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Indian mathematics is the mathematics that emerged in South Asia, also known as the Indian subcontinent,[1] from ancient times until the end of the 18th century. In the classical period of Indian mathematics (400 AD to 1200 AD), important contributions were made by scholars like Aryabhata, Brahmagupta, and Bhaskara II. The decimal number system in use today[2] was first recorded in Indian mathematics.[3] Indian mathematicians made early contributions to the study of the concept of zero as a number,[4] negative numbers,[5] arithmetic, and algebra.[6] In addition, trigonometry, having evolved in the Hellenistic world and having been introduced into ancient India through the translation of Greek works,[7] was further advanced in India, and, in particular, the modern definitions of sine and cosine were developed there.[8] These mathematical concepts were transmitted to the Middle East, China, and Europe[6] and led to further developments that now form the foundations of many areas of mathematics.

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I dont think the chinsese deserve any logical responses from us,they r incapable of understanding any thing ancient and philosphical,as they have detroyed their civilisation many times over for the thirst of blood and land.
10 base system is originated from China and spread to India!

1 = 一
10 = 十
1,000 = 千
10,000 = 万
100,0000 = 百千
1,000,000 = 百 万
100,000,000 = 亿

Negative is a Chinese invention. Debt is a Chinese term.

Listen up brother.. 10 base system did not originate in china itself.. Its way too prehistoric for a simple reason.. HUMANS HAVE 10 FINGERS IN THEIR HANDS.. So it was convenient to count in sets of 10 and hence ever since 10 has been taken as a base in all civilizations.. Further number system with base 8 (Octal number system), base 16(hex) and base 2 (binary) do exist.. And if you were taught to use either of the alternate systems from the beginning, strangely you wont find them any different to work upon than the base 10 system we have since learned to work upon...

What makes the concept of ZERO such a novelty is that, while the ZERO in itself means nothing, its position to the right of any other number before decimal, and to the left of any number after decimal changes the whole vale of the number and simplifies the operation on that value.. It is this concept of altering values of a number by its position wrt ZERO is what was taken over to europe by the arabs..

The concept of nothingness though isn't exclusive to India.. Nothingness has long been represented in various forms throughout many cultures since ancient times..

Thanks for pointing that out mate..
Fields of Indian mathematics

Some of the areas of mathematics studied in ancient and medieval India include the following:

* Arithmetic: Decimal system, Negative numbers (see Brahmagupta), Zero (see Hindu-Arabic numeral system), the modern positional notation numeral system, Floating point numbers (see Kerala School), Number theory, Infinity (see Yajur Veda), Transfinite numbers, Irrational numbers (see Shulba Sutras)
* Geometry: Square roots (see Bakhshali approximation), Cube roots (see Mahavira), Pythagorean triples (see Sulba Sutras; Baudhayana and Apastamba state the Pythagorean theorem without proof), Transformation (see Panini), Pascal's triangle (see Pingala)
* Algebra: Quadratic equations (see Sulba Sutras, Aryabhata, and Brahmagupta), Cubic equations and Quartic equations (biquadratic equations) (see Mahavira and Bhāskara II)
* Mathematical logic: Formal grammars, formal language theory, the Panini-Backus form (see Panini), Recursion (see Panini)
* General mathematics: Fibonacci numbers (see Pingala), Earliest forms of Morse code (see Pingala), Logarithms, indices (see Jaina mathematics), Algorithms, Algorism (see Aryabhata and Brahmagupta)
* Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions (see Surya Siddhanta and Aryabhata), Trigonometric series (see Madhava and Kerala School)
Indian mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The significance of the development of the positional number system is probably best described by the French mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace (1749–1827) who wrote:

"It is India that gave us the ingenuous method of expressing all numbers by the means of ten symbols, each symbol receiving a value of position, as well as an absolute value; a profound and important idea which appears so simple to us now that we ignore its true merit, but its very simplicity, the great ease which it has lent to all computations, puts our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions, and we shall appreciate the grandeur of this achievement when we remember that it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Apollonius, two of the greatest minds produced by antiquity."

