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India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.

w both are members of BRICS and AIIB , how can you guys so happy to mess with China in SCS? The only reason why Indian is popular in the west is because you can e utilize to go against China.

don't try to be clever... India had problems with China long before west comes into picture.. and no,, Hell no, no one is going to utilize us to fight China for their sake, we aren't kid like your all weather friend. understand that first... you use US name to arm your country and we'll use your country's name... if we feel threatened by you then if we've to defend we'll defend by ourselves we don't need a all weather friend, higher than mountain or deeper than ocean guys...
Russia will not go against China, Israel will stay out of it due to its traditional friendship with China. only one you could count is USA. if my memory serve me right, they do nothing other than lip service in 1962. you can ask any Russian member here whether they will openly support India if we two have conflicts.

US will not be involve in a war between you two Asian countries. What is there for US to gain if US is involved.
we build 25 units of 056 corvette for SCS within only 2 years, can you do that? build 12 units of 052D destroyers in one go, can you do that? Indigenous carrier under building with all parts produced domestically, can you do that? H6K bomber can carry 6 pops of YJ100 or Yj12 long range ASM in one go to hit Guam,do you have similar weapon system? When you have these, then we talk later.

Sorry dude, I ain't stepping into those corvettes.....ever
we build 25 units of 056 corvette for SCS within only 2 years, can you do that? build 12 units of 052D destroyers in one go, can you do that? Indigenous carrier under building with all parts produced domestically, can you do that? H6K bomber can carry 6 pops of YJ100 or Yj12 long range ASM in one go to hit Guam,do you have similar weapon system? When you have these, then we talk later.

Dude has I said. Your AC have no use for you . Where will you operate youyour carriers ? And operating CBG is not a joke . Indians have decades of experience in this field .

And when was the last time you had full blown war ? Non . You don't have any experience anything closer to Indian Armed Forces . We have seen the best and the worst . You have seen none .

You keep talkingabout numbers . Because you and your establishment is very insecure due to the fact that midget nations , traders , hunters all slaved you only god knows how long .

Our fleet will add more than 100 war ships in coming years all built in India .

Including Large landing crafts 4 of them Which is more than 40000 T . Which will have Helicopters and so it can be called as helicopter carries like the one inducted by Japan most recently .

Our Submarines fleet will get 6 new SSK Scorpions starting from 2016-17. On other hand we have 3 SSBN more than 6000T and planned for 6 SSN large nuclear attack submarines like leased Russian subs and 6 new Large diesel electric SSK . We already have 14 old submarines with 6-8 readily available and rest are in refits. All these just in next 10-12 years . Now compare it with your old submarines !!!

Your type 54 D frigates are Russian built in China . Same like Z10 helicopters . Your J 20 is just a failed version of Russian proposed MiG 1.33 5 th generation fighter . You J31 is nothing but a fat duct built from American fat duck F35 .

On other hand Indian AirForce will added most versatile platform like Upgraded 30 mki into Super Sukoi ,120 Rafale or 5 gen SU35S , Pakfa / FGFA and Indian AMCA and Tejas MK 1/2 . We have already upgrading our mig 29 , Jags , mirages to fight battle till 2027-30 . Most of them will be equipped with Brahmos . Which even Americans will have no defence against it !

So keep barking about your paper dragon . When we get things in place . And again we will maintain the superiority over Soviet/ Russian ripoff weapons
Russia will not go against China, Israel will stay out of it due to its traditional friendship with China. only one you could count is USA. if my memory serve me right, they do nothing other than lip service in 1962. you can ask any Russian member here whether they will openly support India if we two have conflicts.

you know nothing about Russia.... you give them cash they'll give you what you need... they re still our largest defence supplier, we pay they give that's the policy and just because to please china or because china sealed a gas deal they're not fools to stop providing weapons and loose billions of dollars...

What tradition.. dude please now i start to thing of you as a kid... Israel will never say no India, US and Russia may ask for money before transferring weapons to india during conflicts but for Israel its other way around.. there's a reason why we're the largest buyer of Isreali weapons..

so i guess i don't have to talk about US's support.. in 62 US was still considered as possible enemy to india..

i do't have to ask since i know the answer already, and i gave it. they'll provide as with weapons if we provide money for it.
Dude has I said. Your AC have no use for you . Where will you operate youyour carriers ? And operating CBG is not a joke . Indians have decades of experience in this field .

And when was the last time you had full blown war ? Non . You don't have any experience anything closer to Indian Armed Forces . We have seen the best and the worst . You have seen none .

You keep talkingabout numbers . Because you and your establishment is very insecure due to the fact that midget nations , traders , hunters all slaved you only god knows how long .

Our fleet will add more than 100 war ships in coming years all built in India .

