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India, US plan to join hands to counter Chinese influence in Africa

Us needs no bases in india because "all your bases belong to us" in a flash of green back. Man Mohan and his likes will call it economic growth, US will call it buying influence. America trying a foothold in Africa is such a joke because first it has to come out of self imposed sanctions on almost every important African country. We see Idi Amin MK2 in the making..this time he will make the blacks carry his chariot to presidential stage!
This isn't 1962 anymore. We are not a foolish, naive pacifist nation anymore. Your communist leaders have understood that, high time trolls like you understand it thoroughly.

yes, it is no longer 1962.

In 1962, you had guns, we had guns. you had tanks, we had tanks. The same can no longer be said now in 2010.

:smokin: do you want to have some comparison about the overall strength of two nations?
yes, it is no longer 1962.

In 1962, you had guns, we had guns. you had tanks, we had tanks. The same can no longer be said now in 2010.

:smokin: do you want to have some comparison about the overall strength of two nations?

Comparisons not necessary, thank you. Just do something instead of blabbering non-stop like empty vessels. Take Arunachal if you are soooo confident of your power. Don't waste bandwidth with nonsense information.

Pass this message upwards in the next session of your communist party meeting.
During the British empire, it was a favourite tactic of the British administrators to export Indians to their newly gained colonies to act as servants and control the local population. Today the British masters are gone, but the the legacy still lives on.

Indians still make up a large percentage of the populations in the Caribbean nations like Trinidad and Tobago, as well as Central American nations like Guatemala. The more damaging effect were seen in places like Sri Lanka and Fuji, where the imported Indian population tried to displace the local native population through violence.
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During the British empire, it was a favourite tactic of the British administrators to export Indians to their newly gained colonies to act as servants and control the local population. Today the British masters are gone, but the the legacy still lives on.

Indians still make up a large percentage of the populations in the Caribbean nations like Trinidad and Tobago, as well as Central American nations like Guatemala. The more damaging effect were seen in places like Sri Lanka and Fuji, where the imported Indian population tried to displace the local native population through violence.

Want me to name the countries which has large number of ethnic Chinese doing menial jobs? OK, maybe the 'British Masters' exported Indians to their newly gained colonies. But dear friend, The Chinese Government has an official policy of exporting labour. "China’s labor export has developed rapidly since it began in 1979 when China Construction Project Company was founded. Up to now over 600 companies have been established to specialize in labor export. They have helped to relieve China of its unemployment, increase China’s foreign exchange reserves, introduce advanced technology and management expertise to China, and strengthen the ties and cooperation between China and the countries abroad by exporting China’s surplus labor." That is what your Dept. of International Economics & Trade School of Business Administration
Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering Hangzhou, P. R. China has to say

Don't start mud slinging or you will get a few drops on your self.
Want me to name the countries which has large number of ethnic Chinese doing menial jobs? OK, maybe the 'British Masters' exported Indians to their newly gained colonies. But dear friend, The Chinese Government has an official policy of exporting labour. "China’s labor export has developed rapidly since it began in 1979 when China Construction Project Company was founded. Up to now over 600 companies have been established to specialize in labor export. They have helped to relieve China of its unemployment, increase China’s foreign exchange reserves, introduce advanced technology and management expertise to China, and strengthen the ties and cooperation between China and the countries abroad by exporting China’s surplus labor." That is what your Dept. of International Economics & Trade School of Business Administration
Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Engineering Hangzhou, P. R. China has to say

Don't start mud slinging or you will get a few drops on your self.

When did China come into this? Sorry if you find the truth offensive but I thought this bit of Indian history was relevant to the discussion (whereas China's unemployment problem isn't)

And please.... save your threats for someone else, internet tough guy.
When did China come into this? Sorry if you find the truth offensive but I thought this bit of Indian history was relevant to the discussion (whereas China's unemployment problem isn't)

And please.... save your threats for someone else, internet tough guy.

Read the thread title in case you haven't so far, that is how China came into this. Also the question how a Chinese talks of Indians being exported to other countries by the British when the Chinese export their own people to "remove unemployment and earn foreign exchange".

I was not threatening you CardSharp, merely pointing out a bit of modern Chinese state policy to show that you can't afford to moralise to us on this.

Any way, I had kind of got used to far higher quality of inputs from you. Rational and meaningful, not this really.
Read the thread title in case you haven't so far, that is how China came into this. Also the question how a Chinese talks of Indians being exported to other countries by the British when the Chinese export their own people to "remove unemployment and earn foreign exchange".

I was not threatening you CardSharp, merely pointing out a bit of modern Chinese state policy to show that you can't afford to moralise to us on this.

Any way, I had kind of got used to far higher quality of inputs from you. Rational and meaningful, not this really.

What part of my initial post wasn't factual or relevant? Anyways I'll leave it here.
Read the thread title in case you haven't so far, that is how China came into this. Also the question how a Chinese talks of Indians being exported to other countries by the British when the Chinese export their own people to "remove unemployment and earn foreign exchange".

I was not threatening you CardSharp, merely pointing out a bit of modern Chinese state policy to show that you can't afford to moralise to us on this.

Any way, I had kind of got used to far higher quality of inputs from you. Rational and meaningful, not this really.

I would have loved to reply to the poster himself to whom u just replied but he says that he will put me on the ignore list, however i cannot do that. I have been observing him recently with keen interest as his posts have become hugely irrational and biased over a time.

This doesn't mean i have some grudge against him but it seems that huge troll traffic here takes its toll on every sensible guy here. Its sad but true.
Return of colonialism..America is the new masters and Indian remain the source of cheap man power. This is how the british crowned all their terrioteries from Asia to South Africa!
The world calls us a soft power and you're the ones still thinking that despite seeing you for 4 decades with your US-basket game, we'd coming the same mistake.
Yesterday we marked the 60th anniversary of our intervention in the Korean War. In that war, we forced the America to sign the ceasefire without winning for the first time in their history. 48 years ago, we had a brief war with India, we conquered all your troops on the way leading up to your capital within days.

:smokin: learn history, don't repeat mistakes. your poor people can't afford it.

nope, that goes to the British Empire due to the War of 1812.

Also some people in this thread are acting like colonialism isn't in Africa now with a Chinese flavor.
nope, that goes to the British Empire due to the War of 1812.

Also some people in this thread are acting like colonialism isn't in Africa now with a Chinese flavor.

Until we kill 5 million people and chop off 5 metric tons of hands in the Congo alone, the winner still goes to Europe.
Also some people in this thread are acting like colonialism isn't in Africa now with a Chinese flavor.

What a ridiculous exaggeration.

What African country have we annexed, and added to China?

Read up on the history of colonialism in Africa, so you can at least TRY to qualify the statements you make.
I don't know how many times I can say this about China's actions abroad. It's purely business. No colonialism, no wars of ideology, no wars of religion.
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