in the context of this thread.

As for future weapons, it's still in the cards, not in reality.

We can launch from India and defend our fleet but targeting invading force with Brahmos and other means . And more over we already equipped our surface fleet with Brahmos ! ! ! And our MiG29, P8 I will take care of your fleet in SCS ! If we want .
No one is saying India will defeat PLAN in your backyard all we saying is that we will protect our interests including our SCS friends . Same goes to china you can't defeat India in our waters.

Of course USN , Australia Navy , Veitnam , Japanese , Singapore . All will be involved . Because we are there for their security aswell. Don't ever dream about I vs 1 war . It's not Fifa Ps3 game to play one on one

If it's a war between China and India, not even Pakistan will be involved. Forget about anyone else. US for sure will not as the people will oppose to US involvement
Well we didnt see that spirit when they came here for nuke deals and weapon marketing.
Our top partner is China and UAE not US.

Who is that in your avatar ?That lady is fat and ugly :sarcastic:
Why would America need the Indian market? You make it sound as if US economy will collapse without trade with India. You guys are way down the list of our trade partners. At this time, as we are a much bigger economy, you should be worrying about why isn't your economy depending on our market.
We can launch from India and defend our fleet but targeting invading force with Brahmos and other means . And more over we already equipped our surface fleet with Brahmos ! ! ! And our MiG29, P8 I will take care of your fleet in SCS ! If we want .

Can p8 launch from your carrier? So you believe Indian can beat Chinese navy close to Chinese water?
If it's a war between China and India, not even Pakistan will be involved. Forget about anyone else. US for sure will not as the people will oppose to US involvement

Am in doubt here. Why do you think US want to transfer it's most of the fleet to Pacific ? Time pass ? Dude . US are not here to help anyone but to pin down Chinese abust at any cost . I don't think people will have anything to say in war of US
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