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India Using Boeing 707s for Special Missions Against China

Just an enthusiast my friend, doing such an activity daily has a soothing effect on me,takes away my work related stresses and tiredness. On a free day do spend a bit more time here.

I'd like to ask you to put on an unbias analyst hat and give me your thoughts on where you see this going.

1. Will they have a limited war in that section of the N India?
I can't see how India allows China's blatant grab. Either Inda grabs some other part of Chinese territory, blocks malacca straits as blockade till china relents in the north, or it goes for straight aggression in this strip.

2. What I can't wrap my head around is what is China's strategic objective? Where we as America looked to build alliances in our immediate and extended neighborhood ALA NATO. With a goal to keep an enemy as far as possible....China seeks to be an expansionist and make enemies of them.

Secondly, I would love to have been a fly on the wall at that meeting where they decided to go for the piece of land. What possibly could china have thought as coming out on top on balance vs. losing India in such a drastic way? I'd love to see the tangible and intangible benefits spreadsheet they had imagined was India's response.

I see 3 results and wondered if they were prepared for it.

A. Economic fallout. They are losing billions in not just the current market, but future revenues within India. sure, the billions won't go overnight, but they are definitely divesting quick.

I think what's worse is a hit future potential earnings. India is only going to grow in revenue and the trade deficit could have ballooned far higher in china's favor, just like they did with America.

B: Military distraction: Where their southern borders were mundane and relaxed, and they could have 100% attention on the S China Sea, and the US. They've created a long term military deployment and security distraction. Let's not forget having kick-started India's focus in terms of deployment, arms purchase, and a general urgent focus on China.

C: Military alliance: for decades now China has complained and asked India not to partner on the quad have aggressive exercises. they managed to get India to be lukewarm in accepting aggressive Quad or aggressive tone on the S. China sea. Well, talk about pushing India completely into the US and Quad partnership now and worse yet, even if China walks back from the mountains. This quad is continuing.

Lastly, this is interesting. There is a strong and building consensus among our intelligence that thinks parts of the Chinese military leaderships tend to go at it on its own i.e. Not everyone is under complete control of their politburo. This Chinese general in Tibet is known as an aggressive hothead.
hahahaha.....thats all you got? take up some time to read and grow your intellect :lol::lol:
This where India failed educate itself on Quantity vs Quality and that's where this aircraft stacks up today. Seriously why r there no Olympic athletes of India wining any medals, coz no one taught them about quality, is that all u can throw eh ?
Panicked by China's aggressive overtures on the LAC, India is trying to put anything it can find from the BONEYARD to throw at China.

Special Missions Aircraft spotted earlier running a mission over North today ,possibly aimed at LAC.


These Vintage aircraft are equipped with ELI 3001 AISIS system.


Recently two ex Indian Airways 707s parked at DEL near aero city were converted into SIGNIT platform.
I'm sure China is trembling with fear at the sight of this 60 year old 707 ELINT aircraft :rofl:
I'd like to ask you to put on an unbias analyst hat and give me your thoughts on where you see this going.
Its nearly half ten in UK but i can just point out few quick points.
1)China will not allow any power to sabotage CPEC, its lifeline for the future.
2)Indo Chinese relationship have taken a big hit, might take some time to reset.
3)Economic relations with India are only a small percentage of Chinese commerce.
4)India's cozing up with US and playing their tunes will not be seen good at the SCO.
5) This tension will also have negative effects on Indian economy.
6)Playing in US hands has never helped any South Asian nation.
7)Most of South Tibet is part of your five border States, plus India has been harbouring Dalai Lama , Major deep rooted issues between both.
8)I do see some small scale skirmishes initially, with Pakistan also playing a big part.
9)China has the ability to draw away all the SAARC members from Indian umbrella.
10)Its the beginning of a long drawn Cold War between two powers.
11)The economic fallout of Indian deployments and procurements will adversely take a toll on Indian finances.

