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India vs Pakistan military lesson from Ukraine - generals must let leaders know defence reality


Apr 28, 2011
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In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains why the time has come for Indian generals to provide the country's political leadership with clear-eyes appraisal of India's realities and why India needs to learn the military lesson of Ukraine conflict - Rolling the tanks is a roll of the dice. Tweet: In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains the military lesson India needs to learn from the Ukraine conflict.

He calls Khan a hawk and General Bajwa a pessimist.

In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains why the time has come for Indian generals to provide the country's political leadership with clear-eyes appraisal of India's realities and why India needs to learn the military lesson of Ukraine conflict - Rolling the tanks is a roll of the dice. Tweet: In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains the military lesson India needs to learn from the Ukraine conflict.

He calls Khan a hawk and General Bajwa a pessimist.
I think both are pessimist, Bajwa maybe a bit more

In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains why the time has come for Indian generals to provide the country's political leadership with clear-eyes appraisal of India's realities and why India needs to learn the military lesson of Ukraine conflict - Rolling the tanks is a roll of the dice. Tweet: In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains the military lesson India needs to learn from the Ukraine conflict.

He calls Khan a hawk and General Bajwa a pessimist.

Bajwa is a wuss. Calling him a pessimist is utter stupidity as he is a pure pacifist. Pacifists shouldn't be leading our arm forces period. Our top general should have mentality to prepare forces for worst not the best.

In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains why the time has come for Indian generals to provide the country's political leadership with clear-eyes appraisal of India's realities and why India needs to learn the military lesson of Ukraine conflict - Rolling the tanks is a roll of the dice. Tweet: In this episode of Security Code, Praveen Swami explains the military lesson India needs to learn from the Ukraine conflict.

He calls Khan a hawk and General Bajwa a pessimist.
wtf.. now this fart will tell us about our COAS who registered to identify 48 as an indian loss , calls 65 a draw and 99 a victory and to cherry it 2019 "bombing" on a L eT camp.

Regardless what my COAS is, why should i make an opinion upon listening to this man.
Your army chief has more access to intelligence than PDF armchair warriors.

plus he is not an autocrat. he takes into confidence majority if not all of his corp commanders when he makes decisions.

feel free to correct me if I am wrong
The cunning Hindus.....

Since China has been showing them their true status....the cunning hindus have reached out via back channel to push for peace with Pakistan.

Pre Galwan, the arrogance of the Indians new no limits.

The indians are on the ropes, we must not let them of the hook. What pak should be doing is lighting up the border, facilitating mujahideen and keeping then on their toes in siachen.

Instead pak is giving them time to re-organise

Imran is anything but a hawk, more of a peacenik and Bajwa as well.

The world is preoccupied everywhere, indians moaning and crying will not be heard, if anything it will force their hand to commit to Russian or western camp. We must force their hand to make uncomfortable decisions and not play all sides.

We also need to speak to the chinese and see where their endgame is

Sadly i dont think pak has visionary leadership to make these decisions
What we should learn from this war is to train your people, have plans ,have different war game strategies. The 1st line of defence the army takes the the hit first then its all urban warfare with ballistic targeting army command centers.
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In war, lots of planes, tanks, military equipment, civilian infrastructure is destroyed, both Pakistan and India need to prepare for massive losses not just human blood and money.
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