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India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

Indian IQ =81

Chinese IQ=100

Boyy.. The whole world must seem like numbers and more numbers to you.. I can understand.. even the CPC considers you just as a number...

Wonder how much more difficult life must have been for you had it not been for some poor Indian(IQ=81) who invented ZERO (0=0) to your rescue...

Indian invented zero but Chinese invented - (negative). Even if there is no zero, Chinese will leave a blank instead of zero. Chinese teach you count in a set of 10.
Propaganda fed society always produces brain-dead copying machines whose birth starts as a social-number in the Communist party's birth registers and ends with a statistic-number in the death registers..

A well description of India copy of British system.

Yeah... You personally measured it..

Only the history deficient, brain-handicapped would succeed in such a conjecture.

No.. our history books still teach us that we got our independence on 15th August.. I guess they teach you that the Japanese surrendered to the Chinese Might and the Americans were there just for photo-session to get their presence registered in the framed pictures..:rofl:

That's not what I was taught. That's what history has testified. I know it is beyond the comprehension of your feeble brain.

go and do some brain exercises.

Oh my god.. did you forget to register into the communist party.. Damn.. run fast, else you will be ineligible to stand in the que of comrades waiting to get treated for psychological imbalance..:woot:

Much to your horror, I stand still in anti-CPC in many aspects, even though CPC is one hundred times better than your wimpy and murderous government Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer A mere crying out for god has no use. If you don't help yourself, the god won't.
You meant US..

A simple fact, It would be stupid to produce anything and induct.

There are a few things which is not economical to produce, and moreover when we don't have the cutting edge technology, obviously not like US. So why not buy the best?


Interesting mentality.

Perhaps it's right that it is stupid to produce anything. Nonetheless it is not stupid but wise to produce something that nobody else can produce and are on high end.

Now according to your logic, it is wise NOT to produce but to buy high end product because Russia, French etc. can produce them! :lol:

Can't we be frank: sorry we can't produce good ones, instead of fumbling for lame excuses to loose even more face (dis-honesty)?
I am sure you wouldn't choose China mobile over I Phone.


It depends.

Given iPhone's price, I actually only buy made-in-China cell phone instead of iPhone, as I'll be better off if I loose those m-i-c phones 100 times than once or twice with iPhone.

As a matter of fact, iPhone in North America runs on At&T network, and verizon wireless m-i-c phone run on verizon wireless 3g network that is 3 time bigger and faster. A lawsuit between the two tele-com giants was just concluded on this aspect.

So, be smarter.
Kid, please remove your makeup! It will take "YOU" 20years to learn our language due to your low IQ (81)...

Chinese with IQ of 100 will onlt take few years.

that means chinese ancestors must be very stupid for building up such a difficult language which consumes lot of IQ....:victory:
Most important thing. It is our media which makes the story spicy to sell more.

India and China are not going to fight each other at the first place.

No one objects to spices. The only problem is that if your media feed too much lies and distortions to the public, your vastly un-educated and under-educated public would love to agitate for a war, and your democratic government has to answer your public's call.

This scenario had happened in 1962, when Nehru was so reluctant to forward into China, but your parliament, a representation of your public, cursed him as traitor and pushed him to an anti-China stance.

Thus, your media are disturbing the tranquility of the world.
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that means chinese ancestors must be very stupid for building up such a difficult language which consumes lot of IQ....:victory:

Consuming IQ...? :rofl:

Only low IQ could managed to imagine that IQ could be purchased and consumed. :lol:

Contrary to your stupidity, IQ can only be enhanced by exercising brain, such as challenging difficulties.

laying on back and indulging only in foolish aspirations can only reduce some people's already low IQ.
Consuming IQ...? :rofl:

Only low IQ could managed to imagine that IQ could be purchased and consumed. :lol:

Contrary to your stupidity, IQ can only be enhanced by exercising brain, such as challenging difficulties.

laying on back and indulging only in foolish aspirations can only reduce some people's already low IQ.

same thing i want to deliver u.. u have to do more.... extra exercise to learn chinese language... that means it also consumes more time and hence the following quote is prooved to b true..

DAMN... IT Took you 20 years to learn your Language?? That means you were able to use mandarin only after you entered adulthood.. Till then you used only sign-language??.. my my..

Boyyy... I learned mine ever since i was a kid.. And have been comfortable using it ever since.. and on top of that i learnt English too..:pop:

atleast u accepted it..
A well description of India copy of British system.


Only the history deficient, brain-handicapped would succeed in such a conjecture.

CONGRATULATIONS!!.. You Succeeded..:yahoo:

That's not what I was taught. That's what history has testified.

Really.. If that was not what you were taught, then what was it that you were taught??..
BTW what History testifies is that, it was the two nuclear potatoes dropped over Nagasaki and Hiroshima which brought the Japanese to their knees and they surrendered unconditionally to the Allied powers.. Till then the Japs were having a merry-time in China...
The world gives a damn if the History testified something else in your Communist Red-Book...:angel:

I know it is beyond the comprehension of your feeble brain

I know.. Indian=81, Chinese=100, Martians=134266252, more numbers..

go and do some brain exercises.

Can't prescribe the same to you.. You don't have one..

Much to your horror, I stand still in anti-CPC in many aspects, even though CPC is one hundred times better than your wimpy and murderous government

Really??..You are anti-CPC.. Good.. So when do you plan to get your protests registered with the CPC for those aspects instead of blabbing in the confines of a forum??..

Or with IQ=100, you have learnt your lessons from the TIENANMEN??

Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer A mere crying out for god has no use. If you don't help yourself, the god won't.

Damn.. same 2 million slum children once again.. You guys are so fascinated by numbers, ain't you?? Every Chinese comes up with the same 2 million figure.. I bow before the assembly line education system put up by your CPC masters which feeds the same garbage to every Chinese social-number..
And how come you forgot our LATRINE PROBLEM??..
Come on guys, you are IQ=100 people..
Be a little more innovative next time..
we are beginning to get bored with your same old 2 million figure.. At least increase the numerical figure by a million or two if not decrease it..:bounce:

Damn.. same 2 million slum children once again.. You guys are so fascinated by numbers, ain't you?? Every Chinese comes up with the same 2 million figure.. I bow before the assembly line education system put up by your CPC masters which feeds the same garbage to every Chinese social-number..
And how come you forgot our LATRINE PROBLEM??..
Come on guys, you are IQ=100 people..
Be a little more innovative next time..
we are beginning to get bored with your same old 2 million figure.. At least increase the numerical figure by a million or two if not decrease it..:bounce:

I'm certainly not fascinated by the number. I am simply astonished and appalled by the number!

Event Adolf Hitler would fail to match that number.

Don't live in a state of denial, mate! That won't do you good. You've got to face the fact and truth.

In fact, this 2million is old, and at the same time is new, too, as this is perpetual. If your GoI doesn't have innovation to check the death of your innocent children, your innocent pregnant women, no one else can help.

Stop being callous to those perished under YOUR democracy! Be them perished yesterday, today, or tomorrow.
I'm certainly not fascinated by the number. I am simply astonished and appalled by the number!

Event Adolf Hitler would fail to match that number.

Don't live in a state of denial, mate! That won't do you good. You've got to face the fact and truth.

In fact, this 2million is old, and at the same time is new, too, as this is perpetual. If your GoI doesn't have innovation to check the death of your innocent children, your innocent pregnant women, no one else can help.

Stop being callous to those perished under YOUR democracy! Be them perished yesterday, perish today, or will perish tomorrow.

we care about the 1.3 billion slaves living in ur country.....
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