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India unveils 5-year military buildup plan against China

When you can do that come back and boast, till then impress the girls in school and BTW before that take over a small Island called Taiwan on your door steps.


Hey, buddy! Long time no see, how are you?

He's doing it in an Indian way, as that way is pretty infectious, guess. :lol:
Dude ...you are too Good.....

BTW, I met a Chinese pro-democracy guy a month back in Australia. He was so critical of Chinese Govt. He had apparently suffered by their Darconian rules. He told that while the world is making their impression of China by looking at the big cities, the people in viallges have become extremely poor and are persecuted..... Its like concentrating the wealth in few pockets and restricting all media coverage....etc etc. Chinese data can not be trusted at all..

As per him, China is behaving more like Hitler and Stalin and soon would be the biggest headache for the world in general....he added that finally the people of China ( villages) will lead to the nemesis of the fascist forces.:coffee:

Did Hitler kill his children in two millions a year? Hell no!

But you did unremittingly! Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer
Japan anyone??:rofl:
Sorry... it was Nippon then:rofl:


Low literacy society always produces brain-handicapped in history knowledge as such.

Japan only took 1/4 of China and finally presented this to China:
Japanese Instrument of Surrender

We, acting by command of and on behalf of the Emperor of Japan, the Japanese Government and the Japanese Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions in the declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the United States, China, and Great Britain 26 July 1945 at Potsdam, and subsequently to by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.


Douglas MacArthur
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers

C.W. Nimitz
United States Representative

Hsu Yung-Ch'ang
Republic of China Representative

Bruce Fraser
United Kingdom Representative

Kuzma Derevyanko
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Representative

Thomas Blamey
Commonwealth of Australia Representative

L. Moore Cosgrave
Dominion of Canada Representative

Jacques Leclerc
Provisional Government of the French Republic Representative

C.E.L. Helfrich
Kingdom of the Netherlands Representative

Leonard M. Isitt
Dominion of New Zealand Representative

Japanese Instrument of Surrender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Can you show us a British Instrument of Surrender to India??

I know your feeble capability simply disallows/denies you.

Low literacy society always produces brain-handicapped in history knowledge as such.

Japan only took 1/4 of China and finally presented this to China:

Can you show us a British Instrument of Surrender to India??

I know your feeble capability simply disallows/denies you.

Interesting point but the history we read tells us that US didn't dropped two nukes on UK..
May be it did but we are weak in history as you say..
India is a lauging stock to many countries! West sold weapon to India as she wants to make her a dog to them. The West are worry on the rising China. West needs her dog to bite China

I wonder why your gibberish posts are not being deleted, at least for the RAPE OF ENGLISH AS A HUMAN UNDERSTANDABLE LANGUAGE, if not for its Racially anti-Indian overtone..

West needs her dog to bite China

Now thats a literary Balatkar, Thuchuk-Thuchuk!!..:rofl:

try this one:


trust me dude, it would take you another 20 years to learn our language which can be traced back to 5000 years ago.

DAMN... IT Took you 20 years to learn your Language?? That means you were able to use mandarin only after you entered adulthood.. Till then you used only sign-language??.. my my..

Boyyy... I learned mine ever since i was a kid.. And have been comfortable using it ever since.. and on top of that i learnt English too..:pop:

Now let me tell u why we r poor because we are all masters of our will.I am yet to come by any individual in the society who claims that the state did'nt allowed to nurtutre his/hers talent.The reality is people (70 % in villages) are content with themselves and their belngings.If they would have been discontent they would have raised atleast a scores of mutiny in the last 60 years.The only discontent among section of people in the tribal ares pesists because and such people are called maoists beacuse they somehow developed liking for the gun rather for the pen just like ur MAo and are aptly called Maoists.And when the discontent people decide to bring about a change they are not only capable of bringing a change to their lives but can change the entire government at the click of a button on the EVM.I feel sorry that chinese r shot at point blank range when they feel agitated and raise their voice against the state.Believe me chinese people there is nothing unusual about it ,we in India when feel the urge to change ,we kick the B**t of our governments.
Now what I feel about ur communist party .I think its working is typical how would a mafia leader would run its gang.He just orders what it feels is good for its personal ambition.He wants to become more powerful by exploiting its people for himself.For him the people are nothing but dots on a paper which completes his picture.Aligning people by making them them stultifying so that they dont ask question nd dont question ur authority is not only wrong but demonic.

While you do have some reason in your remarks, but most are laughable.

Master of will doesn't have to be poor. Instead, only the fool are proud of being poor, because the fool can provide nothing but poor.

