Look, I grew up in Europe, human history taught by European schools is pretty much euro-centric, with most materials concentrating on industrialisation, and tiny little on China and the rest of the world.
An european doesn't know a jackshit on China, except some experts majoring World History, or someone with Chinese ancestry who care to know sth extra.
Never trust propangandadistic documentaries out there.
China was the most advanced society technologically in most part of human history, literally centuries ahead of the rest of the world, before the Brits came along with industrialisation in the recent past.
It is logical that China was used to lead the world in almost all branches of science and technologies, both civilian and military, for most part of human history.
Ancient China was mostly closed to the outside world except 3 short periods:
1, part of Tan dynasty
When Chinese chess, etc. many chinese inventions and technologies were passed on to India via Chinese travellers, mostly Buddhist pilgrims.
2. part of Yuan dynasty
when Marco Polo etc, first wave of small groups of Europeans reached China and took away many Chinese ideas and inventions after their initial shock and awe...
3 part of Ming dynasty
When Zhen He went on to showpiece Great Imperical CHina's advancement to the rest of the world via sea routes, carried with him many Chinese inventions and technologies again to Persia and India , etc.
That's it.
Meanwhile throughout the history only Arabs traders linked China with the rest of the world thru Silk Road. It was mainly a one-way traffic when Arabs took many Chinese inventions and introduced them to the Eorupeans and Persians, who then passed them on to South Asia ( today's India mainly).
Note here: India only existed after British Rai - 60 years! You can not equate Ancient Indus Valley Civilisation to the modern day India,, because by then there were many ancient tribes living in the region, for example, people currently reside in Pakistan shared a significant part of ancient Indus Valley Civilisation...
Therefore , knowing almost nothing about Imperial China, the West almost always miscredit Chinese inventions, ideas and techonogies to Arabs and Persians, sometimes to India as well (in cases like Chess, 10-based numerical system, etc, etc) , because those were the only places the West knew about in pre-industrial time. And Indians therefore, shamelessly claimed and accepted every single credit that the West gave it to them with bullshit piecemeal literatures and home-cooked documentaries.
So just use your own logic and intuition to reason and judge.
What's the big deal about zero? NOthing! Every ancient civilisation must know how to use it, since 0 is a fundamental natural concept ( as I stated in my earlier posts) that pre-historic humanity must deal with in the first step in developing any ancient technologies and knowledge.
Early Egiptians built pyramids thousands years AD. They didn't know and use the concept of zero?? Who's gonna believe that? Were they Martians?
In the end, as I said, if one really wants to know who invented 0, look no further than chimps and monkeys , which
Hindu bigots here are so eager to associate themselves with!