Tobias Dantzig, the father of George Dantzig, had this to say in Number:

"This long period of nearly five thousand years saw the rise and fall of many a civilization, each leaving behind it a heritage of literature, art, philosophy, and religion. But what was the net achievement in the field of reckoning, the earliest art practiced by man? An inflexible numeration so crude as to make progress well nigh impossible, and a calculating device so limited in scope that even elementary calculations called for the services of an expert [...] Man used these devices for thousands of years without contributing a single important idea to the system [...] Even when compared with the slow growth of ideas during the dark ages, the history of reckoning presents a peculiar picture of desolate stagnation. When viewed in this light, the achievements of the unknown Hindu, who some time in the first centuries of our era discovered the principle of position, assumes the importance of a world event."
Excavations at Harappa, Mohenjo-daro and other sites of the Indus Valley Civilization have uncovered evidence of the use of "practical mathematics". The people of the IVC manufactured bricks whose dimensions were in the proportion 4:2:1, considered favorable for the stability of a brick structure. They used a standardized system of weights based on the ratios: 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/2, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, and 500, with the unit weight equaling approximately 28 grams (and approximately equal to the English ounce or Greek uncia). They mass produced weights in regular geometrical shapes, which included hexahedra, barrels, cones, and cylinders, thereby demonstrating knowledge of basic geometry.[17]
The inhabitants of Indus civilization also tried to standardize measurement of length to a high degree of accuracy. They designed a ruler—the Mohenjo-daro ruler—whose unit of length (approximately 1.32 inches or 3.4 centimetres) was divided into ten equal parts. Bricks manufactured in ancient Mohenjo-daro often had dimensions that were integral multiples of this unit of length.
Look guys, I never said proving 0 not having its origins in India is going to benefit China in any way. In fact, I didn't even correlate China into this. All so said there is no proof the idea of nothing originated in India because many philosophers came up with the theory, and many cultures adopted "nothing" into figures in their own context. THAT'S ALL, good night, I'm going to crash it.

now this makes u look like, u belong to a civilization.
Fields of Indian mathematics

Some of the areas of mathematics studied in ancient and medieval India include the following:

* Arithmetic: Decimal system, Negative numbers (see Brahmagupta), Zero (see Hindu-Arabic numeral system), the modern positional notation numeral system, Floating point numbers (see Kerala School), Number theory, Infinity (see Yajur Veda), Transfinite numbers, Irrational numbers (see Shulba Sutras)
* Geometry: Square roots (see Bakhshali approximation), Cube roots (see Mahavira), Pythagorean triples (see Sulba Sutras; Baudhayana and Apastamba state the Pythagorean theorem without proof), Transformation (see Panini), Pascal's triangle (see Pingala)
* Algebra: Quadratic equations (see Sulba Sutras, Aryabhata, and Brahmagupta), Cubic equations and Quartic equations (biquadratic equations) (see Mahavira and Bhāskara II)
* Mathematical logic: Formal grammars, formal language theory, the Panini-Backus form (see Panini), Recursion (see Panini)
* General mathematics: Fibonacci numbers (see Pingala), Earliest forms of Morse code (see Pingala), Logarithms, indices (see Jaina mathematics), Algorithms, Algorism (see Aryabhata and Brahmagupta)
* Trigonometry: Trigonometric functions (see Surya Siddhanta and Aryabhata), Trigonometric series (see Madhava and Kerala School)
Indian mathematics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

History of natural numbers and the status of zero
The natural numbers had their origins in the words used to count things, beginning with the number 1.[1]

The first major advance in abstraction was the use of numerals to represent numbers. This allowed systems to be developed for recording large numbers. The ancient Egyptians developed a powerful system of numerals with distinct hieroglyphs for 1, 10, and all the powers of 10 up to one million. The Babylonians had a place-value system based essentially on the numerals for 1 and 10. A stone carving from Karnak, dating from around 1500 BC and now at the Louvre in Paris, depicts 276 as 2 hundreds, 7 tens, and 6 ones; and similarly for the number 4,622.

A much later advance in abstraction was the development of the idea of zero as a number with its own numeral. A zero digit had been used in place-value notation as early as 700 BC by the Babylonians but they omitted it when it would have been the last symbol in the number.[2] The Olmec and Maya civilization used zero developed independently as a separate number as early as 1st century BC, but this usage did not spread beyond Mesoamerica. The concept as used in modern times originated with the Indian mathematician Brahmagupta in 628. Nevertheless, medieval computers (e.g. people who calculated the date of Easter), beginning with Dionysius Exiguus in 525, used zero as a number without using a Roman numeral to write it. Instead nullus, the Latin word for "nothing", was employed.

The first systematic study of numbers as abstractions (that is, as abstract entities) is usually credited to the Greek philosophers Pythagoras and Archimedes. Note that many Greek mathematicians did not consider 1 to be "a number", so to them 2 was the smallest number.[3]

Independent studies also occurred at around the same time in India, China, and Mesoamerica.

Several set-theoretical definitions of natural numbers were developed in the 19th century. With these definitions it was convenient to include 0 (corresponding to the empty set) as a natural number. Including 0 is now the common convention among set theorists, logicians, and computer scientists. Many other mathematicians also include 0, although some have kept the older tradition and take 1 to be the first natural number[4]. Sometimes the set of natural numbers with 0 included is called the set of whole numbers or counting numbers.

