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Featured India, US Close To Signing $700 Million Deal To Acquire 100 'GE 404' Engines For Tejas Mk1A Fighter Jets

no matter how many times you pakistan is jibe or ridicule the tejas I know for sure you people hate the fact that

1. Tejas is flown with a hi tech usa engine that is generation of ahead of the cheap Russian engines on your thunders

2..that the tejas supports hi end israeli hmd and hobs missles versis nothing on the thunders,

3. that the Indians are arming our fighters with indian smokeless new generation Astra bvrs and replacing Russian bvrs with our own bvrs going forward

4..that future Indian fighters will.continue to be powered even bigger and better engines like the ge414pe for Amca

our defense,need are moving to western technology

And this is welcome change

good luck with cheap as chips chinease stuff
firstly you don't have single block 3 in service

if as you claim. jf 17 ends in 3 years then you only buying 30 off China.
because it will.take China 3 years to deliver 30 block.3 thunders

mark 1a,rolls out in 2024

which chinease 6th gen fighter rolls out in 2024.
your post makes no sense even chinease don't make these claims

you churned out nothing
China hand delivered 130 thunders in kits to pac
you assembled them.at the rate of 12 a year as the thunder entered service 2010..

when you design and build something even a helicopter then I agree you can compare to tejas otherwise your comparing chengdu to Hal.
and chengdu wipes,the floor with indian Hal.

This is the danger of posting on Indian threads, replies are all BS

First Block 3 metal was cut last year, capacity at PAC (Proven) is 16 aircraft a year. So 3 years is a very realistic timeline. This is not HAL.

China already has 4 5th Gen projects on the go at various stages. Being very generous we will see first couple of M1As delivered to IAF in 2025. JF-17 Porduction (unless a big follow on order is placed) is set to terminate around then, with a plan on AZM to be produced in the 2026 plus timeframe. HAL will not even be halfway through it's 83 MK1A order by then. So by all credible inputs things point out to LCAs being delivered as PAF gets AZMs....
This is the danger of posting on Indian threads, replies are all BS

First Block 3 metal was cut last year, capacity at PAC (Proven) is 16 aircraft a year. So 3 years is a very realistic timeline. This is not HAL.

China already has 4 5th Gen projects on the go at various stages. Being very generous we will see first couple of M1As delivered to IAF in 2025. JF-17 Porduction (unless a big follow on order is placed) is set to terminate around then, with a plan on AZM to be produced in the 2026 plus timeframe. HAL will not even be halfway through it's 83 MK1A order by then. So by all credible inputs things point out to LCAs being delivered as PAF gets AZMs....

how,can Azm come in 2026.
we don't even have official sketch of this fictional project
2026 or 2027 is 5 or 6 years away
a brand new fifth gen fighter needs 3000 sorties up to 6 or 8 different prototypes with each prototype having additional new features,added..

you have no model
no engine
cock pit

you have an label. that is it project azm...

heck even Amca is known through out the world with dozens of.models and static first build starting metal cutting

sorry to burst your bubble
you will be getting no azm in this decade
This is the danger of posting on Indian threads, replies are all BS

First Block 3 metal was cut last year, capacity at PAC (Proven) is 16 aircraft a year. So 3 years is a very realistic timeline. This is not HAL.

China already has 4 5th Gen projects on the go at various stages. Being very generous we will see first couple of M1As delivered to IAF in 2025. JF-17 Porduction (unless a big follow on order is placed) is set to terminate around then, with a plan on AZM to be produced in the 2026 plus timeframe. HAL will not even be halfway through it's 83 MK1A order by then. So by all credible inputs things point out to LCAs being delivered as PAF gets AZMs....
You are talking to a person with such claim, what do you expect.
The indian missle technology is second to none bar usa .
how,can Azm come in 2026.
They are hoping to get something from China the way they got JF-17. Paint it and call it AZM.

They can call a fighter as JOINT without any technological capability or contribution whatsoever to the so called JOINT VENTURE.

Woh kuch bhi kar sakte hain.
They are hoping to get something from China the way they got JF-17. Paint it and call it AZM.

They can call a fighter as JOINT without any technological capability or contribution whatsoever to the so called JOINT VENTURE.

Woh kuch bhi kar sakte hain.

l know what project azm
the project is,all.about walking to China and agreeing a price plan for air for version of j31 and label it a Pakistani project

the project being can we have license assembly
can we add a western weapons of pak designed bomb on it .

it's not even close to a joint effort.

not only that the j31 is a navy fighter project as,yet .

it may enter chinease service in next 5 or 6 years,bit them readying to sell to pak is a decade away .

projects cost billions of dollars in research s luxury not available to pakistan at present i think
l know what project azm
the project is,all.about walking to China and agreeing a price plan for air for version of j31 and label it a Pakistani project

the project being can we have license assembly
can we add a western weapons of pak designed bomb on it .

it's not even close to a joint effort.

not only that the j31 is a navy fighter project as,yet .

it may enter chinease service in next 5 or 6 years,bit them readying to sell to pak is a decade away .

projects cost billions of dollars in research s luxury not available to pakistan at present i think

PAF always very open with the fact AZM would have major foreign input. Pak research and contribution being set up at Aviation City Kamra.

J-31 could very well be the basis or even Turkish TFX. Pak will certainly not make the mistake of trying to reinvent the wheel then suddenly drop everything and get US engine and Israeli missile/radar combo.

AZM may well provide a tailor 5th Gen solution for PAF in 5-6 years, going by HALs timelines LCA production will carry on into early 2030s. JF-17s will start retiring by (early blocks) by then.

Do we care we will have a 5th gen fighter that is not pure Pakistani? No. Did your Wing Co care if it was a Chinese, US or Pakistani missile that shot him down? Probably not.

