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India Visa on arrival for China India opens border to Chinese tourists

india remains a low priorities for me.
dont want to take risk while my travelling is purely for pleasure
I have plenty of other options some of which I would like visiting the second or third time.

dude trust me visit the states of Goa and Kerala you won't say the same :)
good for tourism and people to people contact.

as always, please be cautious and use your judgement when venturing out on your own.
dude trust me visit the states of Goa and Kerala you won't say the same :)

these places are famous for cheap hi quality dopes but I dont smoke
no thanks dont want to take risk travelling with female companions
these places are famous for cheap hi quality dopes but I dont smoke
no thanks dont want to take risk travelling with female companions

yes, you are safe in CCP camp only..stay put!

There are so many better, clean and safe options in the world and even in Asia
Why india?
It is particularly a place of warning for women.

The Chinese government MUST warn women travellers to india!
yes why not, hope your CCP leaders do the same when chinese ppl travel to Japan.
@ChinaToday @xuxu1457

dont know where you guys are
if you are not in india, bring with your female family members or friends there and experience yourselves if there is any sexual molestation or serious assaults on your female friends / family members and other travelling experiences then tell us here when you come back

I will never do any lip service promoting a dangerous place for tourists, especially female tourists!

No thanks india, we dont need the visa on arrival status for our women

we dont need people like you either...hope your pets are safe and you are undergoing a treatment to come out of a mental trauma of japanese sexuual assult on your ancestors....grow balls dont take cheap shots like your cheap products...u made me compare your product with your personality and mentality!
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8 Countries Where It's Dangerous For Women To Travel
APR. 3, 2013, 3:45 PM

From the Taj Mahal to river boat cruises, India's tourism industry generates $17.7 billion each year.

But the recent gang rapes of a Swiss tourist and a New Delhi student, and a British tourist jumping from her window for fear of being raped have caused tourism to drop 35 percent since December.

And Human Rights Watch writes that reports of violence against women have been increasing, and "the government had yet to properly investigate and prosecute sexual abuse in police custody."

Dangerous Countries For Women To Travel - Business Insider
Attacks grow fears India is not safe for women travellers


Attacks grow fears India is not safe for women travellers

Danish tourist Judith Jensen has a long list of don'ts to help her feel safe during her holiday in India.

She won't hail a taxi off the street, she won't stay in an obscure hotel and she won't go out after dark -- all decisions made in response to the growing reporting of sexual crime in the country.

You have to always be careful. And after hearing of these recent incidents, one obviously feels a sense of fear.

"I have read and heard so much about rape in India that now I feel this persistent sense of danger," Jensen, 42, said as she walked through a popular market in downtown Delhi.

The tourism ministry's ubiquitous Incredible India marketing campaign has helped raise the number of foreign visitors over the past decade to around 6.6 million a year -- albeit still way behind the likes of China and Malaysia.

But that push is now hampered by a growing sense that India is simply not a safe destination, particularly for women.

The fatal gang-rape of an Indian student in December shone a disturbing light on the level of sexual violence and a series of subsequent attacks on foreigners has added to the sense of unease.

A British holidaymaker in the northern city of Agra, home to the Taj Mahal, suffered a leg injury when she jumped out of a hotel window before dawn on Tuesday.

Police said she feared a sex attack after two men tried to enter her room.

Last Friday a Swiss woman was gang-raped while on a cycling holiday in central India. Her husband was tied up by the gang who are also accused of stealing a laptop, a mobile phone and 10,000 rupees ($185).

On the same night a group of men in a city near Delhi briefly kidnapped an Indian male executive working for the French engineering giant Alstom.

Other incidents reported since the December gang-rape include that of a South Korean student who said she had been raped and drugged by the son of the owner of the hotel where she stayed during a holiday in January.

A Chinese woman working in Gurgaon, a town bordering the Indian capital, was also reportedly raped by an acquaintance last month.

Indian officials say there is no need for alarm, pointing out that foreigners are victims of crime the world over and the vast majority of visitors experience no safety problems.

But travel advice from a host of countries stresses the need for visitors to take care.

An advisory from the Swiss foreign ministry, issued before Friday's attack, urged men and women visiting India to travel in large groups and with guides.

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs' travel advice website, Smartraveller.gov.au, advises that "due to the risk of harassment and assault, women travelling alone should take particular care in all parts of India" while also advising that all travellers "exercise a high degree of caution" when travelling in the country.

The US State Department's website asks female travellers to "observe stringent security precautions" and "avoid travelling alone in hired taxis, especially at night".

Britain's foreign office updated its advisory for India on Tuesday, warning female tourists to "exercise caution when travelling in India even if they are travelling in a group".

In a notorious case five years ago, 15-year-old British schoolgirl Scarlett Keeling was raped and left to die on a beach in the tourist resort of Goa.

Jensen, who stands out in an Indian crowd with her blonde hair, recalled how she spent a carefree week backpacking around southern India a decade ago.

But now, travelling with her 10-year-old daughter, it is a different story and her husband texts her several times a day to check on their safety.

