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India urges France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by EU to Pakistan

😂😂 the baguettes have no power, they have a dispute with like half the eu, don’t think anyone cares what they say, you think they would like to jeopardize potential deals or relations with Pakistan for what France/india asks.
ask France to first focus on stop fishing in uk territory before trying to attempt in meddling in other countries business.
India urges France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by EU to Pakistan

By Manu Pubby, ET Bureau Last Updated: Jan 09, 2022, 11:29 PM IST

India has urged France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by the European Union to Pakistan, citing its support for terrorism, the distinct possibility of transfer of sensitive technologies to China and its poor human rights record. France has taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union this month and will hold it till June.

In the past, France had assured India that it wouldn't transfer sensitive weapon systems to Pakistan and stood by New Delhi amid border confrontation with China.

Sources told ET that the request was made during defence minister-level talks last month, when Rajnath Singh met his French counterpart Florence Parly in New Delhi. A non-paper was also handed over to the visiting French delegation that brought out deep concerns on the working of state and non-state actors in Pakistan.

It is learnt that the Indian side shared information about terrorism-related activities being supported by Pakistan, especially in Jammu and Kashmir, and the possibility of arms sold by European states finding their way to militant cadres targeting Jammu and Kashmir. There have been several instances of foreign weapons being recovered from militants being pushed from across the Line of Control.

A big concern on the possibility of Pakistan transferring European weapons technology to China was shared, given close ties between the two nations.

China is by far the largest supplier of defence systems to Pakistan, including fighter jets, frigates and submarines. This is followed by Russia, but no cutting-edge weapon systems have been supplied by Moscow in recent years. The biggest European supplier of weapons to Pakistan is Italy, which accounts for almost 6% of imports made by it. Other European nations actively supplying weapons include Sweden.

I hope the Europeans do ban the sales of Weapons to Pakistan as this will force Pakistan to increase indigenous production and innovation.[/url]
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This sort of thing by the Indians has helped Pakistan really invest in domestic capabilities as well as securing less sanction prone sources for our defence needs.

Imagine if the US hadn't sanctioned Pakistan in the 90s, we would not have the JF17 and indeed many of the capabilities we have.

The Indians, on the other hand, have suffered from this. They have these expensive foreign options available and so find it hard to invest in domestic capabilities as much as they should. Why invest in a project domestically which may or may not bear fruit in a decade when you could buy the latest stuff from the Europe or Russia?
China-India conflict is becoming very essential for Pakistan. Bhakts need to be "chhittaroled".
If France herself doesn't stop selling weapons to India we will activate counter measures soon by setting up overseas bases thru out the ME and transport stragetic teams creating a deadlock of sort we could alter entirely things upside down
Not very clear what you are saying. Can you elaborate it a little.
Setting up overseas bases? Where? Which country? Who would allow you? Who will pay for it? Please shed some light on these doubts.
We can alter the power balance with only transfer of stragetic teams and bases overseas
Strategic teams of what? GDP doesn’t matter?

This thread appears to give impression that only India does it. Any country worth its salt would do everything on and off the books to gain an edge over an adversary.
US is trying to block sale of all equipment from Russia to choke them of resources they get from these big ticket sales. US also stopped delivery of helicopters from Turkey to Pakistan to drive home a lesson. Does it make US weak?
It’s all in this game I guess. Why doesn’t Pakistan try this on India?
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What critical propulsion system?

An overly hyped Turkish Obsession and nothing else. Needs to behave and not to turn every other topic into China V/s Turkiye belittling comments.
I hope the Europeans do ban the sales of Weapons to Pakistan as this will force Pakistan to increase indigenous production and innovation.[/url]
Realistically, I don't think it will go as planned, we can't just learn decades and decades of knowledge, and build manufacturing capacities out of nowhere. In that time India would conventionally outclass us by miles. What would probably happen is that we would stick to buying from China only.
If France herself doesn't stop selling weapons to India we will activate counter measures soon by setting up overseas bases thru out the ME and transport stragetic teams creating a deadlock of sort we could alter entirely things upside down while france can't give shxt to India except Rafale but bringing arms to our backyard we will bring it elsewhere that could effect them we will not sit idle by enforcing us to eventually act because that will eventually be our excuses..

We have a hidden card on them that will see zero weapons flow from France or Israel or anywhere else to India.. Nobody will just sit idle by and let there backyard reinforced while not acting by doing vice versa.... We are watching closely.. one of the reasons weapon sells don't come to India from these areas except from Russia


I fail to see what is funny about what I said? You do realize that arming an extremist faction at your border is an indirect war against you? Hence counter-measures are not only required but an absolute necessity.. The Americans or even Israel doesn't openly sell arms to them for a good reason because they don't wanna trigger a Pakistan counter-measure but either way we are watching very closely we don't trust anything except our own intelligence agency
Happy dreams happy dreams
If by any chance (unlikely) EU considers this, Pakistan should threaten that it will be compelled to increase its nuclear arsenal if it cant get conventional weapons to defend itself .
Thanks to China and Turkey’s now mature defence industry and lots of indigenous capability now established. These antics will not hamper our defence needs like it used to back in the 90s and 2000s. We are past that :D
Even Russia may open up to selling more weapons to Pakistan (SU35 is on the table). India can't buy arms from whole world and expect to have any credible domestic arms industry.
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India urges France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by EU to Pakistan

By Manu Pubby, ET Bureau Last Updated: Jan 09, 2022, 11:29 PM IST

India has urged France to advocate for a ban on weapon sales by the European Union to Pakistan, citing its support for terrorism, the distinct possibility of transfer of sensitive technologies to China and its poor human rights record. France has taken over the presidency of the Council of the European Union this month and will hold it till June.

In the past, France had assured India that it wouldn't transfer sensitive weapon systems to Pakistan and stood by New Delhi amid border confrontation with China.

Sources told ET that the request was made during defence minister-level talks last month, when Rajnath Singh met his French counterpart Florence Parly in New Delhi. A non-paper was also handed over to the visiting French delegation that brought out deep concerns on the working of state and non-state actors in Pakistan.

It is learnt that the Indian side shared information about terrorism-related activities being supported by Pakistan, especially in Jammu and Kashmir, and the possibility of arms sold by European states finding their way to militant cadres targeting Jammu and Kashmir. There have been several instances of foreign weapons being recovered from militants being pushed from across the Line of Control.

A big concern on the possibility of Pakistan transferring European weapons technology to China was shared, given close ties between the two nations.

China is by far the largest supplier of defence systems to Pakistan, including fighter jets, frigates and submarines. This is followed by Russia, but no cutting-edge weapon systems have been supplied by Moscow in recent years. The biggest European supplier of weapons to Pakistan is Italy, which accounts for almost 6% of imports made by it. Other European nations actively supplying weapons include Sweden.


And do what?

Can India explain why it is building a massive arsenal... definitely not to breed large scale chicken hatchery to flood the world with chicken eggs?
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