Cut story short Modis big mouth and belligerent attitude has landed India into a big external and internal mess. Now he has gone quite, a bit too late in my opinion. The damage is done permanently to the bilateral relationship. With soldiers eyeball to eyeball in some sectors specially Depsang DBO, any wrong move like that of GALWAN will have very devastating repercussions.
Its nearly half ten in UK but i can just point out few quick points.
1)China will not allow any power to sabotage CPEC, its lifeline for the future.
2)Indo Chinese relationship have taken a big hit, might take some time to reset.
3)Economic relations with India are only a small percentage of Chinese commerce.
4)India's cozing up with US and playing their tunes will not be seen good at the SCO.
5) This tension will also have negative effects on Indian economy.
6)Playing in US hands has never helped any South Asian nation.
7)Most of South Tibet is part of your five border States, plus India has been harbouring Dalai Lama , Major deep rooted issues between both.
8)I do see some small scale skirmishes initially, with Pakistan also playing a big part.
9)China has the ability to draw away all the SAARC members from Indian umbrella.
10)Its the beginning of a long drawn Cold War between two powers.
11)The economic fallout of Indian deployments and procurements will adversely take a toll on Indian finances.

Cut story short Modis big mouth and belligerent attitude has landed India into a big external and internal mess. Now he has gone quite, a bit too late in my opinion. The damage is done permanently to the bilateral relationship. With soldiers eyeball to eyeball in some sectors specially Depsang DBO, any wrong move like that of GALWAN will have very devastating repercussions.

Man, I am going to disappoint you by saying that all these points were baffling.

1. What does CPEC, SCO, and SAARC have to do with the China skirmish? Why would any country in SAARC, outside Pakistan, want to gang up on a big market and a future top 3 GDP in the world, over China having an issue with India?
2. How do you see a reset happening towards China? Do you anticipate the Chinese removing themselves from that lake? because I don't see the Indians interested in a reset if they don't get back their territory. Do you see them capitulating with Modi in-charge?
3. What is the big part Pakistan will play? I want you, for example, role-play a live scenario. Here it goes---- India is skirmishing with China. The global community is all there to stop it or at least make sure it does not spillover. And Pakistan does what?
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I'm sure China is trembling with fear at the sight of this 60 year old 707 ELINT aircraft :rofl:
China should be afraid. The Chinese soldiers don't want to clean up Indians mess when that big antique crash on Chinese land.
Yes, it is. No doubt about that. Those hundreds and thousands of assembled under license tanks don't exist. Nor do the hundreds of aircraft, those kept flying for periods approximately five times more than their rated life.

There is no one involved in defence production in India who denies that there are problems, and there are people here with real life experience to tell the tale, but the kind of fanboy insight demonstrated in some of these posts is laughable. Expertise in these gleaned from a superficial look through YouTube videos isn't a substitute, especially looking through propaganda videos.

In another thread, the unwary reader stumbles into a similar urgent desire on the part of the latest generation of defence experts to instruct the world at large about strategic matters and military history.

Not the best way to maintain the credibility of the contributions; these posts are laughable

About as laughable as the new iconic status of a single aircraft kill on 27th February. Only a complete lack of anything else to show can create such an infantile obsession.

First, it was a guerrilla war launched to acquire territory that succeeded only in parts that were the home territory of the guerrillas.

Then it was a war of aggression, aggression through clandestine groups, and an open attack with armour and donated artillery on border armed police and infantry formations, admitted by every single account from their own side, that failed, and is now projected as a wonderful victory by turning the failure on its head and reporting it as a failure of the attacked country to crush the attackers.

That is the story of a bank robber celebrating his safe get-away, with only the loss of his tools, weapons and the loot, and exulting in the ineptitude of the policeman who had him in his grip but failed to hold on. We are informed that the ineptitude of the Indian military is demonstrated by its inability to go beyond neutralisation and defence and achieve the total demolition of the aggressors.

Then we have another clandestine campaign that, again, for the third time, failed, and that is now celebrated as the triumph of the campaigners in a very odd achievement; an achievement in deflecting operational failure and at converting it into the failure of their political leadership to negotiate that defeat into victory. Here is the bank robber blaming his failure and mere detention, without tools, weapons or swag, into the failure of the lawyer who came to the station to bail him out; by some mysterious alchemy, the bank loot would have wafted home, complete with weapons and tools lost in the raid, if only the lawyer had known his job.

And so we come to the Great Pumpkin and the 27th of February.