Negative numbers appear for the first time in history in the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art (Jiu zhang suan-shu), which in its present form dates from the period of the Han Dynasty (202 BC – 220 AD), but may well contain much older material.[2] The Nine Chapters used red counting rods to denote positive coefficients and black rods for negative.[3] (This system is the exact opposite of contemporary printing of positive and negative numbers in the fields of banking, accounting, and commerce, wherein red numbers denote negative values and black numbers signify positive values). The Chinese were also able to solve simultaneous equations involving negative numbers.

For a long time, negative solutions to problems were considered "false". In Hellenistic Egypt, Diophantus in the third century A.D. referred to an equation that was equivalent to 4x + 20 = 0 (which has a negative solution) in Arithmetica, saying that the equation was absurd.

The use of negative numbers was known in early India, and their role in situations like mathematical problems of debt was understood.[4] Consistent and correct rules for working with these numbers were formulated.[5] The diffusion of this concept led the Arab intermediaries to pass it to Europe.[4]

The ancient Indian Bakhshali Manuscript, which Pearce Ian claimed was written some time between 200 B.C. and A.D. 300,[6] while George Gheverghese Joseph dates it to about 400 AD and Takao Hayashi to no later than the early 7th century,[7] carried out calculations with negative numbers, using "+" as a negative sign.[8]
I dont think the chinsese deserve any logical responses from us,they r incapable of understanding any thing ancient and philosphical,as they have detroyed their civilisation many times over for the thirst of blood and land.

Maths are developed seperately around the world. I do not doubts the contributions of Indian mathermatician but do check out Chinese mathermatic.

Without mathermatic, Chinese could not build the great wall of China which is the biggest engineering project in the world.
its not your fault its just u born out of worthless sperm u waste of sperm

Is it the only type of quality this Indian can present and offer? :tdown:

Covered with a Pakistan flag like a wolf under a sheepskin, this Indian really managed to move into new inferiority, in the face of the whole world.

i am pained to see the poor mental conditions of the 1.3 billion slaves living in my neighbourhood.....:cry:

what did u say 6 zeroes or 6 blanks.....
1.3 billion has 9 zeroes(blanks for u....)....:tongue:

The one with 9 0s have happiness ranked at 20.

The one with 6 0s are murdered in a democratic country where the happiness ranks 35. :taz:
I saw a documentary showing Indian pickup a rock from the ground. After picking up on the ground, it left a imprint of 0. There is no rock on the ground but left a imprint of 0.

I do not know if this is true!

Concept and actual writing to record a concept is a different thing. Please read the following:



???0???? - ?????? - ???? - Powered by Discuz!

So 0 actually appeared on oracle bones. Mostly found Oracle bones are dating back to 17BC (殷商). One can thus easily believe the writing could be perhaps invented a few thousand year earlier.
The significance of the development of the positional number system is probably best described by the French mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace (1749–1827) who wrote:

"It is India that gave us the ingenuous method of expressing all numbers by the means of ten symbols, each symbol receiving a value of position, as well as an absolute value; a profound and important idea which appears so simple to us now that we ignore its true merit, but its very simplicity, the great ease which it has lent to all computations, puts our arithmetic in the first rank of useful inventions, and we shall appreciate the grandeur of this achievement when we remember that it escaped the genius of Archimedes and Apollonius, two of the greatest minds produced by antiquity."

Tobias Dantzig, the father of George Dantzig, had this to say in Number:

"This long period of nearly five thousand years saw the rise and fall of many a civilization, each leaving behind it a heritage of literature, art, philosophy, and religion. But what was the net achievement in the field of reckoning, the earliest art practiced by man? An inflexible numeration so crude as to make progress well nigh impossible, and a calculating device so limited in scope that even elementary calculations called for the services of an expert [...] Man used these devices for thousands of years without contributing a single important idea to the system [...] Even when compared with the slow growth of ideas during the dark ages, the history of reckoning presents a peculiar picture of desolate stagnation. When viewed in this light, the achievements of the unknown Hindu, who some time in the first centuries of our era discovered the principle of position, assumes the importance of a world event."

Chinese number is already a ten since the birth of language.

1 = 一
10 = 十
1,000 = 千
10,000 = 万
100,0000 = 百千
1,000,000 = 百 万
100,000,000 = 亿
Concept and actual writing to record a concept is a different thing. Please read the following:



???0???? - ?????? - ???? - Powered by Discuz!

So 0 actually appeared on oracle bones. Mostly found Oracle bones are dating back to 17BC (殷商). One can thus easily believe the writing could be perhaps invented a few thousand year earlier.

Thank you for your information.
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