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India wants Narendra Modi & not Rahul Gandhi as PM

I am gonna vote for NM.He is 100 better than Rahul.

Just to share my experience ...
I have met 2 muslims from Gujrat in Delhi few months back. They had favorable views about NM. I think they know Modi well than Non-Gujrati Muslims & Muslim across borders
PC?? he can never be, he is facing corruption charges in both 2g case as well as aircel deal + he is facing serious charge of fraud in general election of 2009 (HC declines to dismiss election petition against Chidambaram), if he cannot get him elected to LS (by fair means) how can he be the PM, that's why MMS is not making him FM despite the chair being vacant.

but who is leveling the charges? subramaniam swamy . :) his arch enemy

and lets not forget that the court dismissed swamys petition to make him an accused in the 2 g case. as far as the aircell deal is concerned i do not think its him but the maran brothers who are involved.
as for the general election case . its not a criminal case but a election commission case. i still have a strong feeling the PC will be the congress candidate . but we will get to know only after the election .
(i doubt the upa will win . i have a feeling the regional parties will form a coalition with out side help from the congress. )
I am gonna vote for NM.He is 100 better than Rahul.

Just to share my experience ...
I have met 2 muslims from Gujrat in Delhi few months back. They had favorable views about NM. I think they know Modi well than Non-Gujrati Muslims & Muslim across borders

Dude you cannot come to a conclusion just from two peoples,I agree has NM has made a huge difference in Infra structure of Gujarat,but he has kept very low profile in Muslim societies,btw im in Ahmedabad now.
but who is leveling the charges? subramaniam swamy . :) his arch enemy

and lets not forget that the court dismissed swamys petition to make him an accused in the 2 g case. as far as the aircell deal is concerned i do not think its him but the maran brothers who are involved.
as for the general election case . its not a criminal case but a election commission case. i still have a strong feeling the PC will be the congress candidate . but we will get to know only after the election .
(i doubt the upa will win . i have a feeling the regional parties will form a coalition with out side help from the congress. )

that's disaster in waiting for India :hitwall:, do you remember what mess our country was in between 1996-98 when regional parties were ruling, it's better a national party wins be it congress or bjp, but let's see what is in store for us in 2014.
congress is most corrupt party of all times today. they have a policy of putting their own most corrupt person at each and every post. unfortunately BJP won't be our first preference for 2014 (they do not know their head from feet today). but i guess they are our only option.
Dude you cannot come to a conclusion just from two peoples,I agree has NM has made a huge difference in Infra structure of Gujarat,but he has kept very low profile in Muslim societies,btw im in Ahmedabad now.

Its said that BJP is winning in Muslim dominated areas of Gujurat also..How thats happening then?
Its our Luck that we have no other Options then Modi ... in the Present Condition which India is Suffering from... even God Himself cant lead the Country better then Modi ...

All Teesta Setelvad like Pakistanis , Congress , Sickular Indians can Cry a River out ... But Ur Dams of tear cant Hold the Future of Country Hostage ... This is Bharat & We Bharatiyas will Decide our fate ...

The Only way to defeat Modi is not allow him to Contest in the First Place ... So i am least Concerned about the elections , But Concerned about will he Contest Election...

Paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya cha dushkritam, Dharmasamthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge!!!
Meh.Both are overrated to the point of nausea.One is a glorified celebrity and the other is a so called financial pundit whose state is running a revenue deficit(Quintessentially, Gujarat is broke).

It is always a question of the lesser of two evils with Indian netas.

I am compelled to add; People who give a crap to what Mr. Chetan Bhagat has to say aren't the brightest bulbs out there.
Meh.Both are overrated to the point of nausea.One is a glorified celebrity and the other is a so called financial pundit whose state is running a revenue deficit(Quintessentially, Gujarat is broke).

It is always a question of the lesser of two evils with Indian netas.

Perhaps you are right. The Unique Selling Point of Modi is that he genuinely intends to develop this nation, and he will also reform BJP if he needs to. He knows Corruption is a disease and if he cannot deny the political cockroaches their feast, he will provide them much lesser than the so called Gandhi's. India is still growing at more than 5% (which I would call a miracle) despite all the breath taking corruption we know, and even more that we do not know. This disease needs to be controlled if this nation must prosper.

In truth, no righteous spirit can enter and remain in the dirty world of politics. That is why we must choose the one that is the least dirtiest. We all regret what happened in Gujurat and I'm sure Modi has no desire to cause harm to any religious sentiments in the nation. Muslims have moved on and so must their sympathizers. Lets leave religion and simply improve lives in the country.

Happiness is all that matters and majority of the inhabitants of Gujarat are happy.

This poll itself has limited validity because it only represents selected population. I dont think many voters read his books, and many who do dont vote in the elections. Its much more appealing to vote on facebook fan page polls for some reason.
Rahul Gandhi is a half breed mleccha who has no place in India, him and his family should be thrown in jail or made to leave for Italy or Colombia where Rahul's gf is from.

Shree Modi needs to come to power and develop the nation like he is doing in Gujarat.
Gujarat is Destroying India ...

If every Industries Goes to Gujarat where will rest of the Country Stand ... Gujarat is creating imbalance in India... there would be economic inequality ...

better Put the man who is responsible for all this in Center :P ... So Make Modi PM & Balance Indias economic growth...
Perhaps you are right. The Unique Selling Point of Modi is that he genuinely intends to develop this nation, and he will also reform BJP if he needs to. He knows Corruption is a disease and if he cannot deny the political cockroaches their feast, he will provide them much lesser than the so called Gandhi's. India is still growing at more than 5% (which I would call a miracle) despite all the breath taking corruption we know, and even more that we do not know. This disease needs to be controlled if this nation must prosper.

In truth, no righteous spirit can enter and remain in the dirty world of politics. That is why we must choose the one that is the least dirtiest. We all regret what happened in Gujurat and I'm sure Modi has no desire to cause harm to any religious sentiments in the nation. Muslims have moved on and so must their sympathizers. Lets leave religion and simply improve lives in the country.

Happiness is all that matters and majority of the inhabitants of Gujarat are happy.

This poll itself has limited validity because it only represents selected population. I dont think many voters read his books, and many who do dont vote in the elections. Its much more appealing to vote on facebook fan page polls for some reason.

I couldn't care any lesser about the riots,that's for the courts to deliberate upon. I want to see results....revenue,HDI indices,per capita incomes etc. and not the PR campaign,courtesy of APCO Worldwide, that is being run by Mr. Modi. Sadly,the statistics do not match up to rhetoric being fed by his state paid propaganda even if they are getting him an article on Time or Brookings Institute.

Southern Indian states like Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and many others like UP and Maharashtra are blowing Gujarat out of the water,twice on weekends, on every possible metric. Why is this dude even getting any limelight is the question that needs to be asked.
Would love to see Mr. Modi as the next PM but I don't see it happening.:(
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