The real idiots stand revealed in their stupidity. The real idiots are those who know better but indulge the followers of these mythical stories by engaging with them. The real idiots - we - need to do some introspection. Why do they - we - match the obsession of the idiots who celebrate a single aircraft loss with their own obsession with bringing logic and reality into the YouTube parlour not very cleverly disguised as a defence thread? It isn't going to happen. We need to apologise to ourselves. Two wrongs don't make a right. Two obsessions don't add up to a rational discussion.

Its nearly half ten in UK but i can just point out few quick points.
1)China will not allow any power to sabotage CPEC, its lifeline for the future.
2)Indo Chinese relationship have taken a big hit, might take some time to reset.
3)Economic relations with India are only a small percentage of Chinese commerce.
4)India's cozing up with US and playing their tunes will not be seen good at the SCO.
5) This tension will also have negative effects on Indian economy.
6)Playing in US hands has never helped any South Asian nation.
7)Most of South Tibet is part of your five border States, plus India has been harbouring Dalai Lama , Major deep rooted issues between both.
8)I do see some small scale skirmishes initially, with Pakistan also playing a big part.
9)China has the ability to draw away all the SAARC members from Indian umbrella.
10)Its the beginning of a long drawn Cold War between two powers.
11)The economic fallout of Indian deployments and procurements will adversely take a toll on Indian finances.

Cut story short Modis big mouth and belligerent attitude has landed India into a big external and internal mess. Now he has gone quite, a bit too late in my opinion. The damage is done permanently to the bilateral relationship. With soldiers eyeball to eyeball in some sectors specially Depsang DBO, any wrong move like that of GALWAN will have very devastating repercussions.

Man, I am going to disappoint you by saying that all these points were baffling.

1. What does CPEC, SCO, and SAARC have to do with N India and China skirmish? No country leaves a grouping to gang up against another. Why would any country in SAARC, outside Pakistan, want to gang up on a big market and future top 3 GDP in the world, over china having an issue with India? What does gang up mean if you meant otherwise?
2. How do you see a reset for India towards China? You anticipate Chinese going back and removing themselves from that lake area? I don't see Indians having a reboot if they don't get back their territory. Do you see them capitulating with Modi in-charge?
3. What is the big part Pakistan will play? I want you, for example, role-play a live scenario. Here it goes---- India is skirmishing with China. The global community is all there to stop it or at least make sure it does not spillover. And Pakistan does what?

Man you should broaden whatever you reading on Internet with Some startegic and foreign affair papers by some writers.
Here some insight for you:

1. To secure CPEC China will make sure no war happens with india, doing business and signing treaties is the best way to go. So china didn't do it , your cpec theory doesn't hold any water.
If war happens there's a big chance it will spill over to destroying Road and infra on chinese side 100%
2. Indo china relation will reset that India will now start preparing for future war instead of some lip service that it used to do previously .
3. Business is never small when it concerns a whole country. It has far reach to foreign policy , international forums etc. Its not just about money. And here money is quite big.
4. After this inia is going full steam towards America but not like pak but still now india will side with America more bluntly
5. Dalai lama has been here for so long it has been out of equation and doesn't count as reason for war.
6. India will cosy up to America just to a limit only, atleast we know that for sure.eg S400 Su29 rafaels notice no startegic buy from America.
7. Mark my words Pak will do nothing and I mean nothing if its smart, it would be better for pak to give lip service to china and beat the tattered ecenomy of pak card and stay out.
8. SAARC members have very limited cooperation with each other , india is not that much affected by any changing its tune except some strategic worry.

Only point I agree is cold war is starting and indian economy will get a beating. But I think this will make india wake up and try to match up with china instead of pak for a change.

I just have no clue why china doing this , the cons are too many as compared to pro's
Panicked by China's aggressive overtures on the LAC, India is trying to put anything it can find from the BONEYARD to throw at China.

Special Missions Aircraft spotted earlier running a mission over North today ,possibly aimed at LAC.


These Vintage aircraft are equipped with ELI 3001 AISIS system.


Recently two ex Indian Airways 707s parked at DEL near aero city were converted into SIGNIT platform.

Nothing wrong with that might as well use them if you can, especially as surveillance.
This where India failed educate itself on Quantity vs Quality and that's where this aircraft stacks up today. Seriously why r there no Olympic athletes of India wining any medals, coz no one taught them about quality, is that all u can throw eh ?

you need to get rid of that weed and clear your head, read what is the content of the thread and reply again.... dont put another crappy post next time
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