Much to your horror, actually the Chinese are happier than democratic Indians in general: Happy Planet Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20 China
35 India

1 being the happiest.

CPC does have much to condemn, such like being Mafia. But your democratic government is even worse than Mafia. How come? Because in recently several decades in China, there are not many people starved to death, but your mafia government lets it happen in India. In addition your mafia/Hitler government softly kill two million innocent children a year Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer

In conclusion, yes you can switch government, yes you can switch politicians. But you can only afford to switch from a murderous government to another murderous government, from Mafia and criminal politicians to other Mafia and criminal politicians. Still the two million death is perpetuating.. unremittingly.

Be sane and think over it.

Low literacy society always produces brain-handicapped in history knowledge as such.

Japan only took 1/4 of China and finally presented this to China:

Can you show us a British Instrument of Surrender to India??

I know your feeble capability simply disallows/denies you.

Instrument of Surrender? Britons ran away literally, they could hardly pull their pants let alone make a Instrument of Surrender. Now since you are such literate, I am sure you can figure out the meaning of leaving an established empire fearing as petty a thing as non-violence? Go learn from your president, what exactly is the meaning of winning.
DAMN... IT Took you 20 years to learn your Language?? That means you were able to use mandarin only after you entered adulthood.. Till then you used only sign-language??.. my my..

Boyyy... I learned mine ever since i was a kid.. And have been comfortable using it ever since.. and on top of that i learnt English too..:pop:

:rofl: Thanks again! For a good humor :) :tup:
DAMN... IT Took you 20 years to learn your Language?? That means you were able to use mandarin only after you entered adulthood.. Till then you used only sign-language??.. my my..

Boyyy... I learned mine ever since i was a kid.. And have been comfortable using it ever since.. and on top of that i learnt English too..:pop:

Kid, please remove your makeup! It will take "YOU" 20years to learn our language due to your low IQ (81)...

Chinese with IQ of 100 will onlt take few years.

Low literacy society always produces brain-handicapped in history knowledge as such.

Propaganda fed society always produces brain-dead copying machines whose birth starts as a social-number in the Communist party's birth registers and ends with a statistic-number in the death registers..

Japan only took 1/4 of China and finally presented this to China:

Yeah... You personally measured it..

Can you show us a British Instrument of Surrender to India??

No.. our history books still teach us that we got our independence on 15th August.. I guess they teach you that the Japanese surrendered to the Chinese Might and the Americans were there just for photo-session to get their presence registered in the framed pictures..:rofl:

I know your feeble capability simply disallows/denies you.

Oh my god.. did you forget to register into the communist party.. Damn.. run fast, else you will be ineligible to stand in the que of comrades waiting to get treated for psychological imbalance..:woot:
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Kid, please remove your makeup! It will take "YOU" 20years to learn our language due to your low IQ (81)...

Chinese with IQ of 100 will onlt take few years.

Indian IQ =81

Chinese IQ=100

Boyy.. The whole world must seem like numbers and more numbers to you.. I can understand.. even the CPC considers you just as a number...

Wonder how much more difficult life must have been for you had it not been for some poor Indian(IQ=81) who invented ZERO (0=0) to your rescue...
You forgot? why was The Public Garden(Huangpu Park) closed to Chinese people between 1890 and 1928, Do you want to know that myth was mr.Chinese?? and You still are slaves to communism...

Indeed this is a shame to all the Chinese, even though this is only a tiny, tiny park. And the Chinese never forget it in a second.

More to your story, those westerners hired Indians as their watching dogs and running jackals guarding the park. Those Indians, being called A3 by the Chinese, obviously proud of being pawns of imperialists, behaved like a second master in front of the Chinese. Hearsay goes from elderly Chinese that those Indians were more hideous, more inhuman, more daemon-like in treating the Chinese than their colonist masters.

In 1962, rumor went that there was a Indian battalion that had been stationed in Shanghai and happened to among those forwarded into China's territory. Mao reportedly said: wipe the sh!t out, to revenge 100 year humiliation. The sh!t then was vanished from the earth, forever...

Today's India, many treated worse than slave: they can't even be allowed to live on the earth Two million slum children die every year as India booms | World news | The Observer
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Instrument of Surrender? Britons ran away literally, they could hardly pull their pants let alone make a Instrument of Surrender. Now since you are such literate, I am sure you can figure out the meaning of leaving an established empire fearing as petty a thing as non-violence? Go learn from your president, what exactly is the meaning of winning.

In Hongkong and China, you are right, but perhaps not as much in British Burma and British India.

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