"There is no question that these stories will have an impact on foreign visitors," she said.

"Women will prefer to visit other places like Singapore or Bali or Thailand, where safety is not such a big concern."

At the Delhi office of the Indian Association of Tour Operators, executive director Gour Kanjilal said it was unfair to portray India as dangerous.

"Our industry is the first casualty when crime against foreigners is reported in India, but the reporting does not always reflect the truth," he said.

"Tourists should be responsible. They should follow some do's and don'ts."

A state minister in Madhya Pradesh, where the attacks on the Swiss and South Korean tourists took place, told reporters on Sunday that travellers must inform local police officials whenever they move from one town to the next.

That suggestion is hardly realistic for most tourists like 26-year-old Peruvian Marilu Labarthe, who squeezed in visits to seven cities during a two-week trip to the country.

Labarthe, shopping for ethnic trinkets in Delhi on the last day of her vacation, travelled to the country with 11 other women.

"You have to always be careful. And after hearing of these recent incidents, one obviously feels a sense of fear," she said, as one of her companions nodded in agreement.

So Tired Of Being GROPED By Indian Men

Every time that a man thinks he can touch me without permission, for his amusement, for “fun” … it astounds me. First, I wonder what kind of depraved LOSER is the guy that needs to cop a feel of my body to get his jollies. Honestly! What is it with some Indian men? It’s as if they are animals with no self-control, no education and certainly no respect for women!!!

Women in India are not asking for it

I was groped in Delhi on a bus when I was six months pregnant and as big as a house. Why am I telling you this ugly detail now, 25 years later? The memory was dredged up because Tehelka, a weekly magazine famous for its brilliant, fearless exposés, just did a sting operation, telling India how the majority of the Delhi police force views rape victims. And, no surprises, many police officers talked about how most of the women were asking for it because of the way they dressed, drank, and danced in bars, pubs and parties.
- See more at: Women in India are not asking for it -- New Internationalist
Any Chinese who is not interested , please don't come .

Nobody is dying to have Shuttler and Faithful Guy and their likes here anyway.

Normal Chinese are more than welcome if they are interested. Take the requisite precautions though.
So you couldn't spare even this thread ?? It is like an obsession with rapes in India. Do you even dream of rapes??

I am just doing the warnings through cutting and pasting and more to come! give me time!
Just tell me which of the above posts is not true?
I am just doing the warnings through cutting and pasting and more to come! give me time!
Just tell me which of the above posts is not true?

posting on forums wont help. Wear head band that reads titles of these articles and stand in Times Square or Tienanmen square. You will get noticed.
posting on forums wont help. Wear head band that reads titles of these articles and stand in Times Square or Tienanmen square. You will get noticed.

Regardless! PDF is an international forum and I am posting same in Chinese Forums and other site comments too as long as my time permits

It is the tourists choice
Do Chinese even go to India often?

I see many East Asian tourists whenever i visit any historic sites in India unfortunately they all look the same to me so can't tell how many of them are Chinese citizens

India opens border to Chinese tourists

The world is catering to the need of Chinese tourists. Tourism from China is regarded the fastest chance to generate enormous new business.
Keen to ease travel facilities for Chinese nationals, India's Tourism Ministry has proposed Visa-on- Arrival provision for them as it senses huge potential for exchanges in this sector.

China is among 30 countries for which the Tourism Ministry wants Visa-on-Arrival facility, a proposal if endorsed, will raise to 41 the number of countries that will have such a facility.

"We have proposed Visa-on-Arrival (VoA) facility for 30 countries including Germany, France, Korea, Russia and China," Tourism Minister K Chiranjeevi told PTI in an interview.

Referring to China, he said there is "very good potential" as far as tourism is concerned.

The proposal has to be cleared by Home Ministry, he said. Under the VoA facility, a traveller can go straight to the intended country and get visa at the airport itself.

Asked whether the VoA facility would be on reciprocal basis, the actor-turned-minister said, "We want reciprocal as well, but that is the next step. First, we want to welcome them."

Currently, India has extended VoA facilities to 11 countries including Singapore, Japan, New Zealand, Vietnam and Philippines.

Chiranjeevi said easing of visa regime would help boost foreign tourist arrivals. The aim is to ensure that India has at least one per cent share in international tourist arrivals, he said. India's share in world tourist arrivals, at present, is about 0.64 per cent.

Tourism had led to earnings to the tune of Rs 94,487 crore as foreign exchange last fiscal as the sector witnessed growth of 4.3 per cent last year with 65,77,745 foreigners visiting India against 63,09,222 tourists the previous year.

India Visa on arrival for China India opens border to Chinese tourists - eTurboNews.com

This will specially be a great news for several Buddhists who want to take pilgrimage to birthplace of Buddhism and not forgetting since Buddhism has become of great importance in Chinese culture many Chinese people would naturally develop urge to visit India and more people to people contacts will help in improving relations between two historic neighbours @Chinese-Dragon; you being a chinese buddhist share your views
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