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India wants Gorshkov in 6 months; says Further Delay will invite Penalty

They are all done with the help of Russia, Israel and US.

Nothing to do with Indians.
Did you watch the video.

You didn't do anything by your logic. Countries helped us while you copied. What is your innovation then ?

Most of the innovations are originated from Germany.

Read about Vedic Mathematics.

Artificial rain making, artificial transmutation and teleportation are mentioned in our scriptures. The ideas which were written thousands of years ago.

So watch that video. It was his idea and his work.
India can't innovate.
India can't reverse engineer (Even Iran can reverse engineer).

What can India do?
IMPORT! :lol:

reverse engineering ? do you think it's hard to copy Russian MiG to us , We don't do that, it's
stealing and spoiling relation with them also.:smokin:
All the subsystems in our aircraft carrier is Chinese designed and built.

That's something Indians can only dream of.

Indians can only import from Russia, Israel and US.

Indians lack technical intelligence to reverse engineer or innovate.
That's why Indians are importing kings.
Useless people.

WS-10 is already in J-10B, J-11B and J-15.

Indian builds many boats, you have sub systems they have their own. It still makes your ship a WOK and no AC. It still makes you once again the world's laughing stock for parading your premier on a WOK trying to sell it as a Real AC. Only in china do they skip the 'A' in AC and try to sell as an AC :lol:

You begged for arresters for the AC to Russia, you have bought plenty when you were 2 trillion economy from Russia. When India gets to be 7 trillion they will have a more mature and better system than you guys built . Build on your own needs heavy investments and time...

Indian military hardware owns Chinese in every aspect. You don't get the benefit of the greatest being offered to you. you go for quantity like Iran. Sure be happy you built a paper AC built on the infamous Chinese quality. You have the right to be dumb through poor quality but not the right to expect others to follow suit and be dumber. That mantle is yours to keep...

what has your technical knowledge to copy paste, cheat and steal get you? the Russians refuse to sell you their higher quality products. Indians are not looking to be stained in that manner. Your long game shrinks other countries from giving you top technologies...bravo.
reverse engineering ? do you think it's hard to copy Russian MiG to us , We don't do that, it's
stealing and spoiling relation with them also.:smokin:

Not really.

If India had the capability to reverse engineer, you would do it just like you tried against kashelnikovs.

It takes alot of knowledge to reverse engineer, the fact that India cannot do it shows how primitive Indians are at making their own weapons.

That's why you guys import...you have no other choice.
Not really.

If India had the capability to reverse engineer, you would do it just like you tried against kashelnikovs.

It takes alot of knowledge to reverse engineer, the fact that India cannot do it shows how primitive Indians are at making their own weapons.

That's why you guys import...you have no other choice.

We've seen how you reversed engineered your AC , you reversed the the flow of aircraft's from landing on it to landing on land.

what is the quality of Chinese military? The ones you export have been called low level quality... who knows what is the final by product, you guys never let the world benchmark any of it. Congrats you built a pinto and put a lipstick on a pig.

Fact is -The only reverse engineering you have attempted to do is to dumb down citizens like you to think a WOK is a real AC.
hahahahaahahah good one :D
He isn't going to like that though :P

I love that, but looks like my analysis burned the cigaret
Russia is the big guy with muscles and owns the indigenous factory and India is the guy with thin legs (you arent going to like this one) who wants to look cool by using that factory to put the indigenous logo on the product. Stop crying like baby and pay to play
India will strongly take up with Russia the delay in delivery of aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya, the refurbished Admiral Gorshkov, asking it to deploy additional manpower to ensure the warship’s “refit” is completed within 67 month

Holy smokes! What the fcuk!? 67 months!!! The reporter has lost his mind.

Wonder where these penalties would go and whose pockets would be loaded.

I just hope the Russians really deliver this one on time. They did the MKI program so beautifully and in time with all the requirements complete.

Then why isn't Yantar able to keep that reputation of improvement up?

How about sending some of our own engineers up to Russia if they need additional qualified manpower?