Fact of the matter is PAF getting a solution we can support from in house resources. India will find it very difficult to field a 100% 5th Gen solution in the next 10-15 years without significant foreign help, it's path to 5th Gen is limited

1) Buy F-35 - Not on offer and probably restricted due to S-4000 purchase
2) Work with Russian - Tried this and failed with PAKFA, and they went ahead with the new Sukhoi Checkmate light fighter without you
3) Work with UK/Sweden on Tempest or France/Germany on FCA (Looks like India is too late and missed the boat).
4) AMCA - Again, will need massive foreign input and if it takes even half the time of the LCA this will not enter service till 2040.

You can cry about paint jobs all you want, but clear that IAF is losing the race to induct the first 5th Gen aircraft into South Asia......
PAF always very open with the fact AZM would have major foreign input. Pak research and contribution being set up at Aviation City Kamra.

J-31 could very well be the basis or even Turkish TFX. Pak will certainly not make the mistake of trying to reinvent the wheel then suddenly drop everything and get US engine and Israeli missile/radar combo.

AZM may well provide a tailor 5th Gen solution for PAF in 5-6 years, going by HALs timelines LCA production will carry on into early 2030s. JF-17s will start retiring by (early blocks) by then.

Do we care we will have a 5th gen fighter that is not pure Pakistani? No. Did your Wing Co care if it was a Chinese, US or Pakistani missile that shot him down? Probably not.

Fact of the matter is PAF getting a solution we can support from in house resources. India will find it very difficult to field a 100% 5th Gen solution in the next 10-15 years without significant foreign help, it's path to 5th Gen is limited

1) Buy F-35 - Not on offer and probably restricted due to S-4000 purchase
2) Work with Russian - Tried this and failed with PAKFA, and they went ahead with the new Sukhoi Checkmate light fighter without you
3) Work with UK/Sweden on Tempest or France/Germany on FCA (Looks like India is too late and missed the boat).
4) AMCA - Again, will need massive foreign input and if it takes even half the time of the LCA this will not enter service till 2040.

You can cry about paint jobs all you want, but clear that IAF is losing the race to induct the first 5th Gen aircraft into South Asia......

we are not racing with Pakistan my friend
your no longer a serious threat
a per capita,income of 1200 dollars.snd GDP of less than 300.billion you are no threat to any body...

our threat is the chinease posting j20 in himlayers or j31 in future .

we have options why because our pockets are deeper than most and we have good relations with all big players,

French are throwing the f4 version Rafale at us all.the time

Russia is throwing checkmate and su57 they need funding and a big order . I suspect serious knocking on our,doors asking to consider both for mmrca

usa is throwing hornets and f16 production lines to us. we rejected both if we want f35 we can get it we are usa long term strategic partner

Boris,Johnson has singled India out as the most Important trading and tech partner post euro exit. tempest or indeed uk aerospace tech is available

but we will.go with this

nations are pouring over us

why why
we are not racing with Pakistan my friend
your no longer a serious threat
a per capita,income of 1200 dollars.snd GDP of less than 300.billion you are no threat to any body...

our threat is the chinease posting j20 in himlayers or j31 in future .

we have options why because our pockets are deeper than most and we have good relations with all big players,

French are throwing the f4 version Rafale at us all.the time

Russia is throwing checkmate and su57 they need funding and a big order . I suspect serious knocking on our,doors asking to consider both for mmrca

usa is throwing hornets and f16 production lines to us. we rejected both if we want f35 we can get it we are usa long term strategic partner

Boris,Johnson has singled India out as the most Important trading and tech partner post euro exit. tempest or indeed uk aerospace tech is available

but we will.go with this

nations are pouring over us

why why

Started to read the reply. Got to second line, remembered Feb 27th then stopped reading the rest of the post assuming it is of similar quality.

I repeat what I said earlier about your fantasy about getting a,j31 air Force version in 5 or 6 years,...

it's,taken China 6 years to deliver 30 block 3 thunder until. 2024 period . what was nothing more than cock pit upgrade new,radar weapons and .

j31 is navy fighter with prototypes.
China may not even export their latest tech.
a d no way are they doing clean slate pak 5fth fighter ... not a chance...
you have no funding they need resources for j31 and j20.

the Turkish yes... are you serious 2026 s country whose aerospace and tech power resources,are less than India.s
God's,sake man are you blind we have a massive space programme build helicopters, planes,missles on our own.
tfx is a drawing board bot even a static display.. and you think the Turkish tech can get you project azm by 2026
2046 maybe

your getting desperate and it shows so much
Its easy to say that you did a JV with China and then license made them in Kamra and then said it’s Joint effort so you can’t ask it’s indigenous contents. Well which Aircraft is 100% indigenous? LCA Mk1 was not as it was our first effort, AMCA shows signs of a lot of indigenous contents.

My article

And we will be able to add anything we want of our choice as we own the Aircraft design, hence we have an advantage for making our own aircrafts.
At least its an ingenious heart. Blessed with an Indian coconut

like I said when you do something off your own design and knowledge.then talk .

start with a motor bike first

then go to helicopters, trainers,a then a,4th gen fighter.

we are building a fifth gen fighter

it's like me saying I can paint and cut the lawn so now I'm doing a full.open plan rear kitchen extension on my own
you asked what we did to design and build tejas...
I answered your question
why you need to derail.the thread yo.su30 or fake id wreaks of inferiority complex trolling jibes...typically when.you have been brutally rebutted
If you stopped loving your self then you might be able to focus on the subject that no where i asked what you did for Tejas....however i did show mirror to your country fellow and you as both you losers were blabbering nonsense about JF-17 which is understandable as unlike your Tejas it didn't spend 35 years being dragged around on a trailer and has achieved more in combat than anything in you inventory. This is what you call brutal kid.
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