Including Large landing crafts 4 of them Which is more than 40000 T . Which will have Helicopters and so it can be called as helicopter carries like the one inducted by Japan most recently .

Our Submarines fleet will get 6 new SSK Scorpions starting from 2016-17. On other hand we have 3 SSBN more than 6000T and planned for 6 SSN large nuclear attack submarines like leased Russian subs and 6 new Large diesel electric SSK . We already have 14 old submarines with 6-8 readily available and rest are in refits. All these just in next 10-12 years . Now compare it with your old submarines !!!

Your type 54 D frigates are Russian built in China . Same like Z10 helicopters . Your J 20 is just a failed version of Russian proposed MiG 1.33 5 th generation fighter . You J31 is nothing but a fat duct built from American fat duck F35 .

On other hand Indian AirForce will added most versatile platform like Upgraded 30 mki into Super Sukoi ,120 Rafale or 5 gen SU35S , Pakfa / FGFA and Indian AMCA and Tejas MK 1/2 . We have already upgrading our mig 29 , Jags , mirages to fight battle till 2027-30 . Most of them will be equipped with Brahmos . Which even Americans will have no defence against it !

So keep barking about your paper dragon . When we get things in place . And again we will maintain the superiority over Soviet/ Russian ripoff weapons
you count Brahmos to live, pathetic. all you have is This one, we have YJ62/YJ83/YJ82AKG/YJ100/YJ12, too many to name it.
He forgot that indo-china border is mountains and rocks .War at that place is not so easy , so no problem with chinese armoured tanks.
He also Forgot 1967 Cho La incident
when you in SCS, you will see them.

This thread is about Indian navy going to SCS and dominate Chinese navy. Not about Chinese navy sail to Indian Ocean and dominate Indian Ocean. So Chinese navy and sailing far away is not in the context of this discussion.

So are there any Indians here believe that India can defeat Chinese naval forces in China's home water?

Of course, do not involve USN in this discussion as we do not want to be involved.
* China has more subs than India has warships, the IN will cease to exist.

* China has the option to carpet bomb New Delhi with old Ballistic missiles, reduce it to a big pile of dirt. Since no nukes were used India would have to bite the bullet.

* Pakistan will deploy on Indian border and dig in while China fixes modi up.
LOL And you are Admin of this forum seriously??
What you think?? China and India will go to war and then Pakistan will jump in and whole world will see sitting ???
Come'on man show some sense...
And what this Nuke Nuke?? We have enough Nukes and Ballistic missiles to protect our strategic interest.
If Pakistan will join the war we will fix you with full power first and then think about China...
w both are members of BRICS and AIIB , how can you guys so happy to mess with China in SCS? The only reason why Indian is popular in the west is because you can e utilize to go against China.

You should ask this question to Ur commies dictators . Who are indulging in unwanted provocations . As I said Ur concern for security and Ur years of insecurity will be your national threat . I don't know what kind of strategy is this. Creating a circle of enemies ? Then what invade and enslave everyone ? Sounds funny yes very . But this is what your PLA are upto .

Wrong move . Bad for none other than China. Thanks for making sleeping leadership in India to wake up and comfort the bullies . Wait and see .

can MiG29
carry Brahmos? he'll no.

Our surface vessels , submarines and Su 30 MKI with 2000 + km can carry then .

And hey ! Good news ! Brahmos Mini already on the card . So Tejas , Mirages , mig 29 will carry them :D
This thread is about Indian navy going to SCS and dominate Chinese navy. Not about Chinese navy sail to Indian Ocean and dominate Indian Ocean. So Chinese navy and sailing far away is not in the context of this discussion.

So are there any Indians here believe that India can defeat Chinese naval forces in China's home water?

Of course, do not involve USN in this discussion as we do not want to be involved.

Where does it say its about IN dominating PLAAN in SCS... IN is only going to defend its assets in SCS, if it comes under attack by Chinese navy then forget about their trade routs in IOR... not a Single Chinse Naval and Commercial Ships will pass through IOR... get tht first...

And please change your flag to where you're from... Little Chinese hiding under US flag is not ging to do any good
You should ask this question to Ur commies dictators . Who are indulging in unwanted provocations . As I said Ur concern for security and Ur years of insecurity will be your national threat . I don't know what kind of strategy is this. Creating a circle of enemies ? Then what invade and enslave everyone ? Sounds funny yes very . But this is what your PLA are upto .

Wrong move . Bad for none other than China. Thanks for making sleeping leadership in India to wake up and comfort the bullies . Wait and see .

Our surface vessels , submarines and Su 30 MKI with 2000 + km can carry then .

And hey ! Good news ! Brahmos Mini already on the card . So Tejas , Mirages , mig 29 will carry them :D

Can MKI launch from a carrier? Don't forget that India can dominate China in SCS in the context of this thread.

As for future weapons, it's still in the cards, not in reality.
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