Anyways the ship is coming to us; so why not set up a special branch of engineers from one of the state-run dockyards and send some additional helping hand? I know this sounds crazy but we cannot keep rubbing INS Viraat daily you know; it has really served the country well and it is about time we bring in some new blood.

Delay is something we cannot afford; especially not when we already have the fighter jets that Vikramaditya is supposed to be carrying around.

It is almost embarrassing about how MiGs have to take off from the shores because the carrier ain't ready.

What is the MOD doing..:disagree:

I love that, but looks like my analysis burned the cigaret
Russia is the big guy with muscles and owns the indigenous factory and India is the guy with thin legs (you arent going to like this one) who wants to look cool by using that factory to put the indigenous logo on the product. Stop crying like baby and pay to play

Vikramaditya is not labeled indigenous. For once use your normal head to think will you?
Meh, i guess we're going American all the way pretty soon. I couldn't care less.
I love that, but looks like my analysis burned the cigaret
Russia is the big guy with muscles and owns the indigenous factory and India is the guy with thin legs (you arent going to like this one) who wants to look cool by using that factory to put the indigenous logo on the product. Stop crying like baby and pay to play

Oh oo nobody is cring here :D
Look for your country first then say something like that to us ( advice and not at all compulsory :P )
Atleast we do something. We are behind USA/China/EU ok. We are trying to catch up. But what about you. What you are saying is perfect for Pak-China relations.
Remember you guies try everything to make china not to import Rice from India. What happen ???
There are plenty of such things but again you will say I derail the thread :P
India can't innovate.
India can't reverse engineer (Even Iran can reverse engineer).

What can India do?
IMPORT! :lol:
Don't underestimate us dude their is a reason why Pakistani's call India a Baniya country....we know how to get our work done without even spending a single penny.....and if you don't believe me then ask Uncle Sam what we did with them after Nuclear Deal....
I'm thinking there is A LOT of back-door discussions taking place to get the VIKRAMDITYA saga completed once and for all. Putin had personally assured MMS that the VIKRAMDITYA deal would follow a revised schedule and now this looks less likely he has plenty of egg on his face and lost plenty of political capital. I bet he's on a war path to get this done and if you're a Russian Putin isn't a guy you wanna get on the wrong side of.

India can't innovate.
India can't reverse engineer (Even Iran can reverse engineer).

What can India do?

Good god, I thought only chinese products were of low quality.

Guess it stems from the mentality, such low standards.

Yes we dont reverse engineer which actually means stealing. We try to do on our own or sign agreements with people to do it legally. Being right, indeed will be slow.
Indian builds many boats, you have sub systems they have their own. It still makes your ship a WOK and no AC. It still makes you once again the world's laughing stock for parading your premier on a WOK trying to sell it as a Real AC. Only in china do they skip the 'A' in AC and try to sell as an AC :lol:

You begged for arresters for the AC to Russia, you have bought plenty when you were 2 trillion economy from Russia. When India gets to be 7 trillion they will have a more mature and better system than you guys built . Build on your own needs heavy investments and time...

Indian military hardware owns Chinese in every aspect. You don't get the benefit of the greatest being offered to you. you go for quantity like Iran. Sure be happy you built a paper AC built on the infamous Chinese quality. You have the right to be dumb through poor quality but not the right to expect others to follow suit and be dumber. That mantle is yours to keep...

what has your technical knowledge to copy paste, cheat and steal get you? the Russians refuse to sell you their higher quality products. Indians are not looking to be stained in that manner. Your long game shrinks other countries from giving you top technologies...bravo.

Something in your post caught my eye, it was the power of 'economy' that you had mentioned. Don't you think that you should have been on par with China or perhaps even better as you have almost the same man power and have never faced serious sanctions? Yet you are no where close.

Furthermore, you can take cheap shots at quality of Chinese products but we know why China is no longer interested in future Russian military inventions such as subs and stealth 5th gen jets. It's because they are making better ones then Russia at much lower cost.
^^^^ They are making better subs than russia , seriously ...........
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